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A Button (Blood Type)

A Button (Blood Type) emoji is a capital letter “A” within a square. You can use this to show your blood type, as it is its functional intention. Or, you can use it in situations that need an A shown, like when you’re asking your friend the answer to a homework assignment or test answer, sneaky one. If you’re going to donate blood, use the 💉 Syringe emoji and 😷 Face With Medical Mask emoji to show the doctor with the needle coming to attend you. If you’re aiming on cheating on a test and have enough time to text, throw in a 📝 Memo emoji to represent the test you’re working on. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

AB Button (Blood Type)

🆎 AB Button (Blood Type) emoji is the letters “A” and “B” together within a square. Its use is to represent blood types, in this case the universal donor. You can also use it to show test answer posibilities. Combine it with the 🏥 Hospital emoji and 💉 Syringe emoji to show the relation to blood. Or use it with the 🏫 School emoji to show that you really have no idea what the answer to a test is and really could use the help. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

ATM Sign

ATM Sign emoji is used to show where money can be taken out. It is a vital part of society that we cannot live without. Of course, if you cannot access your funds, you won’t be able to buy items or use any services. The ATM Sign emoji is best used to help remind you or someone else that they need to stop by the 🏦 Bank to make a deposit or withdrawal. Use it in place of the 💰 Money Bag emoji or 🤑 Money-Mouth Face emoji, as both represent money. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Antenna Bars

Antenna Bars emoji is the signal bar you see at the top of a cell phone’s status screen. They are there to let you know if you have signal from your service provider to make calls or send texts. It’s horrible when you lose a signal, especially if you are anticipating an important call or you were in the middle of some rather 😄 Fun text talk. If you lose signal you can try to send this emoji with a 😞 Disappointed Face emoji or 😢 Crying Face emoji to show your displeasure. Whoever you’re texting it too might not get it for a while, but at least you tried to let them know why you suddenly stopped responding. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)


Aquarius emoji is the digital representation of the eleventh astrological sign, which looks like its traditional icon — i.e., like the schematic image of 💦 Water. It is believed that people who were born from 21.01 to 19.02 belong to this sign — and some also believe that it determines their personality. It’s evident that in most cases, this emoji is used by people who believe in Zodiac signs and their massive role in people’s lives. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)


Aries emoji is the symbol for the Zodiac sign of the same name which is attributed to people who were born from 21.03 to 20.04 of every year — some people believe that this defines one’s personality. The emoji itself looks like the sketchy image of curved horns (of a type that is normally seen on 🐑 Ewe ) or the Y letter with the curved top. It is either separate or placed in a geometric figure of 🟣 Purple 🟡 Yellow or 🔴 Red color. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Atom Symbol

Atom Symbol emoji is for the scientists, used to help express their findings or o just nerd out with other 🧑‍🔬 Scientists. But the emoji can also represent American Atheists or people who only believe in science and that there is no otherworldly force. At least they both have some connection to science. Use the 🧪 Test Tube emoji if you are talking about science-related topics or the 🙅 Person Gesturing NO emoji if you are arguing with someone about there being some larger power controlling the 🌎 Earth Hour, which also has an emoji you can use. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

B Button (Blood Type)

B Button (Blood Type) emoji is a letter “B” within a square. It is another emoji meant to represent blood types that aren’t always used for that purpose. It can also express a letter grade you received on a test or when asking for the answer to an important homework or test question. You can also take it a step forward to grade people as average. For example, use it with the 🏥 Hospital emoji or 🏫 School emoji to show what sense the B Button emoji is being used. Or use it with a 👨 Men/👩 Women emoji to show your grade for a particular person. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Baby Symbol

Baby Symbol emoji is a 👶 Baby seated in a booster 🪑 Chair. If you have to take a baby everywhere, it can get pretty messy. When you see the baby symbol, it is a saving grace as you can freshen up your baby before continuing the day’s errands. When texting, the Baby Symbol emoji can ask if a baby-safe zone is nearby. It can also be used when setting up bathrooms in a location regarding how many will need to be baby-safe. Use the Baby emoji and 😢 Crying Face emoji to further express that this symbol is meant for babies, and you need to find one. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Baggage Claim

Baggage Claim emoji is the picture of a sign, which may be seen in the airports — just like the one shown by 🛃 Customs emoji. But in this case, the sign marks the place, where the passengers can take their suitcases back after arrival to the place of destination and it looks like a schematic image of a suitcase on the blue background, placed on baggage conveyor belt. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)


Biohazard emoji is used to show if there are biohazardous materials around. Biohazard dangers are biological substances that are dangerous to live beings, especially people. You will have to be extra careful when you see a Biohazard sign, as it is straightforward to catch an illness or disease with a prick of a contaminated needle. Again, this is not an emoji scientists will use since they can speak about dangers. If you do get this emoji, you are most likely being warned by friends or other employees that work in a medical area to be careful of any biohazards that may have come up during the day. It can be confused with the Radioactive emoji as they are similar dangers, so it can be accepted when in the rush of ⚠️ Warning against hazards. Use it with a 😷 Face With Medical Mask emoji shown and a 💉 Syringe emoji to better show just what precisely a Biohazard is. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Bright Button

Bright Button emoji is a large ☀️ Sun with a black dot in the center.Being able to brighten your screen’s display is handy, especially when out in the sun. Sunlight is nice, but it can also make it hard to see your screen when the brightness is too low. You do drain 🔋 Battery power faster with more brightness, but to be able to see it is worth it. Send this emoji with the Personal Computer emoji or 📱 Mobile Phone emoji if you are talking about your screen needing to have the brightness turned up. If you are talking about a nice sunny day, send the emoji with a Sun emoji. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

CL Button

CL Button emoji is the letter “C” and “L” in a square. It is a lesser used emoji since it stands for “Clear” that was most often seen on older phones. So if you are not giving anyone tech support this emoji isn’t seen often. You can get creative, though, and use it to represent different words likes “closed”, “craigslist”, or even “Chain Letter”. Use it with either the ⛓ Chains emoji, 🔒 Locked emoji, or 📱 Mobile Phone emoji to try and add a little more color to your text talks. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)


The Cancer emoji is meant to mark all the people who were born from 22.06 to 22.07 i.e. who are the representatives of this Zodiac sign which is the fourth of the 12. As for its look, it resembles the 69 number turned to the right. And as for the meaning those who think that Zodiac signs mean something would find it a mark of sensitive and romantic people; and those who don’t would only know someone’s approximate date of birth. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)


The Capricorn emoji is the symbol of the tenth Zodiac sign of the same name which is attributed to all people who were born from 22.12 to 20.01 not depending on the year or the place of their birth. As for the emoji meaning it is very informative for those who believe in the huge role the dates of birth play in people’s lives — for them it may mark a hardworking and stubborn person. And for those who don’t, it means a little. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Children Crossing

Children Crossing emoji is a yellow diamond with people walking in the center. You’ve most likely seen this sign when passing through 🏫 School zones. It is to warn you that up ahead children could be crossing and we all know how unpredictable kids can be. If someone us sending you directions, they could include this emoji to let you know that you will be passing a school along the way. Or children can send the emoji to their parents to let them know they are crossing the street to head home or be picked up. A 🚌 Bus emoji can be used instead as both show relations to school and being near a school zone. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)


Cinema emoji is meant to represent a 📽 Movie theater. If you have no idea what that is, it is where you can see the latest movies out on a large screen with other fans of the movie. If you are an active movie viewer, then you would most likely send this to a friend to ask if they are in the mood to go check out one of the new movies out. Send this emoji along with a 🎥 Movie Camera emoji or 🎬 Clapper Board emoji to ask a friend if they want to go see a movie or be part of a film you are making. You can always send the 📺 Television emoji with this emoji to say you’d rather wait for the movie to come out on 📀 Dvd instead of going to see it in a crowded theater. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)


Copyright emoji is the letter “C” within a circle. You will see this emoji when talking about brand products that have been ®️ Registered as belonging to a person or corporation. If you want to use a product or brand name that has been copyrighted, you will have to make sure you can use it without having any legal action taken towards you. If you plan on copyrighting something, like a product, send this emoji with a product emoji, like the 📕 Closed Book emoji to say it is your idea and no one can have it. If you are not sure about a product’s Copyright status before using it, send this emoji with the 💼 Briefcase emoji to a friend who knows more about legal laws to help you avoid being sued. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Curly Loop

Curly Loop emoji is a line that curls over itself. This emoji can be used in two different ways. For one, due to its shape, you can use the emoji to represent a 🎢 Roller Coaster. Send it with the 🎡 Ferris Wheel emoji to show that you must go on a rollercoaster when at the fair. You can also use this emoji to show that you have been thrown for a loop and have no idea how to come back from it. Send it with the 🙃 Upside-Down Face emoji to show your confusion. It can also represents a front flip in skating. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Currency Exchange

Currency Exchange emoji includes a dollar symbol, a yen symbol and arrows. But some platforms can use other symbols of currencies. So, when can you use this sign? For example, you need to find a currency exchange?? It’s not a problem! Use the Currency Exchange emoji and ask your friends where the one is in your town. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)


Customs emoji is the picture of an icon, where the airport representatives check the 🧳 Luggage of the passenger — it looks alike 🛂 Passport Control emoji but in this case, not the passport but the suitcase of a person is being inspected by the official. The emoji appears in the context of flights and airports. Also, it may symbolize inspecting someone other’s things as well. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Dim Button

Dim Button emoji is a small ☀️ Sun with a black dot in the center. Computer and cellphone screens give you the opportunity to reduce the brightness so it doesn’t waste 🔋 Battery or hurt your 👀 Eyes when somewhere dark. It is a mystery how someone can have their phone’s screen on high brightness without hurting their eyes. Maybe it’s a challenge of endurance of some sort. This emoji can also be used to show that the sun isn’t as bright out. But most likely you will see this emoji when talking about technology, especially when you send it with a 🖥 Desktop Computer emoji. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)


The Division emoji is a bolded division symbol. This symbol is mainly used in 📘 Math to show a number is being divided into smaller groups evenly or unevenly. If you ❤️ Love math, send this emoji with a 🏫 School emoji to show your excitement for taking a math class. This emoji can also be used to show that an object needs to be divided amongst others. If you are bringing a 🍕 Pizza to a 🎉🥂 Party, send this emoji with a Slice of Pizza emoji to see if you have enough pizza or if you will need to buy some more. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Dotted Six-Pointed Star

Although the dotted Six-Pointed Star emoji has a dot in the middle, it represents the ✡️ Star Of David. It is a symbol used to describe modern ✡️ Jewish beliefs and Judaism. You could use this to show off your ⛪️ Religion or even ask what religion someone is. Pair it with the Jewish or 🕎 Hanukkah symbol to further show off the Jewish pride in your faith and holiday. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Double Exclamation Mark

Double Exclamation Mark emoji is two exclamation points next to each other. Exclamation points are used to express shock or surprise, but two exclamation points show an even more extreme form of wonder that one exclamation point is just not enough to express. Send this emoji with the 😱 Face Screaming in Fear emoji as a response to some shocking news that leaves you lost for words. Exclamation marks are also used to show a raised tone, either as a command or expressing an elevated emotion. For example, if you are downright furious at someone for whatever reason, send this emoji with the 🤬 Face With Symbols On Mouth emoji to show how outraged you are; words cannot describe how you feel. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Downwards Button

Downwards Button emoji is a triangle pointing down. On the 🖥 Computer, this arrow is meant to lower the volume. Sometimes, people ❤️ Love their music or what they’re watching a little too much. To calm them down, send them this emoji with a 🔉 Speaker Medium Volume emoji and hope they get the hint. This emoji can also be substituted for an arrow. Then, send it with an 👀 Eyes emoji to let your friend know you will send something they will like or need to focus on. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Eight-Pointed Star

Eight-Pointed Star emoji is a ⭐ Star with eight points. This emoji is most often used to represent the stars in the 🌃 Night sky. Send it with a 🌕 Full Moon emoji to tell someone that it is a nice clear night to go Star gazing. You can also use this emoji to show someone that they are the glittering star in your life. Send it with the ❤️ Heart emoji to show your ❤️ Love for your favorite star. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Eight-Spoked Asterisk

Eight-Spoked Asterisk emoji is an asterisk with eight points instead of five. It can still be used in place of an asterisk or the ️⃣ Keycap: emoji. However, this version of the asterisk is often used when making lists in place of bullet points. It is beneficial when you ask your 👪 Family what they need from the supermarket if you send this emoji with the 🛒 Shopping Cart emoji. If you ❤️ Love making lists, send that well-thought-out list using this emoji and a 📜 Scroll emoji to show it’s going to be a long list. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Eject Button

Eject Button emoji is a rectangle with a triangle on top. When you connect a device via USB to your computer you will most likely see this button. It is meant to trigger the ejection process so you can safely remove your device from its connection with your computer. If you use it with a ✒️ Black Nib emoji and 🖥 Desktop Computer emoji you can use it to ask or remind someone to remove your USB from the computer for you. You can also use it lto show that you are backing out of something before it’s too late. Send it with a ⛔ No Entry emoji to express your desire of getting out of a sticky situation. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Exclamation Question Mark

Exclamation Question Mark emoji is an ❗ Exclamation Mark and ❓ Question Mark together standing as one punctuation. Also known as the Interrobang, this symbol is meant to show a combination reaction of shock and questioning. If you come across a statement or idea that surprised you yet leaves you asking even more questions, send this emoji with the 🤯 Exploding Head emoji to show that you have no other way to react than stand there wide-eyed, trying to come up with an easy to understand the reasoning. This punctuation mark is also commonly used at the end of rhetorical questions or questions more made for dramatic purposes rather than to get an answer. Use this emoji with the 🎭 Performing Arts emoji to show that the question does not need a solution and is just being used to create a more compelling situation. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Fast Down Button

Fast Down Button emoji is a button that slows down the tone of a video or song to a creepy, 🎃 Halloween tone. This button is perfect if you are trying to create some spooky scary tracks for a project or a haunted 🏠 House. It could be 😄 Fun to distort sound and see how someone would sound if their voice were deeper. If you’re having fun messing around with sounds, send this emoji with a 👄 Mouth emoji to show that you have discovered something pretty funny with someone’s voice. Or, if you are in charge of creating some Halloween-themed music, send this emoji with a 🎃 Jack-O-Lantern emoji to show you’re more than up for the fun task. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Fast Reverse Button

Fast Reverse Button emoji is two overlapping triangles pointing to the left. On older devices, this was a way to rewind tapes and cassettes. You don’t see this button often since you can drag a slider to move back in a song. Before you go, send this emoji with a 📼 Videocassette emoji to remind someone to rewind the VHS before returning it, or you’d get charged. Yes, that was a thing when you rented VHS tapes. This emoji can tell someone to back up and check over something. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Fast Up Button

Fast Up Button emoji is used to speed up a video or some music. Don’t confuse this with the fast forward option since this speeds up the sound instead of the image. If you enjoy listening to high pitch songs or videos, than this is the button for you. Combine it with a 🎵 Musical Note emoji to show that you are having some 😄 Fun tampering with music sounds. Or if you need someone to hurry up with their speech, send it with a 💨 Dashing Away emoji. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Fast-Forward Button

Fast-Forward Button emoji is two overlapping triangles pointing to the right. For the older texters, this symbol might look familiar. You would normally see this on devices where you fast forwarder tapes or cassettes. When you pair it with a 📼 Videocassette emoji you can be asking someone to skip ahead in the 📽 Movie you are watching to a more interesting part. This emoji can also be used to tell someone to hurry along. Use it with a 💨 Dashing Away emoji to show the urgency in moving along quickly. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Female Sign

Female Sign emoji is a circle with a cross connected to it at the bottom. This symbol is used to represent the female gender. Did you know that the symbol represents a bronze mirror and is connected to the planet Venus? So they must be wrong when they say born under Venus look for a—never mind. You can use this emoji to connect the female gender to anything, like if you use it with a 🐕 Dog emoji to show you are looking for a female dog. You can also use this emoji with the 🏳️‍🌈 Rainbow Flag emoji to show you prefer being with someone of the same gender. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)


Fleur-de-lis emoji is the image of the recognized decorative element, which is often seen on different emblems and coats of arms. It is used mostly in the context of the Louisiana state (because it is its symbol) and its cities, including New Orleans. Apart from that, it is sometimes used as something like a decorative element for messages and tweets to make them look more noble — sometimes together with other emojis. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)


The Gemini emoji is the digital representation of the third of 12 Zodiac signs. It represents all people who were born from 22.05 to 21.06 and it looks like the Roman numeral for 2 i.e. II — in 🟣 Purple 🟡 Yellow or 🔴 Red color in case of different emoji providers. For those who believe in the Zodiac signs' power, it marks extremely talkative creative, and outgoing people — but for others, it’s nothing more than a funny belief. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Heavy Dollar Sign

Heavy Dollar Sign emoji is a dollar symbol with heavier lines. You will see this symbol in front of numbers to show the American price on a product. You can use this emoji with another emoji, like a 🥪 Sandwich emoji, to ask how much it costs. You can also use this emoji to emphasize to someone that they owe you money and it is long overdue. If you have that friend who is not the best at returning borrowed money send this emoji with a ✋ Raised Hand emoji. Throw in an 😠 Angry Face emoji to better encourage your friend to pay you back that instant. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Equals Sign

The 🟰 Equal Sign emoji is a pair of short parallel lines horizontally placed. Emoji was added to Unicode 14.0 in 2021, completing the math symbols section. The emoji refers to the arithmetic sign “equals,” without which not a single operation in mathematics is considered complete. The emoji also metaphorically expresses balance, equality, parallelism, consequence and outcome. It is often used in a social context when referring to the equality of people: gender, religious, professional, racial and legal. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Hollow Red Circle

Hollow Red Circle emoji is a thickly outlined circle. This emoji has a positive attribute to it. You would most likely see this circle in games to show that a move you have done is correct. Send it with the 👍 Thumbs Up emoji to someone who has either said something you agree with or turned in work to you that was well above acceptable. Due to their similar uses, you can use this emoji instead of the ✔️ Heavy Check Mark emoji to show approval. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)



Time for recess! Post a comment, ask a question or write a review. Feel free to let us know what you think!

Post a comment

@Unknown - Oct 16


@Unknown - Oct 16


@Unknown - Oct 14

hurmmm sigmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ahh quiz

@Unknown - Oct 14

so ezzzzz

@Unknown - Oct 04

Quick n easy test. Thanks.

@Unknown - Oct 02

I received a 300$ ticket because I passed a police control of other cars/drivers on the right lane of a highway (the control was on the hard shoulder of the highway). Is it really true, that you have to change the lane in such cases? Thanks!

1 1
@Unknown - Oct 01

I am an American living in Italy. The Italian Drivers License theory test is the hardest test I have ever studied for and I am in my 70s have multiple degrees, multiple professional certifications. Have to take the Italian Drivers Theory test in Italian. No english. So many rules. More signs in small medieval Italian town I live in then in major US cities I have lived in. No Italian license no driving. No buying or renting a car. Test here was good, clean. Lots of tricky questions on many practice and real official tests. Thanks

1 0
@Unknown - Sep 30

Good SK

1 0
@Unknown - Sep 30


@Unknown - Sep 24


@Unknown - Sep 22


@Unknown - Sep 10

Damn that's good

@Unknown - Sep 05


@Unknown - Sep 03


@Unknown - Sep 03


@Unknown - Aug 21

i love this do like this game

@Unknown - Aug 15

Can I Drive now ?

2 0
@Unknown - Aug 10

Is BOOSHKA a word in russia

1 1
@Unknown - Aug 07

Okay thank

@Unknown - Aug 04

thanks very much

@Unknown - Aug 01


@Unknown - Aug 01

Does someone also get a server error when opening the exam?

@Unknown - Jul 24

thank you

@Unknown - Jul 21

Nicht so gut

@Unknown - Jul 03

Most problems are a result of higher than safe driving speeds. Please just slow down and be patient.

1 0
@Unknown - Jun 30

Question 121: Poor translation: Vehicles with polluted fluids prohibited Should be translated as: Vehicles with dangerous liquids prohibited

1 -2
@Unknown - Jun 30

Question 83: Poor translation: Vehicles with polluted fluids prohibited Should be translated as: Vehicles with dangerous liquids prohibited

@Unknown - Jun 26


@Unknown - Jun 23

Its good for foreigners and thanks

@Unknown - Jun 23


1 -1
@Unknown - Jun 21


@Unknown - Jun 11


@Unknown - Jun 09

Hi this Farooq Ashraf from Abu Dhabi

@Unknown - May 31

Want even more practice? Visit similar websites offering realistic practice driving knowledge tests. Visit us to see what sets our tests apart! https://dkttest.com/capital-territory/

@Unknown - May 30

Cool tool! And fun to check whether I remember the rules :) Two things I noticed: Warning for a crossroad side roads on the left and right. While technically that might be the correct translation, this sign tells you, that you are on the main road and have the right of way for the next crossroad and only the next crossroad. Usually (if no sign specifies otherwise) you have to give way to drivers coming from the right at every intersection, which can get a bit annoying in communal areas, so seeing this sign feels less like a warning and more like relief :). A Fahrradstraße is not a lane for cyclists but a street for cyclists, meaning the (whole!) street is intended predominantly for cyclists, who are then allowed to ride next to each other. Cars are allowed to drive there (unless another sign prohibits such), but have to adjust their speed to the cyclists. I believe they are not allowed to pass at all, even if the oncoming lane is empty.

@Unknown - May 20


@Unknown - May 11

Soon I will drive there, training needed

2 0
@Unknown - May 11

Good work

@Unknown - May 08


1 0
@Unknown - May 06

Thank you...

@Unknown - May 03

No shot! New dog breed?

1 1
@Unknown - May 03

if u need help visit this website https://traffic-rules.com/en/france/comments

@Unknown - May 02

l bozo i hatw u u r bannes from doing this alsoimjealusudontknowany1

@Unknown - May 02

do u mew?

4 -1
@Unknown - May 02

this website is a simpy website i love this its fat and im in my mums basement rn help sui u r a mothr fker

@Unknown - May 02

Hi i am such fat fan of this great gaming website. Im so hangry for the cause mate! Liking the simps eating on yall tho nott gonna lie to ya!

@Unknown - May 01

Im from nepal and how can i get my truck driving licence in romania

1 -4
@Unknown - May 01

The system is now changed and they use some type of tablet for the exam now. Do anyone have the questions which they ask in the tablet because the questions are different. I still didn’t pass my provisional driving knowledge test. It would be great if someone could help

@Unknown - Apr 30

Really helpfull

@Unknown - Apr 25

Very helpful

