Kent Brockman, once known as Kenny Brockelstein (born as Brock Kentman) is a local TV news 'personality' for Channel 6. He hosts the Channel 6 weekday news (Scott Christian is the weekend news anchor and Kent's fill-in) as well as Smartline, a local current affairs show, and also Eye on Springfield, which focuses mostly on Springfield's entertainment news. He also is a failed musician who toys with the idea of being a math teacher. Brockman was known as Kenny Brockelstein early in his career, and he can be seen wearing the Hebrew Chai symbol as a gold medallion around his neck, suggesting Jewish ancestry. Interestingly, however, he also refers to the Book of Revelation, during an editorial in which he states women rebelling might lead to 'anarchy of Biblical proportions' (he is promptly cut off by the station and replaced with a 'Technical Difficulties' card depicting Brockman in a straitjacket). Revelation is in the New Testament, suggesting Brockman no longer observes Judaism. (Source:, CC BY-SA)