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1inch is an international company that specializes in developing and launching decentralized finance (DeFi) solutions. It was founded in 2020, and its CEO, Sergej Kunz, is based out of Germany and its CTO, Anton Bukov, is based in the Netherlands. The rest of the team is based in more than ten locations throughout the world. Investors in the company include DragonFly Capital Partners, Binance Labs, and FTX.
Aave is a London-based company offering an open-source, non-custodial protocol that utilizes liquidity pools to facilitate lending and borrowing of crypto assets. Its users earn interest with deposits, or they take out loans by using the deposits as collateral. Founded by Stani Kulechov, Aave is a decentralized finance protocol created for borrowing and lending, which performs an identical role to money markets in traditional finance. The platform enables users to deposit digital assets into liquidity pools, earn interest in the form of aTokens, and borrow digital assets through over-collateralized loans. Aave offers Flash Loans—a short-term loan mechanism.
Algorand is a company implementing an open-source public ledger, utilizing the Byzantine Agreement message-passing protocol to reach consensus among network participants. The Algorand protocol is designed to be a blockchain-based payments platform. The consensus mechanism enabling the blockchain operates in one of two environments: permissioned or permissionless—similar to a proof-of-stake protocol. This allows minimal computation to be an honest block producer. The blockchain assumes that 2/3 of the block producers are honest and not adversarial or Byzantine.
ApeCoin is a new cryptocurrency released on the Ethereum (ETH) network. ApeCoin is the native cryptocurrency for the APE ecosystem, which includes the ApeCoin DAO and all services and products utilizing APE. Yuga Labs, the creator of the famous Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) NFT collections, has adopted APE as the primary token for all new products and services. The Bored Ape Yacht Club started in April 2021 and is comprised of thousands of individual ape NFTs. Each has its distinct facial expressions and clothing. The concept gained popularity as celebrities such as Jimmy Fallon, Justin Bieber, and Paris Hilton invested enormous money in the Bored Ape NFTs. ApeCoin is intended to serve as the decentralized protocol layer for various community-led initiatives. The token is managed by the APE Foundation, which administers the decisions of the ApeCoin DAO (decentralized autonomous organization). The holders of ApeCoin are the only voters in the DAO, which the Foundation facilitates.
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yo soy de El Salvador y me llamo Helen Ingrid Pero tube que venirme para los estados Unidos
tengo 14 años y la mayoria me salio bien y no estudie ni nada solo por que mi padre me enseño cuando salia de viaje con el
Muy buenos videos, las orientaciones son excelentes, importantes para evitar accidentes
something in this test is not right. there were only 2 questions that i crossed out with an and you can check that it is a system error and not main. And i have already done this test 3 Times and it does the same thing to me.
Muchas gracias, por permitir aprender y por hacerlo sin costo alguno. Muy . Felicitaciones. He visto libros que ofertan Online en todos los idiomas y Aplicaciones que me han comentado que resultan cuando son pagadas. Igual los libros los ofrecen con Vídeos, exámen simulado y de diferentes formas, el cliente lo elije y paga. Pero lo que ofrecen gratuito es valiosa ayuda, pero quizás lo determinante y recomendable es comprar para ir a lo seguro y después ir a la Escuela.
Gracias por los ejemplos para el test. Una pregunta, alguien ha pasado el exámen estudiando de aqui? Yo ya hice el exámen en inglés y las preguntas eran bastante complejas. Hablo el inglé igual que el espanol pero ahora quiero tratar en espanol a ver si asi lo paso... Si alguien lo ha pasado solo con edsto o sabe de algun libro porfa me avisa? Gracias!!!
TEST ACTUALIZADO a 2024 con todas las preguntas revisadas acá: https://www.daypo.com/examen-teorico-manejo-sertracen-panama-2024-actualizado.html