
Ключевые слова

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Yellow-throated Vireo

The yellow-throated vireo (Vireo flavifrons) is a small American songbird. Adults are mainly olive on the head and upperparts with a yellow throat and white belly; they have dark eyes with yellow 'spectacles'. The tail and wings are dark with white wing bars. They have thick blue-grey legs and a stout bill They forage for insects high in trees. They also eat berries, especially before migration and in winter when they are occasionally seen feeding on gumbo-limbo (Bursera simaruba) fruit. They make a thick cup nest attached to a fork in a tree branch.. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Yellow-winged Sparrow

The golden-winged sparrow (Arremon schlegeli) is a species of bird in the family Passerellidae that can found in Colombia and Venezuela. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical dry forests and subtropical or tropical dry shrubland. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Zenaida Dove

The zenaida dove (Zenaida aurita) is a member of the bird family Columbidae, which includes doves and pigeons. It is the national bird of Anguilla, where it is locally referred to as 'turtle dove'. The Zenaida dove is approximately 28–30 cm (11–12 in) in length. It looks very similar to the mourning dove, but is smaller in size, has a shorter, more rounded tail, and is a bit more darkly colored. It is also distinguished from the mourning dove by showing white on the trailing edge of its wings while in flight. The mourning dove does not have the white trailing edge. It lays two white eggs on a flimsy platform, built on a tree or shrub. It also nests in rock crevices, and on grassy vegetation if no predators are present. It has been recorded that some birds have up to 4 broods per year. Eggs take approximately two weeks to hatch, and the young chicks typically fledge after only two weeks in the nest. Parents feed the young pigeon's milk, a nutrient rich substance regurgitated from its crop. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

American Badger

The American badger is a North American badger similar in appearance to the European badger, although not closely related. It is found in the western, central, and northeastern United States, northern Mexico, and south-central Canada to certain areas of southwestern British Columbia. The American badger's habitat is typified by open grasslands with available prey (such as mice, squirrels, and groundhogs). The species prefers areas such as prairie regions with sandy loam soils where it can dig more easily for its prey. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

American Beaver

The North American beaver (Castor canadensis) is one of two extant beaver species, along with the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber). It is native to North America and introduced in South America (Patagonia) and Europe (primarily Finland and Karelia). In Canada and the United States, the species is often referred to simply as 'beaver', though this causes some confusion because another distantly related rodent, Aplodontia rufa, is often called the 'mountain beaver'. Other vernacular names, including American beaver and Canadian beaver, distinguish this species from the other extant beaver species, Castor fiber, which is native to Eurasia. The North American beaver is one of the official national wildlife of Canada symbols and is the official state mammal of Oregon and New York. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

American Bison

The American bison (Bison bison) is a species of bison native to North America. Sometimes colloquially referred to as American buffalo or simply buffalo (a different clade of bovine), it is one of two extant species of bison, alongside the European bison. Its historical range, by 9000 BC, is described as the great bison belt, a tract of rich grassland that ran from Alaska to the Gulf of Mexico, east to the Atlantic Seaboard (nearly to the Atlantic tidewater in some areas) as far north as New York, south to Georgia and, according to some sources, further south to Florida, with sightings in North Carolina near Buffalo Ford on the Catawba River as late as 1750. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

American Black Bear

The American black bear (Ursus americanus), also called simply a black bear or sometimes a baribal, is a medium-sized bear endemic to North America. It is the continent's smallest and most widely distributed bear species. American black bears are omnivores, with their diets varying greatly depending on season and location. They typically live in largely forested areas, but will leave forests in search of food, and are sometimes attracted to human communities due to the immediate availability of food. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

American Cross-Fox

The cross fox is a partially melanistic colour variant of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) which has a long dark stripe running down its back, intersecting another stripe to form a cross over the shoulders. It tends to be more abundant in northern regions of Canada, and is rarer than the common red form, but is more common than the even darker silver fox. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

American Deer

The white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), also known as the whitetail or Virginia deer, is a medium-sized deer native to North America, Central America, and South America as far south as Peru and Bolivia. It has also been introduced to New Zealand, all the Greater Antilles in the Caribbean (Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico), and some countries in Europe, such as the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Romania and Serbia. In the Americas, it is the most widely distributed wild ungulate. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

American Elk

The elk (Cervus canadensis), also known as the wapiti, is one of the largest species within the deer family, Cervidae, and one of the largest terrestrial mammals in its native range of North America, as well as Central and East Asia. The common name elk, used in North America, creates confusion because the larger Alces alces, which is called moose in North America, is also called elk in British English, and related names in other European languages (German Elch, Swedish älg, and French élan). The name 'wapiti' is sometimes used in North America for Cervus canadensis. It originates from the Shawnee and Cree word waapiti, meaning 'white rump'. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

American Marsh Shrew

The marsh shrew (Sorex bendirii), also known as the Pacific water shrew, Bendire's water shrew, Bendire's shrew and Jesus shrew is the largest North American member of the genus Sorex (long-tailed shrews). Primarily covered in dark-brown fur, it is found near aquatic habitats along the Pacific coast from southern British Columbia to northern California. With air trapped in its fur for buoyancy, marsh shrews can run for three to five seconds on top of the water. It measures about 16 cm (6.3 in) in length, including a 7-centimetre (2.8 in)-long tail, and weighs an average of 14.5–16 g (0.51–0.56 oz). The marsh shrew's diet consists mainly of invertebrates, which it hunts on land and in the water. They are rare; their populations are thought to be in decline, and they are considered endangered in parts of their range. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

American Red-Fox

The American red fox (Vulpes vulpes fulva) is a North American subspecies of the red fox. It is the largest of the true foxes and one of the most widely distributed members of the order Carnivora, occurring in North America. It is listed as least concern by the IUCN. This subspecies is most likely the ancestor of the domesticated silver fox. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

American Shrew Mole

The American shrew mole (Neurotrichus gibbsii) is the smallest species of mole. It is the only living member of the genus Neurotrichus and the tribe Neurotrichini. It is also known as Gibb's shrew mole and least shrew mole. It is not closely related to the Asian shrew mole (Uropsilus in Urotrichini). The reason that it is called a 'shrew mole' instead of being called either a 'shrew' or a 'mole' is because of its fur, which is a characteristic of shrews and its large head and heavy dentition, which is characteristic of moles. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

American Skunk

The striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis) is a skunk of the genus Mephitis that occurs across much of North America, including southern Canada, the United States, and northern Mexico. It is currently listed as least concern by the IUCN on account of its wide range and ability to adapt to human-modified environments. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

American wild cat

The wildcat is a species complex comprising two small wild cat species: the European wildcat (Felis silvestris) and the African wildcat (F. lybica). The European wildcat inhabits forests in Europe, Anatolia and the Caucasus, while the African wildcat inhabits semi-arid landscapes and steppes in Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Central Asia, into western India and western China. The wildcat species differ in fur pattern, tail, and size: the European wildcat has long fur and a bushy tail with a rounded tip; the smaller African wildcat is more faintly striped, has short sandy-gray fur and a tapering tail; the Asiatic wildcat (F. lybica ornata) is spotted. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Annulated Marmot Squirrel

Marmots are large ground squirrels in the genus Marmota, with 15 species living in Asia, Europe, and North America. These herbivores are active during the summer, when they can often be found in groups, but are not seen during the winter, when they hibernate underground. They are the heaviest members of the squirrel family. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Arctic Fox

The Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus), also known as the white fox, polar fox, or snow fox, is a small fox native to the Arctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere and common throughout the Arctic tundra biome. It is well adapted to living in cold environments, and is best known for its thick, warm fur that is also used as camouflage. It has a large and very fluffy tail. In the wild, most individuals do not live past their first year but some exceptional ones survive up to 11 years. Its body length ranges from 46 to 68 cm (18 to 27 in), with a generally rounded body shape to minimize the escape of body heat. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Bachman's Hare

The brush rabbit (Sylvilagus bachmani), or western brush rabbit, or Californian brush rabbit, is a species of cottontail rabbit found in western coastal regions of North America, from the Columbia River in Oregon to the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. Its range extends as far east as the eastern sides of the Sierra Nevada and Cascade mountain ranges. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Black American Wolf

A black wolf is a melanistic colour variant of the gray wolf (Canis lupus). Black specimens were recorded among red wolves (Canis rufus), though the colour morph in this species is probably now extinct. Genetic research from the Stanford University School of Medicine and the University of California, Los Angeles revealed that wolves with black pelts owe their distinctive coloration to a mutation which occurred in domestic dogs, and was carried to wolves through wolf-dog hybridization. Besides coat and knee colour, they are normal grey wolves. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Black Rat

The black rat (Rattus rattus), also known as the roof rat, ship rat, or house rat, is a common long-tailed rodent of the stereotypical rat genus Rattus, in the subfamily Murinae. It likely originated in the Indian subcontinent, but is now found worldwide. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Black Squirrel

Black squirrels are a melanistic subgroup of squirrels with black coloration on their fur. The phenomenon occurs with several species of squirrels, although it is most frequent with the eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) and the fox squirrel (Sciurus niger). Black morphs of the eastern gray and fox squirrels are the result of an abnormal pigment gene. Several theories have surfaced as to why the black morph occurs, with some suggesting that the black morph is a selective advantage for squirrels inhabiting the northern ranges of the species, with the black-fur providing a thermal advantage over its non-melanistic counterpart. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Black-footed Ferret

The black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes), also known as the American polecat or prairie dog hunter, is a species of mustelid native to central North America. The black-footed ferret is roughly the size of a mink and is similar in appearance to the European polecat and the Asian steppe polecat. It is largely nocturnal and solitary, except when breeding or raising litters. Up to 90% of its diet is composed of prairie dogs. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Black-tailed Deer

Two forms of black-tailed deer or blacktail deer that occupy coastal woodlands in the Pacific Northwest of North America are subspecies of the mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus). They have sometimes been treated as a species, but virtually all recent authorities maintain they are subspecies. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Black-tailed Hare

The black-tailed jackrabbit (Lepus californicus), also known as the American desert hare, is a common hare of the western United States and Mexico, where it is found at elevations from sea level up to 10,000 ft (3,000 m). Reaching a length around 2 ft (61 cm), and a weight from 3 to 6 lb (1.4 to 2.7 kg), the black-tailed jackrabbit is one of the largest North American hares. Black-tailed jackrabbits occupy mixed shrub-grassland terrains. Their breeding depends on the location; it typically peaks in spring, but may continue all year round in warm climates. Young are born fully furred with eyes open; they are well camouflaged and are mobile within minutes of birth, thus females do not protect or even stay with the young except during nursing. The average litter size is around four, but may be as low as two and as high as seven in warm regions. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Brewer's Shrew Mole

The hairy-tailed mole (Parascalops breweri), also known as Brewer's mole, is a medium-sized North American mole. It is the only member of the genus Parascalops. The species epithet breweri refers to Thomas Mayo Brewer, an American naturalist. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Bridled Weasel

The long-tailed weasel (Neogale frenata), also known as the bridled weasel, masked ermine, or big stoat, is a species of mustelid distributed from southern Canada throughout all the United States and Mexico, southward through all of Central America and into northern South America. It is distinct from the short-tailed weasel (Mustela erminea), also known as a 'stoat', a close relation in the genus Mustela that originated in Eurasia and crossed into North America some half million years ago; the two species are visually similar, especially the black tail tip. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Brown rat

The brown rat (Rattus norvegicus), also known as the common rat, street rat, sewer rat, wharf rat, Hanover rat, Norway rat, Norwegian rat and Parisian rat, is a widespread species of common rat. One of the largest muroids, it is a brown or grey rodent with a head and body length of up to 28 cm (11 in) long, and a tail slightly shorter than that. It weighs between 140 and 500 g (5 and 17+3⁄4 oz). Thought to have originated in northern China and neighbouring areas, this rodent has now spread to all continents except Antarctica, and is the dominant rat in Europe and much of North America. With rare exceptions, the brown rat lives wherever humans live, particularly in urban areas. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

California Marmot Squirrel

The yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris), also known as the rock chuck, is a large, stout-bodied ground squirrel in the marmot genus. It is one of fourteen species of marmots, and is native to mountainous regions of southwestern Canada and western United States, including the Rocky Mountains, Sierra Nevada, and Mount Rainier in the state of Washington, typically living above 2,000 metres (6,500 feet)[citation needed]. The fur is mainly brown, with a dark bushy tail, yellow chest and white patch between the eyes, and they weigh up to approximately 5 kilograms (11 pounds). They live in burrows in colonies of up to twenty individuals with a single dominant male. They are diurnal and feed on plant material, insects, and bird eggs. They hibernate for approximately eight months starting in September and lasting through the winter. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Californian Hare

The black-tailed jackrabbit (Lepus californicus), also known as the American desert hare, is a common hare of the western United States and Mexico, where it is found at elevations from sea level up to 10,000 ft (3,000 m). Reaching a length around 2 ft (61 cm), and a weight from 3 to 6 lb (1.4 to 2.7 kg), the black-tailed jackrabbit is one of the largest North American hares. Black-tailed jackrabbits occupy mixed shrub-grassland terrains. Their breeding depends on the location; it typically peaks in spring, but may continue all year round in warm climates. Young are born fully furred with eyes open; they are well camouflaged and are mobile within minutes of birth, thus females do not protect or even stay with the young except during nursing. The average litter size is around four, but may be as low as two and as high as seven in warm regions. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Camas Rat

The camas pocket gopher (Thomomys bulbivorus), also known as the camas rat or Willamette Valley gopher, is a rodent, the largest member in the genus Thomomys, of the family Geomyidae. First described in 1829, it is endemic to the Willamette Valley of northwestern Oregon in the United States. The herbivorous gopher forages for vegetable and plant matter, which it collects in large, fur-lined, external cheek pouches. Surplus food is hoarded in an extensive system of tunnels. The dull-brown-to-lead-gray coat changes color and texture over the year. The mammal's characteristically large, protuberant incisors are well adapted for use in tunnel construction, particularly in the hard clay soils of the Willamette Valley. The gophers make chattering sounds with their teeth; males and females make purring (or crooning) sounds when they are together, and the young make twittering sounds. Born toothless, blind and hairless, the young grow rapidly before being weaned at about six weeks of age. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Canada Lynx

The Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis), or Canadian lynx, is a medium-sized North American lynx that ranges across Alaska, Canada, and northern areas of the contiguous United States. It is characterized by its long, dense fur, triangular ears with black tufts at the tips, and broad, snowshoe-like paws. Its hindlimbs are longer than the forelimbs, so its back slopes downward to the front. The Canada lynx stands 48–56 cm (19–22 in) tall at the shoulder and weighs between 5 and 17 kg (11 and 37 lb). The lynx is a good swimmer and an agile climber. The Canada lynx was first described by Robert Kerr in 1792. Three subspecies have been proposed, but their validity is doubted; it is mostly considered a monotypic species. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Canada Otter

The North American river otter (Lontra canadensis), also known as the northern river otter and river otter, is a semiaquatic mammal that only lives on the North American continent, along its waterways and coasts. An adult North American river otter can weigh between 5.0 and 14 kg (11.0 and 30.9 lb). The river otter is protected and insulated by a thick, water-repellent coat of fur. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Canada Porcupine

The North American porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum), also known as the Canadian porcupine, is a large quill-covered rodent in the New World porcupine family. It is the second largest rodent in North America, after the North American beaver (Castor canadensis). The porcupine is a caviomorph rodent whose ancestors crossed the Atlantic from Africa to Brazil 30 million years ago, and then migrated to North America during the Great American Interchange after the Isthmus of Panama rose 3 million years ago. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Canada Pouched Rat

Pouched rats are a group of African rodents in the subfamily Cricetomyinae. They are members of the family Nesomyidae, which contains other African muroids such as climbing mice, Malagasy mice, and the white-tailed rat. All nesomyids are in the superfamily Muroidea, a large and complex clade containing 1⁄4 of all mammal species. Sometimes the pouched rats are placed in the family Muridae along with all other members of the superfamily Muroidea. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)


Reindeer, known as caribou in North America, are deer in the genus Rangifer. Traditionally, reindeers were thought to be one species, Rangifer tarandus, with about ten subspecies. They have a circumpolar distribution, and are native to the Arctic, sub-Arctic, tundra, boreal forest, and mountainous regions of northern Europe, Siberia, and North America. Reindeer occur in both migratory and sedentary populations, and their herd sizes vary greatly in different geographic regions. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Carolina Grey Squirrel

The eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), also known, particularly outside of North America, as simply the grey squirrel, is a tree squirrel in the genus Sciurus. It is native to eastern North America, where it is the most prodigious and ecologically essential natural forest regenerator. Widely introduced to certain places around the world, the eastern gray squirrel in Europe, in particular, is regarded as an invasive species. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Carolina Shrew

The southern short-tailed shrew is the smallest shrew in its genus, measuring 7 to 10 cm (2.8 to 3.9 in) in total length, and weighing less than 14 g (0.49 oz). It has a comparatively heavy body, with short limbs and a thick neck, a long, pointed snout and ears that are nearly concealed by its soft, dense fur. As its name indicates, the hairy tail is relatively short, measuring 1.2 to 2.5 cm (0.47 to 0.98 in). The feet are adapted for digging, with five toes ending in sharp, curved claws. The fur is slate gray, being paler on the underparts. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Cat Squirrel

A squitten is a cat with a genetic deformity which causes a partial formation or complete absence of the radius bone making it resemble a squirrel. These cats should be kept indoors and seen to by specialist veterinarians, as long term management of the condition is essential for quality of life in these cats. It is an example of a cat body type genetic mutation. The word is a portmanteau of squirrel and kitten. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Chipping Squirrel

Chipmunks are small, striped rodents of the family Sciuridae. Chipmunks are found in North America, with the exception of the Siberian chipmunk which is found primarily in Asia. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Cinnamon Bear

The cinnamon bear (Ursus americanus cinnamomum) is both a highly variable color morph and a subspecies of the American black bear, native to the central, eastern, and western areas of the United States and Canada. Established populations are found in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Montana, Washington, Manitoba, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Wyoming, California, Alberta, Ontario, and British Columbia. They are also present in Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Quebec, and New York. As a subspecies, they therefore most likely exist alongside the mostly black-colored eastern American black bears present in those regions, and breed with them. The most striking difference between a cinnamon bear and any other black bear is its brown or red-brown fur, reminiscent of cinnamon. The subspecies was given this designation because the lighter color phase is more common there than in other areas.[clarification needed] It is proposed that the brownish coats actually mimic a grizzly bear. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)



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@Unknown - Sep 19

Мне вот интересно, вопросы на экзамене будут только по книге?

@Unknown - Sep 19

Очень рада что нашла ваш сайт. Благодарна что смогу учить правила и получить водительское удостоверение.

@Unknown - Aug 28

Что означает 300 ?

1 0
@Unknown - Aug 26

Я что то не понял, вопросы только про знаки?

@Unknown - Aug 07

Пробовал пройти много раз. Всегда появляется варианты где есть два одинаковых ответа даже по несколько раз. Иногда угадывал какой. Но если угадывал через несколько вопросов опять появлялось такая ситуация и опять нужно было гадать. Эту ошибку нужно исправить, о то она показывает на некомпетентность ваших программистов. На самом деле если бы не эти глупые ситуации отвечал бы сотни раз подряд правильно на все вопросы. Видимо специально устроена такая подлянка чтобы расстроить человека который пытается пройти этот тест. Пропадает желание общаться с этой компанией.

1 0
@Unknown - Jul 12


@Unknown - Jun 26

В вопросе #9 дважды повторяется один и тот же ответ. В первом случае о фиксируется как неправильный,во втором случае как правильный.

@Unknown - Jun 24

Есть у кого нибудь ссылка

@Unknown - Jun 24

Вопросы от экзаменатора на практических экзаменах

@Unknown - Jun 17

Урра я с дал и теперь могу пойти машину купить

@Unknown - Jun 07

хуйня не сдал по ним

@Unknown - Apr 27


@Unknown - Apr 13

знак "скрещивание оленей" - это что-то новенькое :о)

@Unknown - Apr 11

Большое спасибо. Было интересно. Водила машину 40 лет тому назад. Можно ли В 70 лет сдать на права,интересно.

@Unknown - Apr 05


@Unknown - Apr 01

Большое спасибо за тренажер! Для подготовки к экзамену очень даже подходит.

@Unknown - Mar 21

В 51 вопросе два одинаковых ответа. Нужно поменять.

@Unknown - Mar 14

Идея отличная! Но часто встречается неточный или неправильный перевод!

@Unknown - Feb 27


@Unknown - Feb 25


@Unknown - Feb 23


@Unknown - Feb 22

Merci pour le test, très utile

@Unknown - Feb 19

а как узнать сколько баллов

@Unknown - Feb 07

Спасибо . Очень полезная информация.

@Unknown - Jan 29

Спасибо, очень хорошая информация о знаках и тест интересный!

@Unknown - Jan 05

Вопросы одни и те же.

@Unknown - Dec 12

Этих вопросов на экзаменах в Японии нет, варианты билетов есть на сайтах японских автошкол там два ответа да или нет 10 вопросов, допускается 3 неправильных ответа

@Unknown - Dec 05

комент пользователя который прошол тест, тест дерьмо вопросы даже не близкие к реалистычным методом изключения прошол 3 раза на все 100% хотя в реальных условиях уже 2 раза не сдал

@Unknown - Dec 05

комент пользователя который прошол тест, тест дерьмо вопросы даже не близкие к реалистычным методом изключения прошол 3 раза на все 100% хотя в реальных условиях уже 2 раза не сдал

@Unknown - Dec 02

В тесте для вопроса "Что означает этот дорожный знак?" предлагаются два варианта ответа с одинаковым содержанием: "Предупреждение о сужении дороги слева." При этом один из них оценивается, как правильный, а второй - нет. Очевидно, один из этих вариантов должен был бы звучать: "Предупреждение о сужении дороги справа."

@Unknown - Nov 19

Что означает этот дорожный знак? Предупреждение о дороге с односторонним движением. Предупреждение о сужении дороги слева. Предупреждение о дороге с двусторонним движением. Предупреждение о сужении дороги слева. Второй и третий вариант одинаковые показывает ошибку, возможно во втором ответе должно быть написано слово «справа»

@Unknown - Sep 27

Перевод ДЕБИЛА!!!

1 4
@Unknown - Sep 23

Тест крутой! Перевод действительно путает...

@Unknown - Sep 03

Я бы сказал бы тест отличный но просто перевод так себе не много путает особено два ответа одинаковые, а оно говорит не правильно хоть оба ответа правильные и еще некоторый перевод просто смешной и не поймешь, какой правильный ответ. Просто на угад, почему так смысл ответа размытый. А так отлично.

1 1
@Unknown - Aug 26

Перевод дебильный!!! Неужели нельзя найти НАСТОЯЩЕГО РУССКОГО переводчика?

1 0
@Unknown - Aug 14

Переводчик решил пофантазировать на тему- скрещивания оленей, на самом деле предупреждение- будьте внимательны - ОЛЕНИ, их много в Канаде!

1 1
@Unknown - Aug 12

Спасибо за тесты, тренировка и проверка перед сдачей экзамена.

@Unknown - Aug 03

Здравствуйте! Возможно ли в Бельгии где-то здать на права на русском или украинском языках?

@Unknown - Aug 02


@Unknown - Jun 05

Есть ли ограничения в возрасте? Надо ли иметь права?

@Unknown - May 31

Тест хуйня так как такие дорожные знаки я не видел вот а сайт гавна взял и сам свои добавил всё

@Unknown - May 14


@Unknown - Apr 16

В пятом вопросе два раза написано сужение дороги слева, а нужно выбрать только один вариант - это описка или ловушка?

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@Unknown - Apr 10

1. Предупреждение о сужении дороги слева. Два одинаковых ответа. 2. Парковка разрешева. При правильном ответе - защитывает ошибку.

@Unknown - Apr 03

Перевод ужасный на русском. Нет такого знака - скрещивание оленей

@Unknown - Mar 30

ошибки в вопросах

@Unknown - Mar 20

супер!!! благодарю

@Unknown - Mar 19

Предупреждение об опасности столкновения с дикими жив... а не скрещивании!

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@Unknown - Mar 14


@Unknown - Feb 19

ееее беби шун дик ду

