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Agnes Skinner

Agnes Skinner is the strict and bitter mother of Seymour Skinner. She is very harshly controlling of her son and treats him like a mother would do to a small child, once grounding him because he did not say who was at the door after answering it. She hates Seymour's choice in women, especially Edna Krabappel. Agnes has married a total of four times, once with Sheldon Skinner, Seymour's real deceased father, and following his death, she then married three more times, each time to a tow truck driver. Several Springfield residents (including the Simpsons) are afraid of her. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Akira Kurosawa

Akira (あきら) is the sensei of a karate dojo, a waiter at The Happy Sumo sushi restaurant, a waiter at the Swanky Fish sushi restaurant, and an employee at Costington's department store. As a young boy in Japan, Akira was a minor child-star on television. He spent four years playing the part of 'Whitey' on 'Let Trouble-Makey Beaver Do Himself.' a Japanese sitcom inspired by a 1950's American TV show. As he grew older, acting jobs became scarce, so Akira enrolled in a cooking school. Upon graduation, he came to America and opened a restaurant in Springfield called 'The Happy Sumo.' In addition to the culinary arts, Akira practices the martial arts, teaching karate at the Springfield Learning Annex. Lately, Akira has returned to his first love, acting. He has recently been seen on the stage of the Little Tokyo Theater in Kabuki productions of 'Sumo Like it Hot' and 'A Raisin in the Rising Sun.' (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Alice Glick

Alice Glick (generally referred to as Mrs. Glick) was an elderly woman who resided in and died in Springfield. Alice Glick lived in the Simpsons's neighborhood. Bart met her when he was trying to earn money to buy a collector's item comic book. Mrs. Glick put Bart to work doing chores around her house, but because she paid him very poorly, he quickly grew to loathe her. During one of Bart's work sessions with Mrs. Glick, she showed him 'an old lady thing' where she dyed her wedding dress black for her husband's funeral. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Allison Taylor

Allison Taylor is a student at Springfield Elementary who is one of Lisa Simpson’s classmates. Allison is just as smart as Lisa, if not even smarter, and is also a year younger (having skipped a grade). Also like Lisa, she too is a talented saxophone player. In terms of personality, Allison is shown to be bright and intelligent. She is also an excellent saxophone player and has won enough trophies and awards to fill a room. She has proven to be as smart as, or perhaps even smarter than, Lisa, but in a diorama contest both girls easily lost to Ralph (due to Principal Skinner being a fan of Ralph's Star Wars figurine display). After the contest, both girls invite Ralph to play with them. She's also very friendly to others. Like Lisa, she isn't afraid to sometimes break the rules, as she was among the kids who broke curfew to watch 'The Bloodening', though she was not among those caught by the police. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Amber Simpson

Amber Pai Gow Simpson was Homer's former 'Vegas wife'. Amber worked as a cocktail waitress in Las Vegas, Nevada. It is implied that she was also a prostitute. Homer and Flanders went to Las Vegas for the weekend and got drunk and met Amber and Ginger when they were serving them their alcohol at a restaurant located in the Nero's Palace casino. In a drunken haze, they married the two women but abandoned them the next day, agreeing not to tell their families. After Maude's death, Homer mentions that Amber and Ginger were crazy about them. Marge asks what he is talking about, but Homer tells her that they're trying to help Ned deal with the death of Maude. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Apu Nahasapeemapetilon

Apu Nahasapeemapetilon Jr., also known as Apu Du Beaumarchais, Slime Q. Slimedog and Steve Barnes, is the operator of the Kwik-E-Mart. He is a recurring character in The Simpsons. He is an immigrant from India, and as such, speaks with a strong Indian accent. Accounts disagree as to whether he is a college dropout or if he has a PhD. During the 1960s, while still living in India, Apu spent some time as a student of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, in which capacity he became a friend of Paul and Linda McCartney. Apu's friendship with the McCartneys caused him to be referred to by some (mainly himself) as 'The Fifth Beatle'. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Aristotle Amadopolis

Aristotle Amadopolis is the owner of the Shelbyville Nuclear Power Plant, as well as the rival of Charles Montgomery Burns. He was introduced to Homer by Mr. Burns after Homer unwittingly 'saves' the plant from a total meltdown. Amadopolis wanted Homer to give a pep talk to his plant's lackluster workers about what it means to be a valuable employee. Homer was, however, hesitant to accept, but Burns forces him into it. At the Shelbyville nuclear power plant, Homer gave a bumbling speech when an impending meltdown threatened the Shelbyville plant. They all turned to 'Hero Homer' and ushered him into the control room, asking him to perform his heroic deeds once more. In front of everyone, Homer repeated his juvenile rhyme that saved him the first time and presses a button blindly and once more by sheer dumb luck, he manages to avert this meltdown as well. Amadopolis thanked Homer for saving the Shelbyville nuclear plant, then his mood swings when he then launches into a tirade chastizing Homer for reciting a childish rhyme during a time of emergency. He quizzed Homer as to what button he just pushed. Homer failed to remember that the formal name was the emergency override button; instead answering 'Moe?'. This had exposed Homer's success as dumb luck, leading to it becoming a source of derision and the slang term 'pulling a Homer'. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Arnie Pye

Arnold William 'Arnie' Pye is a disgruntled, somewhat eccentric helicopter traffic reporter for Springfield’s KBBL-TV (Channel 6). His segments are titled Arnie Pye with Arnie in the Sky. His accent implies that he may have originated from New York or New Jersey. His name is a play on 'Ernie Pyle', a famous news reporter. He was called Bill Pye in 'Some Enchanted Evening', and his name is spelled Arnie Pie in some of the Simpsons Comics issues. A running gag is when he is envious of Kent Brockman's TV fame, and argues with him on the air. Arnie Pye is 37 years old. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Artie Ziff

Arthur 'Artie' Ziff is a minor character in the TV show The Simpsons. A former billionaire and Marge Simpson's senior year prom date from high school, he has attempted to get Marge Simpson to dump Homer Simpson for him and often attempts to kiss her. With a grossly inflated ego, Artie Ziff is a conceited, obnoxious, arrogant, deranged and manipulative narcissist. In contrast to Homer, he has staggering I.Q. and charisma, but this gave him the selfish sense of self-entitlement that, paired with his uncontrollable obsession with Marge, made him into a demented stalker, and a constant thorn in the Simpson family's side. He is understood to be remorseless when he wants something, and work himself half to death to get it. Being a genius, he got wealthy, powerful, and earned respect, but this didn't satisfy his lust for Marge. Unlike Homer, Artie only liked Marge for her aesthetic appeal, and didn't respect her opinions, as he constantly groped Marge against her will. This selfishness cost him his only love, unless you count Artie Ziff's narcissistic love of himself. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Baby Gerald

Gerald Samson, better known as 'Baby Gerald' or 'The Monobrow' (or 'Unibrow Baby') (born January 12), is Maggie's nemesis. He has a uni-brow (hence his nickname). He made his first appearance in 'Sweet Seymour Skinner's Baadasssss Song' (The 100th episode). Born on the same day as Maggie Simpson, the sub-par Springfield General Hospital had only one diaper left, and it was, of course, given to Maggie. Baby Gerald was wrapped in the discount section of the Springfield Shopper. Because of this, Gerald developed a terrible rash which still persists to this day. He blames Maggie for this uncomfortable condition and spends his nap times plotting revenge. Lisa has referred to Baby Gerald as Maggie’s rival. Gerald is distinguished by his uni-brow, being one of the few characters in the show to have one, along with Groundskeeper Willie. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Barney Gumble

Barnard Arnold 'Barney' Gumble, Sr. (born April 20) is the Springfield town drunk who often works as human guinea pig for medical research facilities. He is Homer Simpson's best friend, although to a lesser extent after high school. Being a frequent customer at Moe's (to the point of sleeping there) Barney considers Moe to be his second best friend; however, he is often abused by Moe and Arnie Gumble in the process, mainly due to Moe's personality. Barney was formerly an A-student back at Springfield High, but lost it all due to his drinking alcohol and is since then seen as a disgrace by his entire family, none of whom drinks. When he sings, he has a very nice voice. This talent was discovered by the Be Sharps when Barney was in the men's restroom. He is a recurring character in The Simpsons and a minor character in The Simpsons Movie. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Bart Simpson

Bartholomew JoJo 'Bart' Simpson (born April 1, 1979) is the mischievous, rebellious, misunderstood, disruptive and 'potentially dangerous' oldest child of the Simpson family in The Simpsons. He is the only son of Homer and Marge Simpson, and the older brother of Lisa and Maggie. He has also been nicknamed 'Cosmo', after discovering a comet in 'Bart's Comet'. Bart has also been on the cover on numerous comics, such as 'Critical Hit', 'Simpsons Treasure Trove #11', and 'Winter Wingding'. Bart also has a 100-issue comic series entitled the Simpson Comics Presents Bart Simpson. Bart is loosely based on Matt Groening and his older brother, Mark Groening. Even at a young age, Bart has accomplished many feats. He has won an award for his Angry Dad web series, discovered a new comet which was named after him, and also performed in a successful band with Milhouse Van Houten, Nelson Muntz, and Ralph Wiggum. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Bernice Hibbert

Bernice Hibbert (née Dupree) is Dr. Hibbert's wife. She is somewhat a heavy drinker. This has been joked about on at least one occasion (in 'Homer vs. the Eighteenth Amendment', she faints, along with other imbibers of renown, upon reading the news that Prohibition has been introduced in Springfield) and she also stated once that she was too drunk to remember marrying her husband. She is usually friends with Marge and is a member of the Springfield Book Club along with Helen Lovejoy, Cookie Kwan, Agnes Skinner, Luann Van Houten and Lindsey Naegle. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Birchibald Birch T Barlow

Birchibald 'Birch' T. Barlow is a right-wing conservative talk show host on the radio station KBBL. He also has a show on Fox News. On air (and presumably personally), he is a radical conservative, highlighted by his book, 'Only Turkeys Have Left Wings'. His on air rantings are intentionally engineered to be controversial and to rile up the audience, in order to convince them to call, as do many talk back radio hosts. On his radio show, he declares himself to be 'the fourth branch of government' and 'the fifty-first state'. Barlow was instrumental in getting Sideshow Bob released, due to sympathy to Bob as well as believing his story about being framed. He was also 'accused' by Lisa Simpson of being the true mastermind behind Bob with the implication of Bob simply being a puppet in order to trick Bob into confessing to some of his crimes in court. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Bleeding Gums Murphy

'Bleeding Gums' or 'Oscar Gums' Murphy Hibbert (died April 30, 1995), was the idol and role model of Lisa Simpson. He first appeared in the sixth episode of Season 1, 'Moaning Lisa'. Bleeding Gums learned his musical skills at the feet of Blind Willie Witherspoon, who wanted to give Bleeding Gums his saxophone, only to be finally told that it wasn't a saxophone and actually an umbrella, meaning that Willie had actually been playing an umbrella for some thirty years. Bleeding Gums explained to Willie that no one informed him of the mistake because 'we all thought it was funny'. Bleeding Gums recorded only one album, titled Sax on the Beach, which was extremely lucrative for him. However, he soon went broke after spending too much of his money on several Fabergé eggs a day. He revealed that he had once made a guest appearance on The Cosby Show in 1986 as the Huxtable children's grandfather, as well as appearing on Steve Allen's Tonight Show. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)


Blinky the Three-Eyed Fish (or simply Blinky) is a three-eyed orange fish species, found in the ponds and lakes outside the nuclear power plant. The Springfield Nuclear Power Plant caused the mutations. The Blinky species is seen quite often in natural bodies of water in Springfield, and is a product of the nuclear waste of Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. Blinky is caught by Bart at the Old Fishin' Hole and a picture of it is snapped by Dave Shutton and put in The Springfield Shopper. At the same time Mr. Burns was running for governor, and Blinky became a major topic in his election. He defended Blinky saying he was the next step in the evolutionary ladder and not a horrible mutant. As a publicity stunt Mr. Burns has dinner at The Simpsons home, and Marge unexpectedly serves the Blinky that Bart had caught earlier. He ends up spitting it out because he was uncomfortable with it and losing the election to Mary Bailey all because of Blinky. Multiple three eyed fish were blinded by drinking the water in their river after Homer and several rednecks (including Cletus Spuckler) dumped Moonshine into the river to avoid being arrested by the police. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Blue Haired Lawyer

The Blue-Haired Lawyer is Springfield's most prominent lawyer known for his pasty face, blue hair, New York accent, and nasal voice. He was first introduced as one of Mr. Burns' many lawyers. Subsequently, he most commonly appears as the lawyer arguing against the Simpsons whenever they wind up in court. He often makes good points against them and wins over the judge. However, he has attempted to aid the Simpson family at least once. He also often appears to serve as a prosecutor. He worked for 'Luvum & Burnham: Family Law' in one episode, where he had a secretary named Uwa (homophone for 'YOU WHA?!?!'). His name is never stated, though it's presumably either Luvum or Burnham, given his law firm's name. In one episode, he reveals himself to be the author of a Sci-Fi novel called 'The 60 Foot Baby' and on the cover he is simply credited as 'Burns' Lawyer.' (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)


Barbara Jane Lelavinsky, better known by her stage name, Booberella, is an ample-chested vampire-looking woman and a local TV personality in Springfield. Booberella hosts late-night monster movies and always dresses in low-cut vampire-style outfits that show lots of cleavage. She is well aware of her large breasts, and constantly draws attention to them, makes reference to them, or tells people to look at them. Booberella's trademark, unsurprisingly, is her breast obsession (with her own breasts), in combination with talking like a vampire. For example, when commercial breaks occur in movies that she hosts, she says things like, 'We'll be right back! Then you can see more of my Booooooooobs!' in a manner reminiscent of Count Dracula saying, 'I want to suck your bloooood!' (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Brandine Spuckler

Brandine Spuckler (née Del Roy) is the wife and sister of Cletus Spuckler. She is a stereotypical hillbilly, who mothers she and her husband/brother's countless Spuckler Children on an old, run-down farm on Rural Route 9. Brandine is a dumb, redneck, hillbilly and overall, basically a female version of Cletus. She is also known to have many disabilities. She has suffered from rabies and admitted to being illiterate, as seen when she couldn't write her own name during a cooking contest. She once interviewed for a job as a stripper, although she refused to wear the combat boots that her husband had found, stating she did not want to scuff the topless dancing runway. She, along with Cletus, is claustrophobic and won't go up elevators. She also has apparently worked at Dairy Queen at some point, which she referenced in refusing to wear a shirt Cletus gave her, citing she had to wear “the shirt what Dairy Queen give me.” It was shown that Brandine was in Iraq, fighting in the Iraq War. She came back to stop Cletus’ exploitation of their children, and to tell him that he was only the father of the two untalented kids, casting doubt over the paternity of the other Spuckler children. She once was briefly under consideration as a foster mother to the Simpson children. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Bumblebee Man

Pedro Chespirito, or Bumblebee Man, is the star of a Spanish-language television sitcom on Channel 8, in which he dresses in a bumblebee costume and performs slapstick comedy. Bumblebee Man speaks Spanish primarily, but is once shown speaking in articulate English when he replaced Kent Brockman for a brief moment and when talking to his producer . Generally, Bumblebee Man speaks in simple, over-enunciated (and often inaccurate) Spanish sentences. His catchphrases of choice are typically '¡Ay, ay, ay, no me gusta!' ('I don't like it!'), '¡Ay, ay, ay, no es bueno!' ('That's not good!') and '¡Ay, Dios no me ama!' ('God doesn't love me!'). Quite commonly, his phrases will be intentionally sloppy Spanish: For example, saying 'wudpequero' for 'woodpecker,' when it's actually 'pájaro carpintero' . This can be explained by influences from the English-speaking community which he lives in. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Capital City Goofball

The Capital City Goofball is the mascot of Capital City. His appearance seems to have been inspired by the mascot of the Philadelphia Phillies baseball team, the Philly Phanatic. The costume is a creature with a baseball body, with a blue Capital City T-Shirt, yellow arms and legs, a long flat-ended nose, tufts of fur at the side, a red hat with two springs, two costume eyes that look in either direction, and two more eyes that peek out from the mouth (the eyes of the person wearing the costume). Capital City Goofball first appeared in 'Do the Bartman'. In 'Bart vs. Lisa vs. the Third Grade', The Capital City Goofball represents Capital City in the state Legislature; he spent 80 million dollars out of his own pocket to win the seat. During a Legislative meeting, he brings that the state should change their flag, saying the Confederate Symbol on it was an embarrassment, especially because they were a Northern state. 'Homer to the Max' implies that the Capital City Goofball was originally conceived as a major recurring character, but has only appeared in occasional background scenes since his debut, and has never had any further speaking lines. He appeared briefly in 'Homerazzi'. A statue of him (as a parody of the Christ the Redeemer statue) can be seen in 'Whiskey Business'. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Captain Horatio McCallister

Horatio Peter McCallister, more known simply as the Sea Captain, is a resident of Springfield. He is always seen holding a corncob pipe and squinting: because he has at least one glass eye - though once he was seen tapping both of his eyes and says he has 'two glass eyes.' In addition to eye(s), he also has an artificial leg. Owing to his occupation as a sea captain, he also spoke with a Bristolian accent. He was created by the writer Conan O'Brien. Though he admitted he isn't a real captain, Captain McCallister has (incompetently) piloted several vessels. On one occasion, he wrecks a cargo ship full of hot pants (although in that particular case, it wasn't actually his fault: The lighthouse's light had been destroyed by a desperate Homer and when he saw the lighthouse light turn back on, he attempted to correct his course); on another, in a reference to the Exxon Valdez oil spill, he causes an oil spill by crashing his tanker while drunk. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Captain Lance Murdock

Captain Lance Murdock is a professional stunt devil who broke every single bone in his body while doing his stunts. One stunt had him jumping a pool filled with Great White Sharks, Electric Eels, a school of Piranhas, alligators, and one lion, as well as the water itself containing an element of human blood. Although he got through the stunt itself in one piece, he ended up clumsily falling in while basking in the glory afterward, swimming to the edge only to be pulled back in by a lion, and had to be netted out by paramedics and put on a stretcher, barely surviving. He inspired Bart Simpson to become a daredevil and convinced him personally to jump over Springfield Gorge on a skateboard. After Homer ended up hospitalized after he had inadvertently jumped the gorge in Bart's place in an attempt to stop him (as well as falling down the gorge again due to the ambulance driving into a tree), he ended up being the neighboring patient of Lance Murdock, with Homer bitterly telling him 'You think you've got guts? Try raising my kids!' (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Carl Carlson

Carlton Carlisle 'Carl' Carlson, Jr. (born April 20, 1955) is a recurring character in The Simpsons and a supporting character in The Simpsons Movie. He is a safety operations supervisor from Sector 7G of the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, where he works alongside his childhood friends Lenny Leonard and Homer Simpson. Carl is a self-restrained organized (although not maniac about it, like Frank Grimes) employee and likes to call himself 'an urban Lenny'. It is hinted in the series that he and Lenny may be more than just friends. Carl also attended Springfield A&M University and possesses a master's degree in nuclear physics. He also possesses an IQ of 214, making him the smartest adult in the series, second only to Martin Prince. Mr. Burns once implied that he was a war hero. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Cecil Terwilliger

Cecil Underdunk Terwilliger is the younger brother of Robert Terwilliger. When he was young, Cecil was ignored repeatedly by his parents, and instead compared to Bob, similar to the rest of his life. Cecil's dream since childhood was to become Krusty the Clown's sideshow on The Krusty the Clown Show, unaware as to how Krusty would treat him on the show. Cecil spent, according to Bob, 'four years at clown college', to which Cecil replies, 'I'd thank you not to refer to Princeton that way'. Krusty and the producers of his show rejected Cecil during his audition, as they saw his performance failing. Cecil offered to perform his prepared 'pie-in-the-face take' before he was ushered off-stage, but this did not change the producers' minds as Cecil lacked the dignity necessary to pull the bit off. It was then that Krusty spotted Robert, standing to the side in a fine suit and looking like he genuinely didn't want to be there. Krusty ordered a pie-in-the-face for him, the resulting impact knocking off Robert's top hat and causing his hair to spring up from beneath it, Krusty hired Robert as his sidekick on the spot. Cecil resented and became jealous of his brother. Despite that, he entered the hydroelectricity industry and 'found his true calling' as a hydrodynamics engineer. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Charles Montgomery Burns

Charles Montgomery Plantagenet Schicklgruber Burns, also known as Monty Burns, Montgomery Burns, C.M. Burns, and Mr. Burns, is the owner of the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant and the main antagonist of The Simpsons franchise. He is Springfield's richest, oldest (supposedly), most powerful, and undoubtedly greediest and meanest citizen. His net worth has been stated to be in the billions and in one instance was pegged at exactly $1,800,037,022. He had, on four occasions, lost his entire fortune, and on another occasion sold his Power Plant. At another time his fortune slipped to 'only' $996 million ($996,036,000), leading to his expulsion from Billionaire Camp. Despite his proficiency with firearms, Burns is very elderly and physically frail but employs relentless and ruthless tactics to get whatever he wants. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)


Charlie is the Dangerous Emissions Supervisor of Sector 7G at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. He is one of Homer's friends. He drives a Duesenberg J. Charlie is known to have recurring bad luck. He was arrested for threatening officials over the slow progression of HDTVs to beat them up. He was once disabled as claimed by Lenny after Homer notices he is not at the plant’s exercise. However, he later recovered in his next appearance. Charlie, along with other employees, were caught on fire because of Homer's negligence, and stupidity. As a member of the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant softball team, Charlie uses his sister's wooden leg as a baseball bat. Charlie was replaced by Mindy Simmons after he, Homer, Lenny, and Carl play a prank on a worker and cause a radioactive gas leak and Charlie complains to Mr. Burns that the plant requires a real emergency exit rather than one which is painted on. Burns lowers a giant tube which sucks Charlie up, sending him to an Asian country where he is forced to dance on a table. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)


Chase, also known as Pyro, is an American Gladiator (a parody of the real-life Gladiator Nitro). He dated Luann after she divorced Kirk. Their relationship ends when she's caught cheating on him with his best friend Gyro. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Cletus Spuckler

Cletus Delroy Montfort DeMontblanc Bigglesworth Spuckler, also known as Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel, is a stereotypical redneck with a good-natured personality. He is thin and is usually portrayed wearing a pair of jeans and an undershirt. He resides with his family on Rural Route 9 in Springfield. He is married to Brandine Spuckler, and it is heavily implied throughout the series that they are also brother and sister or in some way related (possibly cousins), making their children together inbred. Growing up, Cletus developed a loving relationship with his mother, whom he addresses as 'Maw.' He has always been social and hard working. Cletus isn't bothered by others' opinions of him. He isn't ashamed by his marriage to his apparent relative, Brandine Spuckler. Cletus has several hobbies which include whittling 'piney babies' for children, searching for roadkill, digging through garbage, and spending time with everyone in his family except Brandine. He admits his favourite food is fresh skunk and raccoon. Cletus had a 'smell-hound' named Geech, although the latter ended up killed in an accident involving a cement mixer, much to his supervisor Bob Terwilliger's chagrin. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Coach Lugash

Lugash is a Hungarian gymnastics instructor. He has a thick Hungarian accent and a large, brown curled mustache. His origin is a bit mysterious as he says that he came into the United States in 1983. However, Ms. Pommelhorst claims that he defected into Germany, by 'cartwheeling over the Berlin Wall'. His harsh but effective training techniques helped Lisa to achieve a high standard of gymnastic ability. He also has a habit of confiscating his students' cats and dogs, only giving them back when the student has accomplished a physical task. Once however, he refused to give back a girl's dog, but gave her someone else's cat instead. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Comic Book Guy

Jeffrey 'Jeff' Albertson, better known as Comic Book Guy, is the morbidly obese, surly, sarcastic, and geeky proprietor of Springfield's local comic book store, The Android's Dungeon and Baseball Card Shop. Comic Book Guy is an obese and socially incompetent man who is perhaps best known for his sarcastic quips. He holds a master's degree in folklore and mythology (he translated The Lord of the Rings into Klingon as part of his thesis). He exhibits geeky behavior to an extraordinary and deliberately unrealistic degree, and often also makes references to obscure subjects or internet culture. His catchphrase is the declaration, 'Worst... (episode)... ever'. He states that he is a 45 year-old virgin who lives with his parents. Comic Book Guy is extremely obese, to the point where his clothes barely fit over his huge stomach. He also at one point suffered from lumbago. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Cookie Kwan

Cookie Kwan is a go-getter in the imploding Springfield real-estate industry, the self-proclaimed 'number one on the west side.' She is of Asian (possibly Chinese) heritage and has a stereotypical Asian accent, implying she's likely an immigrant. She works at Red Blazer Realty and considers herself a very eligible bachelorette. Cookie was introduced in the season 9 episode 'Realty Bites' as a cut-throat realtor at Red Blazer Realty. She considered Springfield's 'west side' to be her exclusive domain, and bullied all the other realtors, including Marge and Gil to 'stay off' of her territory. She is friends with Lindsey Naegle, and the two are depicted as being quite man crazy. She once offered to have Homer move to her house. She once had a relationship with Mayor Quimby and they had a son, but Quimby gave him to one of his bodyguards. She was one of the 37 women filing paternity suits against Quimby. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Crazy Cat Lady

Eleanor Abernathy, better known as the Crazy Cat Lady, is a mentally ill hoarder woman who always surrounds herself with a large number of cats. She usually screams gibberish and/or throws her cats at passersby. She gives Lisa one of her cats, Snowball V, who looks exactly like her original Snowball II. She is 40 years old, although she appears elderly. When she was eight, Eleanor Abernathy was a smart and ambitious young girl who wanted to be both a lawyer and a doctor 'because a woman can do anything'. She was studying for law school at 16, and by 24, she had earned an MD from Harvard Medical School and a JD from Yale Law School. However, by 32, suffering from burnout, she had turned to alcohol, became obsessed with her pet cat, and would randomly take to cutting pieces of her own hair. By the time she was 40, she had assumed her present state as a drunken, raving lunatic. She once shared a cat with Moe. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)


Kyle Williams, also known as Database, is a student of Springfield Elementary and a member of The Superfriends. Like many nerds in Springfield Elementary, Database is a common target for Nelson, Jimbo, Dolph, and Kearney. Database was part of the group of boys who rescued the Springfield Lemon Tree from Shelbyville and was also part of the Pre-teen braves . He is shown to be a comic book geek as he shows up at Comic Book Guy's store. One time, he attended at Homer's Q&A. The other time was when he went to find a Batman action figure for his toy Batmobile. Stan Lee asked him if he wanted an exciting action figure to fit in there, but Database said only Batman fits in there. So, Stan decided to jam The Thing action figure in the toy car. Database cries and declared that Stan broke his Batmobile. But Stan said that he made it better instead of breaking it. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Dave Shutton

Dave Shutton is a journalist who works for The Springfield Shopper. He wears a fedora similar to those worn by reporters of the 1940s. His main appearance was in the Season 2 episode Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish, where he was the reporter who helped Bart and Lisa expose the story of the Nuclear Power Plant poisoning the water and creating Blinky, the three-eyed fish. In the Season 3 episode Radio Bart, he was the reporter who first heard 'Timmy O'Toole' in the well. Kent Brockman seems to hold him in slight contempt, possibly because they work in different news mediums. When Shutton arrived at a scene and asked what was going on, Brockman replied, 'Oh, do your research, Shutton!' (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Declan Desmond

Declan Desmond is an eccentric and skeptical British documentary filmmaker who has directed several films. He has a black sweater with a gray suit coat and gray pants he has a small pointy nose and his shoulder length red hair is tied back into a short ponytail (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Dewey Largo

Deward 'Dewey' Largo, MMus, is the music teacher whom Lisa credited with proving that any piece of music could have the soul sucked out of it. He is very counter-creative and is a poor conductor. He is also 53 years old, and seems depressed/hot tempered. In Homer's Paternity Coot, a letter in the frozen postman's bag reveals that as a child, Largo was accepted to the Juilliard School of Music, but never got the letter as it was frozen atop Mt. Springfield. His assumed rejection from this school could explain his eventual lack of passion for music. Mr. Largo is the music teacher at Springfield Elementary School. He is one of the more uptight and mean teachers at the school. Largo teaches Lisa's band class where he often stifles her creativity. He only teaches simple, boring and unoriginal songs to the band causing Lisa to often cause outbursts in class. Despite this, he can occasionally encourage excellent performances from his students, leading them in playing 'Living in America.' (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Disco Stu

Stuart Discothèque, usually known as Disco Stu, is the owner of Stu's Disco. He is a disco aficionado and is usually featured wearing a rhinestone-encrusted leisure suit from the 70's and sports an Afro. He's the son of Doo-Wop Steve and Public Domain Debbie. He often refers to himself in the third person (putting a big emphasis on 'Stu' and then pausing before saying anything else). He is also one of the many characters to have been married to Marge's older sister, Selma Bouvier, at one point (he was her fourth husband). In fact, Marge has gone so far as to claim that Stu is the only one of her sister's ex-husbands she liked (in 'The Real Housewives of Fat Tony'). While it's unknown how long Stu and Selma were married, he ended up getting an annulment for their marriage from Pope John Paul II (also revealing that Stu is Catholic). (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)


Dolphin George 'Dolph' Starbeam, also known as Dolph Shapiro, is one of the school bullies of Springfield Elementary, with Shauna Chalmers, Kearney Zzyzwicz, Jimbo Jones, Nelson Muntz, and the Weasels. He is of Jewish origin and can speak multiple languages. Bart Simpson later became friends with Dolph. He is a 14 to 15-year-old sixth grader and is the youngest of the trio of bullies. Dolph is considered the 'softest' of all the bullies and has sometimes been seen running away once overpowered by the enemy. He is also the smartest education-wise, as he has quite a long list of secondary skills ranging from horse-riding to playing the guitar, and has been held back the least of them. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)

Dr Julius Hibbert

Dr. Julius Michael Hibbert, M.D., better known as Dr. Hibbert, is Springfield's most prominent and competent doctor, though he sometimes makes no effort to hide or make light of his high prices. Hibbert is very good-natured, and is known for finding a reason to laugh at nearly every situation. He is often assisted by Dr. Nick Riviera. He is a minor character in The Simpsons Movie. Dr. Hibbert is the Simpson's kind-hearted family doctor, a genius, a graduate of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Mensa member. As an undergraduate, it is inferred that he was a member of the Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity. Hibbert is noticeably less dysfunctional than just about everyone else, though he does have a bizarre tendency to chuckle at inappropriate moments. He also gives questionable solutions to certain medical problems. For example, when Maggie saved Homer from drowning, he replied to Marge's question about how a baby can save the life of a full-grown man, saying 'It's very simple. When an adult's life is in danger, a child can summon superhuman strength!' When Homer challenged Red Barclay to eat the 'Sir Loins-A-Lot' steak in a contest, Marge feared that Homer might choke on a part of the steak, while Dr. Hibbert claimed that since being 12% owner of The Slaughterhouse (the restaurant they were eating at), his dietary advice suggests 'the occasional eating contest'. However, when Red dies from 'beef poisoning', he attributes the cause to another restaurant. He also runs Dr. Julius Hibbert, M.D. Family Practice to which he showed Lisa a video about DNA. (Source: Fandom.com, CC BY-SA)



Time for recess! Post a comment, ask a question or write a review. Feel free to let us know what you think!

Plaats een reactie

@Unknown - Aug 30

Плюс 3 9 8 8 8 7 6

@Unknown - Aug 30

Ивайло Иванов Иванов

@Unknown - Aug 29

Ivaylo ivanov ivanov

@Unknown - Aug 14

Vwb borden verkeersplein en rotonde slaat U hier de plank behoorlijk mis. Mag wel eens aangepast worden. Jammer.

1 -4
@Unknown - May 30
@Unknown - May 21

Driving whit a tractor possible? What are the requirements? Can i drive whit a dutch T-licence?

@Unknown - Apr 29


@Unknown - Apr 09

hoi ik kan niet leren echt moeilijk hoor

2 -4
@Unknown - Oct 13

verzekering aanhangwagen verplicht of niet

1 3
@Unknown - Sep 28

Tot waar geldt een verkeersbord? In België is dat tot het volgende kruispunt, in Spanje lijkt het verder te reiken.

2 -6
@Unknown - Aug 28

Waar kan ik het bord vinden, einde werk in uitvoering. Er staat dan een schuine streep er door.

@Unknown - Aug 28

Waar kan ik hetbord vinden, einde werk in uitvoering. Er staat dan een schuine streep er door.

@Unknown - Aug 27

Parkeertijden noorwegen?

@Unknown - Sep 07

بعضی سوالها طوری ترراهی شده ذهن مراجعین رامختل می کند.تااینکه معلومات را اضافه کند

1 -9
@Unknown - Jun 20

Jammer dat er geen vragen zijn

@Unknown - Jun 20

Jammer dat er geen voorrangsregel zijn

@Unknown - Jan 11

Zie hieronder

@Unknown - Jan 11

Bij ons staat in het park een bord rond met een poepende hond erop is dat een verbodsbord of een opmerkings bord ? Ze laten de honden poepen en lopen gewoon lekker door kan dat zo maar ???

1 -8
@Unknown - Dec 16


@Unknown - Dec 11

ik wil met kleine aanhanger zonder eigen kenteken naar de oekraine kan dat ,zonder probleem

@Unknown - Nov 06

Instructies onduidelijk, ben met verkeersbord tegen auto aangereden (geintje). Ik had wel wat aan de random test, truckje dat mij enorm hielp is een patroon ontdekken in de vorm en kleur van bord en en aangegeven symbool, dan kun je het juiste antwoord meestal wel raden,ook als je niet zeker bent.

@Unknown - Oct 20

Duik in weg

@Unknown - Sep 19

Best ok.

@Unknown - Jun 28

Top gepresenteerd!

@Unknown - May 06

ik vink het leuk

1 4
@Unknown - Apr 01

Kan ik in slovakaaks taal leren het is makkelijk

3 6
@Unknown - Feb 01

Oei ! Ik dacht hier de Thaise wegcode te vinden in het NL ? Blijkbaar mis ? Iemand een LINK waar ik dat wel kan vinden, Thaise wegcode met verkeersborden en info in het Nederlands? Mag altijd gestuurd worden ...

2 -2
@Unknown - Nov 07

Vraag / antwoord op vraag 22 is niet juist.

1 1
Admin - Apr 24

Beste student! Op deze pagina proberen we u iets bij te leren over de verkeersregels. Laat ons weten wat u ervan vindt!

@Unknown - Jun 07

Lekker pik

1 -7
@Unknown - Jun 04

Handige applicatie alleen er zijn zo veel niet op genomen in China jammer

