The Danish Spitz is a dog breed, originating from Denmark. The breed is known for making a good family pet, particularly as they are patient with children. Throughout time they've been known under various names, including Samoyed Spitz, Wolf Spitz, Greenland Spitz and White Spitz, which made it difficult to keep track of the breed and the breeding. Today the breed is known as the Danish Spitz. Their coats occur in white to biscuit colors. The top coat is flat, and sheds in small amounts throughout the year. The undercoat is soft, and keeps them cool in the summer, and warm in the winter; it sheds in the spring and in the fall. The coat of the Danish Spitz is of medium length, and should not stand out from the body. It is slightly longer at the ears, with feathering at the backs of their thighs and legs. The tail should be bushy and carried curled over the back. It is allowed to hang when the dog is calm. (Source:, CC BY-SA)