

Learn the traffic rules with these instructive videos about traffic rules, traffic safety and the driving license.

10 Tips For New Drivers

07-05-2013Here's a video with some cool driving tips for new and not so new drivers, and some of the most frequently asked questions during driving lessons. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions for videos etc., don't hesitate leave them in the comments.

7 tips for the driving exam

17-02-2014Video showing some important points to which you must pay attention when doing the driving test. Note that in order to keep the video short and sweet, I will not repeat some of the details that I explain in my other videos (eg: you should look left-right-left at each stop, check the mirrors and blind spot before each lane change and before each turn, etc.).

5 Tips For New Drivers

05-11-2014About the first tip, there are times when you should look in the mirrors when backing up, like when you want to know if you're too close to something that you already know is there (example, when you do a 90° parking between two cars and want to check the distance between you car and the others. Still, you should alternate between checking the mirrors and turning your head).

4 Tips to be Less Nervous

13-10-20154 Tips to Be Less Nervous at the Driving Exam. Here are some tips that will (hopefully) help you control that stress. In this video: Practice in the exam zone, Use the car you're used to driving (if you can), Warm Up, Park backing up so you can start your exam going forward.



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Oct 18, 2024

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