
Ключевые слова

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Ivysaur is a quadrupedal amphibian Pokémon that has blue-green skin with darker patches. On top of its head are pointed ears with black insides and it has narrow red eyes. Ivysaur has a short, rounded snout with a wide mouth and two pointed teeth in its upper jaw. Each of its feet has three claws on them. The bulb on its back has bloomed into a large pink bud. A short brown trunk surrounded by leafy green fronds supports the bud. The weight of the plant prevents Ivysaur from running fast and standing on its hind legs, forcing its legs to grow sturdy. When its flower is ready to bloom, it gives off a distinct, sweet-smelling aroma and starts swelling. Ivysaur will also start spending more time in sunlight in preparation for its upcoming evolution. Exposure to sunlight adds to the strength of both Ivysaur and its plant. Ivysaur are typically found in plains. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Venusaur is a squat, quadrupedal amphibian Pokémon with bumpy, blue-green skin. It has small, circular red eyes and a short, blunt snout. Its mouth is wide with two pointed teeth in the upper jaw and four in the lower jaw. On top of its head are small, pointed ears with reddish pink insides. It has three clawed toes on each foot. The bud on its back has bloomed into a large pink, white-spotted flower. The flower is supported by a thick, brown trunk surrounded by green fronds. A female Venusaur has a seed in the center of its flower. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Charmander is a bipedal, reptilian Pokémon with a primarily orange body and blue eyes. Its underside from the chest down and the soles of its feet are cream-colored. It has two small fangs visible in its upper jaw and two smaller fangs in its lower jaw. A fire burns at the tip of this Pokémon's slender tail and has blazed there since Charmander's birth. The flame can be used as an indication of Charmander's health and mood, burning brightly when the Pokémon is strong, weakly when it is exhausted, wavering when it is happy, and blazing when it is enraged. It is said that Charmander dies if its flame goes out. However, if the Pokémon is healthy, the flame will continue to burn even if it gets a bit wet and is said to steam in the rain. Charmander can be found in hot, mountainous areas. However, it is found far more often in the ownership of Trainers. As shown in Pokémon Snap, Charmander exhibits pack behavior, calling others of its species if it finds food. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Charmeleon is a bipedal, reptilian Pokémon. It has dark red scales and a cream underside from the chest down. It has blue eyes and a long snout with a slightly hooked tip. On the back of its head is a single horn-like protrusion. It has relatively long arms with three sharp claws. Its short legs have plantigrade feet with three claws and cream-colored soles. The tip of its long, powerful tail has a flame burning on it. The temperature rises to unbearable levels if Charmeleon swings its tail. Charmeleon has a vicious nature and will constantly seek out opponents. Strong opponents excite this Pokémon, causing it to spout bluish-white flames that torch its surroundings. However, it will relax once it has won a battle. It is rare in the wild, but it can be found in mountainous areas. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Charizard is a draconic, bipedal Pokémon. It is primarily orange with a cream underside from the chest to the tip of its tail. It has a long neck, small blue eyes, slightly raised nostrils, and two horn-like structures protruding from the back of its rectangular head. There are two fangs visible in its upper jaw when its mouth is closed. Two large wings with blue-green undersides sprout from its back, and a horn-like appendage juts out from the top of the third joint of each wing. A single wing-finger is visible through the center of each wing membrane. Charizard's arms are short and skinny compared to its robust belly, and each limb has three white claws. It has stocky legs with cream-colored soles on each of its plantigrade feet. The tip of its long, tapering tail burns with a sizable flame. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Squirtle is a small reptilian Pokémon that resembles a light-blue turtle. While it typically walks on its two short legs, it has been shown to run on all fours in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. It has large, purplish or reddish eyes and a slightly hooked upper lip. Each of its hands and feet have three pointed digits. The end of its long tail curls inward. Its body is encased by a tough shell that forms and hardens after birth. This shell is brown on the top, pale yellow on the bottom, and has a thick white ridge between the two halves. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Wartortle is a bipedal, indigo reptilian Pokémon similar to a turtle. It has brown eyes, a dark blue streak on each cheek, and two sharp teeth protruding from its upper jaw. It has three clawed fingers and pointed toes. On each side of its head are feather-like ears covered in pale blue fur. A brown shell with a pale yellow underside encases its body. A thick, white rim separates the upper and lower halves of the shell. An older Wartortle may have scars and algae growing on its shell. Poking out of the bottom of the shell is a thick, wavy tail that also has light blue fur and cannot be fully withdrawn into its shell. Its tail fur will darken with age. Its tail is a popular symbol of longevity and good luck, making this Pokémon popular with the elderly. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Blastoise is a large, bipedal turtle Pokémon. Its body is blue and is mostly hidden by its tough, brown shell. This shell has a cream-colored underside and a white ridge encircling its arms and separating the upper and lower halves. Two powerful water cannons reside at the top of its shell over its shoulders. These cannons can be extended or withdrawn. Blastoise's head has triangular ears that are black on the inside, small brown eyes, and a cream-colored lower jaw. Its arms are thick, and it has three claws on each hand. Its feet have three claws on the front and one on the back. Poking out of the bottom of its shell is a stubby tail. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Caterpie is an insect Pokémon that resembles a green caterpillar with a yellow underside and teardrop-shaped tail. There are yellow ring-shaped markings down the sides of its segmented body, which resemble its eyes and are meant to scare off predators. Its most notable characteristic is the bright red antenna (osmeterium) on its head, which releases a stench to repel predators. Despite these features and its camouflage in green foliage, Caterpie is often preyed upon by Flying-type Pokémon. Its four tiny feet are tipped with suction cups, permitting this Pokémon to scale most surfaces with minimal effort. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Metapod is an insect Pokémon that resembles a green chrysalis. Its body is crescent-shaped with several segments making up the lower point. The front of Metapod's shell resembles a face with heavy-lidded eyes and a sharply pointed nose. The back of its shell consists of several geometrically shaped portions and projections. Metapod's soft body is protected by a hard outer shell as it undergoes metamorphosis. While this shell is said to be as hard as steel, a sudden, powerful impact could cause its liquid innards to pop out, leaving it completely exposed. Metapod generally remains motionless, rebuilding its cells for evolution. If an enemy discovers Metapod, it is unable to do anything other than harden its outer shell. Metapod lives in temperate forests and jungles, often in groups. Pikipek is a natural predator of Metapod. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Butterfree is a lepidopteran insect Pokémon which resembles a vaguely anthropomorphic butterfly with a purple body. Unlike true insects, it only has two body segments and four light blue legs. The upper pair of its legs resemble small, three-fingered hands, while the lower pair resembles long, digit-less feet. Butterfree has two black antennae, a light blue snout with two fangs underneath, and large, red compound eyes. Its two pairs of wings are white with black venation. Two oval scales on a female Butterfree's lower wings are black, but they are white on a male. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Weedle is a larval insect Pokémon with a segmented body ranging in color from yellow to reddish-brown. Each segment of its body is a sphere. It has a bulbous red nose, two small, black eyes on its face and two spherical feet on each body segment. The combination of red and yellow in its color scheme creates a bright warning to predators that it is poisonous. Weedle has a conical, two-inch (five centimeter) venomous stinger on its head and a barbed one on its tail. Weedle can retaliate against attackers and those who step on it with its strong toxin. It can distinguish its favorite kinds of leaves using its acute sense of smell. As a young Bug-type Pokémon, its daily appetite for leaves matches its weight. Weedle can be found in temperate forests and usually hides in grass, bushes, and under the leaves it eats. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Kakuna is a yellow, insect cocoon-like Pokémon. Kakuna has a dome-shaped head and black, triangular eyes with glowing white pupils. It has two scythe-like arms in the middle of its body. When it comes close to evolving, its body gives off heat that makes it warm to the touch. Kakuna remains virtually immobile and waits for evolution, often hanging from tree branches by long strands of silk. When attacked, however, it can extend its poison barbs. Kakuna nests in temperate forests and misty wooded areas. Occasionally, it will also nest at the mouth of tunnels and caves, as seen in Pokémon Snap. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Beedrill is an insect Pokémon which mostly resembles a bipedal, yellow wasp; however, it only has four legs instead of six and lacks pigment pits. Beedrill's head is round with a slightly pointed mouth; large, red eyes; and black antennae with a sharp bend in the middle. Its forelegs are tipped with long, conical stingers. It stands on its other two legs, which are long, segmented, and insectoid in shape. Beedrill has two pairs of rounded, veined wings, and another stinger on its yellow-and-black striped abdomen. The abdomen stinger contains Beedrill's most potent poison. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Pidgey is a small, plump-bodied avian Pokémon. It is primarily brown with a cream-colored face, underside, and flight feathers. On top of its head is a short crest of three tufts. The center crest feathers are brown and the outer two tufts are cream-colored. Just under its crest are its narrow eyes which have white sclera and pupil along with its black irises. Angular black marking extend from behind its eyes and continue down its cheeks. It has a short, stubby beak and feet with two toes in front and one in back. Both its beak and feet are a grayish-pink. It has a short, brown tail made of three feathers. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Pidgeotto is a raptor-like avian Pokémon. It is covered with brown feathers, has a cream-colored face, underside, and flight feathers. It has a crest of pinkish-red feathers on its head and black, angular markings behind its black eyes. The plumage of its tail has alternating red and yellow feathers with ragged tips. Pidgeotto's beak and legs are pink. Two of its toes point forward, while one points backward. Additionally, it has powerful, sharp talons that it uses to grasp prey. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Pidgeot is an avian Pokémon with large wings, sharp talons, and a short, hooked beak. Its glossy plumage is mostly brown with cream-colored underparts and flight feathers. Its head has a decorated crest that is nearly as long as its body. The center feathers of its crest are yellow, while the outer feathers are red. The fan-like feathers of its tail are red or brown. Its beak and legs are pink, and there are three forward-facing toes and one backward-facing toe on each foot. Behind each eye is an angular black marking. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Rattata is a small, quadrupedal rodent Pokémon. It has purple fur with a cream-colored face, paws, and underbelly. It has narrow eyes containing white sclera and pupil with red irises, rounded ears with cream-colored insides, and a single whisker on each cheek. Its long tail is tightly curled at the end. Its most notable feature is its large teeth. Like most rodents, its teeth grow continuously throughout its life and must be worn down by gnawing. A female Rattata will have shorter whiskers and lighter fur. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Raticate is a large, rodent-like Pokémon. Although it is often depicted on its hind legs, it is a quadruped. It is primarily tawny-colored with a cream underside. It has narrow black eyes, ears with ragged edges and dark insides, and large incisors that grow constantly. There are three whiskers on each side of its face, which it uses to maintain balance. It has short arms with three-fingered hands and webbed feet with three toes. The webbing on its feet allows it to swim. Its tail is long and scaly. A female will have shorter whiskers and lighter fur. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Spearow is an avian Pokémon that is very small. It has rough, brown plumage on its head and three brown tail feathers. It has narrow, dark brown eyes with white pupils and a short, hooked beak that is light pink. The feathers covering its wings are pinkish-red with lighter tips, and it has a beige underside with two thin, horizontal stripes. Its light pink feet have two toes in front and one in the back. Black feathers cover its back. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Fearow is a large, mostly brown avian Pokémon with a vulturine neck and broad, powerful wings. It has a long, pointed, pink beak and a decorative red coxcomb on top of its head. Its narrow eyes have very small pupils and do not appear to have colored irises. It has shaggy, feathers at the base of its neck and covering the upper portion of its wings. These feathers are cream-colored, as are the tips of its flight feathers. Its sharp-clawed talons are pink, with three toes pointing forward and one pointing backward. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Ekans is a purple, serpentine Pokémon. Its eyes, underbelly, the thick stripe around its neck, and rattle are yellow. Ekans has three pairs of black lines encircling its body, as well as another line that connects to each slit-pupiled eye and curves toward its nose. Its large mouth has a round, pink tongue and no visible teeth. While painful, a newborn Ekans's bite is not venomous. This Pokémon grows longer with age. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Arbok is a serpentine Pokémon that resembles a cobra. It has narrow eyes and several sharp teeth. Just below its head is a large hood with a face-like pattern. This pattern has over 20 possible variations. The pattern typically has two red and yellow eyespots outlined in black, a wide black streak resembling an upturned mouth, and a black V-shaped stripe above the eyespots. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Pikachu is a short, chubby rodent Pokémon. It is covered in yellow fur with two horizontal brown stripes on its back. It has a small mouth, long, pointed ears with black tips, and brown eyes. Each cheek is a red circle that contains a pouch for electricity storage. It has short forearms with five fingers on each paw, and its feet each have three toes. At the base of its lightning bolt-shaped tail is a patch of brown fur. A female will have a V-shaped notch at the end of its tail, which looks like the top of a heart. It is classified as a quadruped, but it has been known to stand and walk on its hind legs. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Raichu is a bipedal, rodent-like Pokémon. Raichu is covered in dark orange fur with a white belly. Its bifurcated ears are brown on the outside, yellow on the insides, and end in a distinctive curl. There is a circular yellow marking on each cheek where its electric sacs are, and it has a triangular, dark brown nose. Its arms and feet have patches of brown fur at the end, and the soles of its long feet are tan with a circular orange pad in the center. On its back are two horizontal brown stripes. Its long, thin tail has a lightning bolt-shaped end. This lightning bolt is chipped on females. Raichu exudes a weak electrical charge from all its body and glows slightly in the dark. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Sandshrew is a bipedal pholidote Pokémon, but runs on all fours in the anime. Its brick-patterned yellow hide is dry, tough, blends in with desert sand, and protects its soft white underbelly and muzzle. Sandshrew has blue, almond-shaped eyes, a pointed snout, and triangular ears with white insides. Its tail is thick and conical. It has two long claws on each foot and three sharp claws on its forepaws, which are used to burrow. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Sandslash is a bipedal, ground-dwelling pholidote Pokémon. Although Sandslash is usually bipedal, it can run on all fours. Most of its underside is light yellow with a white underbelly. It has a narrow muzzle, almond-shaped blue eyes, and a thick tail. Its back is mostly covered in sharp, brown quills formed from its tough, dry hide. It has two large claws on its paws and feet. These claws are its primary weapons and are used for slashing, but can also be used for burrowing. Its claws and spikes can both break off, but they grow back quickly and are shed regularly. Sandslash's broken parts can be used to carve plows for tilling farm fields. The claws can become harder and smoother if it lives in drier areas. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Nidoran ♀ is a small, quadrupedal, mammalian Pokémon. It has large, spiny ears; oversized front teeth; red eyes; and a pair of whiskers on each cheek. It is light blue with several darker blue spots. There are two white claws on each of its paws. Its back is covered with small toxic spines, and it has a small forehead horn. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Nidorina is a quadrupedal, sky-blue mammalian Pokémon with dark-blue patches. It has red eyes, large, spiny ears, and has two pointed teeth protruding from its upper jaw. It possesses large poison spikes, which it retracts whenever it is with a group, feeding its children, or while resting in its burrow. Its paws have three claws each, and it is able to stand on its hind legs. The hind legs are longer and thicker than its forelegs. It has a stubby tail. Nidorina is a female-only species. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Nidoqueen is a large, bipedal blue mammalian Pokémon with distinct reptilian features. Its body is encased with extremely hard scales that serve as excellent protection from any attack and stand up when Nidoqueen is excited or provoked. It has a blunt snout, narrow brown eyes, and large ears with brown insides. There is a small horn on its forehead, a single spine on each ear, and a line of toxic spikes running down the length of its back. Each hand has three short claws and each foot was two claws. Its lower jaw, the front of its abdomen, and two plates on its chest are cream-colored. It has a thick, powerful tail. Nidoqueen is a female-only species. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Nidoran ♂ is a small, quadrupedal, mammalian Pokémon. It is pinkish purple with darker patches. It has large, spiny ears with teal insides, oversized front teeth, and red eyes. Its back is covered with three lines of large spines that can release potent poisons if threatened. The center line of spines is taller than the other two. The size of the long, pointed horn on its forehead is indicative of the strength of its venom. Nidoran♂ is a male-only species. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Nidorino is a light-purple, quadrupedal mammalian Pokémon. It has several darker purple patches across its body. It has large, spiny ears with teal insides, narrow black eyes, and a long snout with two pointed teeth protruding from the upper jaw. Nidorino has a ridge of toxic spines on its back and a long pointed horn on its forehead. The horn is harder than a diamond and capable of secreting poison on impact. The more adrenaline Nidorino has in its body, the more potent the poison is. Its short legs have three claws on each foot. Nidorino is a male-only species. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Nidoking is a large, bipedal, purple mammalian Pokémon with distinct reptilian features. It has narrow eyes, large, spiny ears, fur-like tufts on its cheeks, and a short snout filled with pointed teeth. There is a long, venomous horn on its forehead and a ridge of spines down its back. Gray plates cover its chest and belly, and there is a gray, rounded spine on each elbow. Each hand has three claws, while each foot has only a single hoof-like nail. It has a long, powerful tail. Nidoking is a male-only species. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Clefairy is a bipedal, pink Pokémon with a chubby, vaguely star-shaped body. A small, pointed tooth protrudes from the upper left corner of its mouth. It has wrinkles beside its black, oval eyes, a single dark pink oval marking on each cheek, and large, pointed ears with brown tips. A tuft of fur curls over its forehead, much like its large, upward-curling tail. Each stocky arm has two small claws and a thumb on each hand and both feet have a single toenail. There is a pair of tiny, butterfly-shaped wings on its back. Though incapable of flight, Clefairy's wings can store moonlight and allow it to float. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Clefable is a tall, pink Pokémon with a vaguely star-shaped body. It has long, pointed ears with dark brown tips and black, oval eyes with wrinkles on either side. A curled lock of fur hangs over its forehead, much like its long, tightly curled tail. On its back is a pair of dark pink wings; each wing has three points. Its hands have three fingers each, and its feet have two clawed toes and dark pink soles. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Vulpix is a small, quadrupedal, canine Pokémon. It has a red-brown pelt with a cream-colored underbelly. It has brown eyes, large, pointed ears with dark brown insides, and a triangular dark brown nose. Its paws are slightly darker than the rest of its pelt and have light brown paw pads. On top of its head are three curled locks of orange fur with bangs, and it has orange tails with curled tips. It is most commonly seen with six tails. However, Vulpix is born with only a single, white tail that splits as Vulpix grows. The tails grow hot as it approaches evolution. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Ninetales is a quadrupedal canine Pokémon covered in thick, luxurious golden-white fur. It has a small mane of thicker fur around its neck and a long, fluffy crest atop its head. It has slender legs with three-toed paws and nine, long tails with pale orange tips. It has red eyes, pointed ears, and a triangular black nose. While intelligent enough to easily understand human speech, Ninetales is a very vengeful Pokémon that has been known to curse those who mistreat it. It can live for 1,000 years due to the energy within its nine tails, each of which is said to have a different mystical power. Flames spewed from its mouth can hypnotize an opponent and its gleaming red eyes that are said to give it the ability to control minds. The anime has shown that it can swim. Being the result of an evolution via Evolution stone, Ninetales is rarely found in the wild, though they can be found in grasslands. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Jigglypuff is a pink Pokémon with a spherical body. It has pointed ears with black insides and large, blue eyes. It has small, stubby arms and slightly longer feet. On top of its head is a curled tuft of fur. Its body is filled with air and, as seen in Pokémon Stadium, Jigglypuff can deflate until it is flat. It is able to float by drawing extra air into its body, as demonstrated in Super Smash Bros. Jigglypuff can use its eyes to mesmerize opponents. It has a large lung capacity, exceeding most other Pokémon. Once it has an opponent's attention, Jigglypuff will inflate its lungs and begin to sing a soothing and mysterious lullaby. This melody can cause anyone who listens to become sleepy. If the opponent resists falling asleep, Jigglypuff will endanger its own life by continuing to sing until it runs out of air. It will continue to sing until the opponent is asleep. It is able to adjust the wavelength of its voice to match the brain waves of someone in a deep sleep. This helps ensure drowsiness in its opponents. Its vocal range exceeds 12 octaves, but its skill depends on the individual. Its song varies by region, and in some areas, it sounds like shouting. Jigglypuff can mostly be found in lush green plains and grassy meadows. Scream Tail shares a resemblance to Jigglypuff. It is believed Scream Tail is Jigglypuff's ancestor from one billion years ago. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Wigglytuff is a balloon-like Pokémon with leporine features, a bean-shaped body and stubby arms and legs. There is a fluffy, curled tuft of fur on its head, which is described as perfectly heavenly. It has long, rabbit-like ears with black insides and slightly lighter color at the tips. Its large, blue eyes are covered in a layer of tears that quickly washes away any debris. It is covered in pink fur with a white belly. This fine layer of fur is so soft that those who touch it, including other Wigglytuff, will not want to stop. As a result, Wigglytuff is a highly sought after Pokémon because of its bouncy body and fur. It sheds seasonally, and people gather the fur to spin into yarn. It is proud of its fine and delicate fur. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Zubat is a blue, chiropteran Pokémon. While it lacks eyes, it has pointed ears with purple insides and a mouth with two sharp teeth on each jaw. A male will have larger fangs than a female. It has purple wing membranes supported by two, elongated fingers, and two long, thin tails. Zubat lives in abundance in dark caves, although it has also been known to dwell in forests and under the eaves of old buildings. Due to its habitat, Zubat has evolved to have neither eyes nor nostrils. It instead navigates through dark environments and tight caves with echolocation, emitting ultrasonic cries to detect targets and obstacles. The frequency of these cries can vary slightly between Zubat colonies. As demonstrated in the anime, it will leave its abode at night with a mass of other Zubat in order to seek prey. Zubat is nocturnal, and sleeps hanging upside down during the daytime, avoiding sunlight at all costs. Daylight causes Zubat to become unhealthy, and prolonged exposure can even burn its skin. However, captured and trained Zubat have been recorded as being much more tenacious in the daytime, even when directly exposed to sunbeams. While sleeping, or in colder conditions, Zubat gathers with others of its kind for warmth. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)



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@Unknown - Sep 19

Мне вот интересно, вопросы на экзамене будут только по книге?

@Unknown - Aug 28

Что означает 300 ?

1 0
@Unknown - Aug 26

Я что то не понял, вопросы только про знаки?

@Unknown - Aug 07

Пробовал пройти много раз. Всегда появляется варианты где есть два одинаковых ответа даже по несколько раз. Иногда угадывал какой. Но если угадывал через несколько вопросов опять появлялось такая ситуация и опять нужно было гадать. Эту ошибку нужно исправить, о то она показывает на некомпетентность ваших программистов. На самом деле если бы не эти глупые ситуации отвечал бы сотни раз подряд правильно на все вопросы. Видимо специально устроена такая подлянка чтобы расстроить человека который пытается пройти этот тест. Пропадает желание общаться с этой компанией.

1 1
@Unknown - Jul 12


@Unknown - Jun 26

В вопросе #9 дважды повторяется один и тот же ответ. В первом случае о фиксируется как неправильный,во втором случае как правильный.

@Unknown - Jun 24

Есть у кого нибудь ссылка

@Unknown - Jun 24

Вопросы от экзаменатора на практических экзаменах

@Unknown - Jun 17

Урра я с дал и теперь могу пойти машину купить

@Unknown - Jun 07

хуйня не сдал по ним

@Unknown - Apr 27


@Unknown - Apr 13

знак "скрещивание оленей" - это что-то новенькое :о)

@Unknown - Apr 11

Большое спасибо. Было интересно. Водила машину 40 лет тому назад. Можно ли В 70 лет сдать на права,интересно.

@Unknown - Apr 01

Большое спасибо за тренажер! Для подготовки к экзамену очень даже подходит.

@Unknown - Mar 21

В 51 вопросе два одинаковых ответа. Нужно поменять.

@Unknown - Mar 14

Идея отличная! Но часто встречается неточный или неправильный перевод!

@Unknown - Feb 27


@Unknown - Feb 25


@Unknown - Feb 23


@Unknown - Feb 22

Merci pour le test, très utile

@Unknown - Feb 19

а как узнать сколько баллов

@Unknown - Feb 07

Спасибо . Очень полезная информация.

@Unknown - Jan 29

Спасибо, очень хорошая информация о знаках и тест интересный!

@Unknown - Jan 05

Вопросы одни и те же.

@Unknown - Dec 12

Этих вопросов на экзаменах в Японии нет, варианты билетов есть на сайтах японских автошкол там два ответа да или нет 10 вопросов, допускается 3 неправильных ответа

@Unknown - Dec 05

комент пользователя который прошол тест, тест дерьмо вопросы даже не близкие к реалистычным методом изключения прошол 3 раза на все 100% хотя в реальных условиях уже 2 раза не сдал

@Unknown - Dec 05

комент пользователя который прошол тест, тест дерьмо вопросы даже не близкие к реалистычным методом изключения прошол 3 раза на все 100% хотя в реальных условиях уже 2 раза не сдал

@Unknown - Dec 02

В тесте для вопроса "Что означает этот дорожный знак?" предлагаются два варианта ответа с одинаковым содержанием: "Предупреждение о сужении дороги слева." При этом один из них оценивается, как правильный, а второй - нет. Очевидно, один из этих вариантов должен был бы звучать: "Предупреждение о сужении дороги справа."

@Unknown - Nov 19

Что означает этот дорожный знак? Предупреждение о дороге с односторонним движением. Предупреждение о сужении дороги слева. Предупреждение о дороге с двусторонним движением. Предупреждение о сужении дороги слева. Второй и третий вариант одинаковые показывает ошибку, возможно во втором ответе должно быть написано слово «справа»

@Unknown - Sep 27

Перевод ДЕБИЛА!!!

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@Unknown - Sep 23

Тест крутой! Перевод действительно путает...

@Unknown - Sep 03

Я бы сказал бы тест отличный но просто перевод так себе не много путает особено два ответа одинаковые, а оно говорит не правильно хоть оба ответа правильные и еще некоторый перевод просто смешной и не поймешь, какой правильный ответ. Просто на угад, почему так смысл ответа размытый. А так отлично.

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@Unknown - Aug 26

Перевод дебильный!!! Неужели нельзя найти НАСТОЯЩЕГО РУССКОГО переводчика?

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@Unknown - Aug 14

Переводчик решил пофантазировать на тему- скрещивания оленей, на самом деле предупреждение- будьте внимательны - ОЛЕНИ, их много в Канаде!

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@Unknown - Aug 12

Спасибо за тесты, тренировка и проверка перед сдачей экзамена.

@Unknown - Aug 02


@Unknown - Jun 05

Есть ли ограничения в возрасте? Надо ли иметь права?

@Unknown - May 31

Тест хуйня так как такие дорожные знаки я не видел вот а сайт гавна взял и сам свои добавил всё

@Unknown - May 14


@Unknown - Apr 16

В пятом вопросе два раза написано сужение дороги слева, а нужно выбрать только один вариант - это описка или ловушка?

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@Unknown - Apr 10

1. Предупреждение о сужении дороги слева. Два одинаковых ответа. 2. Парковка разрешева. При правильном ответе - защитывает ошибку.

@Unknown - Apr 03

Перевод ужасный на русском. Нет такого знака - скрещивание оленей

@Unknown - Mar 30

ошибки в вопросах

@Unknown - Mar 20

супер!!! благодарю

@Unknown - Mar 19

Предупреждение об опасности столкновения с дикими жив... а не скрещивании!

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@Unknown - Mar 14


@Unknown - Feb 19

ееее беби шун дик ду

@Unknown - Feb 08

Traffic-rules.com замечательный сайт! Я бы сказала самый лучший и самый удобный для изучения правил вождения автомобиля. Мне очень нравится.

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@Unknown - Feb 04


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@Unknown - Jan 31

Очень много ошибок в изображении знаков, а так же был вопрос с одинаковыми вариантами ответов.

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