
Traffic signs

The traffic signs are located on the side or top of the road. They give directions on how we should behave on the road, so that the traffic can proceed safely and smoothly. Everyone must know the traffic signs!

Information signs

The information signs give you more information about the start (and end) of a kind of traffic situation.

Begin of a built-up area.End of the built-up area.Crossing for cyclists.Crossing for pedestrians.Dead end street.Detour for vehicles that are not allowed to pass.Information about the directions of the crossroad.Information about the next exit.Begin of an expressway.End of the expressway.Temporary change in the direction of the lanes.End of the changed direction of the lanes.Overview of the lanes and their direction.End of a lane.End of a lane.Begin of a motorway.End of the motorway.Road with one-way traffic.Road with one-way traffic.Road with one-way traffic.Parking allowed.Parking only allowed if you pay.Begin of a zone for pedestrians.End of the zone for pedestrians.Route to be followed in order to turn left.Begin of a priority road.End of the priority road.Begin of a residential area.End of the residential area.Curve of the main road.Curve of the main road.Road narrowing, oncoming drivers have to give way.Section control.National speed limits.Begin of an advisory speed limit.End of the advisory speed limit.
Begin of a built-up area.

Begin of a built-up area.

End of the built-up area.

End of the built-up area.

Dead end street.

Dead end street.

Detour for vehicles that are not allowed to pass.

Detour for vehicles that are not allowed to pass.

Information about the directions of the crossroad.

Information about the directions of the crossroad.

Information about the next exit.

Information about the next exit.

Begin of an expressway.

Begin of an expressway.

End of the expressway.

End of the expressway.

Temporary change in the direction of the lanes.

Temporary change in the direction of the lanes.

End of the changed direction of the lanes.

End of the changed direction of the lanes.

Overview of the lanes and their direction.

Overview of the lanes and their direction.

End of a lane.

End of a lane.

End of a lane.

End of a lane.

Begin of a motorway.

Begin of a motorway.

End of the motorway.

End of the motorway.

Road with one-way traffic.

Road with one-way traffic.

Road with one-way traffic.

Road with one-way traffic.

Road with one-way traffic.

Road with one-way traffic.

Parking allowed.

Parking allowed.

Parking only allowed if you pay.

Parking only allowed if you pay.

Begin of a zone for pedestrians.

Begin of a zone for pedestrians.

End of the zone for pedestrians.

End of the zone for pedestrians.

Route to be followed in order to turn left.

Route to be followed in order to turn left.

Begin of a priority road.

Begin of a priority road.

End of the priority road.

End of the priority road.

Begin of a residential area.

Begin of a residential area.

End of the residential area.

End of the residential area.

Curve of the main road.

Curve of the main road.

Curve of the main road.

Curve of the main road.

Road narrowing, oncoming drivers have to give way.

Road narrowing, oncoming drivers have to give way.

Begin of an advisory speed limit.

Begin of an advisory speed limit.

End of the advisory speed limit.

End of the advisory speed limit.