
Ключевые слова

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Phanpy is a small, horizon-blue proboscid Pokémon. It has large, floppy ears, which it uses as fans to cool itself. There are two red pads on each ear and another on the bridge of its short trunk. Phanpy has a single nail on each of its four feet, and a short tail. This small trunk is sensitive, yet strong. It can send a person flying with an affectionate, playful bump of its snout. The trunk is also strong enough to shatter any arm bones it hits. Additionally, this little Pokémon is easily capable of carrying an adult human on its back. Phanpy is found in rocky terrain. To make its nest, it digs a vertical pit near the edge of a river. It displays ownership of this area by marking it with its trunk. In the deserted morning hours, Phanpy uses its trunk to shower in the river. Sometimes, groups of this Pokémon form and soak each other thoroughly. Afterwards, it can be seen drying its body near the edge of the river. The reason is Phanpy won't settle down until it is clean. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Donphan is a gray, proboscid Pokémon with a thick, black band of hide running down the length of its back and extending to the tip of its long trunk. When this Pokémon curls up, the band resembles a car tire. This tough hide prevents regular attacks from inflicting even a scratch. A pair of white tusks, which are smaller on the female, extend from the corners of its mouth. It has thin, elongated ears held out almost perpendicular to its body. Its four short legs are each encircled with a broken, black band and have three toes. Donphan has the ability to curl up into a ball and violently roll around like a wheel. These rolling tackles are strong enough to knock down a house. While normally calm, Donphan can become enraged and start a rampage. Once it starts its rampage, it will be almost unstoppable. Donphan will chase after anyone who angers it. The anime shows that this ability is further used as a form of courtship. The male Donphan have rolling competitions to demonstrate their toughness to the females. A Donphan's tough hide is so strong, not even a car can scratch it. Despite this, the armor is extremely vulnerable to rain. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Porygon2 is a rounded, pink, artificial Pokémon that shows similarities to a drinking bird. It has a relatively flat bill and large, round eyes. Its legs are simple ovoid growths along its sides, and its tail widens towards the middle. Its bill, legs, tail, and underside are blue. Porygon2's evolution from Porygon was the result of it being upgraded from the most cutting-edge technology available. It was upgraded to work in space for planetary devolvement reasons, although its inability to fly limits this ability. It is artificially intelligent and capable of learning new behaviors on its own, including information it does not need to know. It can also speak a strange language only other Porygon2 can understand. As a result, it will sometimes perform motions or abilities that are not in its programming. It is generally found in computers or in labs and other buildings working with people. It can survive in a space vacuum, though cannot move very well in zero-gravity. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Stantler is a quadrupedal, cervid Pokémon. It has a tan pelt with a cream-colored belly and a few spots on its back. Its tail is large, short, and round, and each of its legs ends in a black hoof. It has a large, brown nose and a pair of pale cream-colored antlers, each with a black orb in the center. The shape of the antlers and the black orbs causes them to resemble eyes. Stantler can distort reality and create illusions with its antlers by subtly changing the flow of air around them. Staring into them creates an odd sensation, as if one is being sucked through them, and one may become so dizzy that it is impossible to stand. The orbs on the antlers have a pleasant scent, which can induce a bewildering effect on people. The orbs can also be ground into a powder that aids in sleeping. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Smeargle is a bipedal, beagle-like Pokémon with white and brown fur. It has a long tail with an end resembling a paintbrush. This paintbrush oozes with paint, and the color of the paint may vary for each Smeargle, as well as change in hue corresponding to its emotions. Sprites from the games depict green, brown, and red, while the anime also shows yellow and blue. Smeargle has a footprint on its back that is the same color as the tip of the tail. The mark is placed on Smeargle's back as a sign of adulthood. Smeargle also has a round structure on its head with a point that resembles a beret. It has floppy, brown ears and a brown collar on its neck. The rings encircling Smeargle's eyes are also brown, as are Smeargle's eyelids. Its arms have two brown bands, and its legs have only one. Each of its limbs has three digits. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Tyrogue is a humanoid Pokémon with a predominantly pale purple body and brown hips and feet that resemble short pants and shoes. It has three blunt protrusions on top of its head, yellow eyes, and circular sections on each side of its head that resemble protective padding. There are white bands resembling bandages on its torso and wrists. It has thin limbs, and its hands have three fingers each. Tyrogue is a male-only species with no female counterpart. Tyrogue is famous for its eagerness to compete and boundless energy, to such an extent that it will challenge anyone, even larger foes. Determined to make itself stronger, Tyrogue will not quit no matter how many times it loses. While it is small, Tyrogue should not be ignored as it can slugger a target without warning. As a result, it is always nursing its injuries from fighting opponents larger than itself. As Tyrogue becomes stressed if it is not able to train every day, its Trainer must maintain a regular training schedule. It is usually found in urban areas. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Hitmontop is a vaguely humanoid Pokémon capable of spinning on its head. Its main body is spherical and mostly blue with a brown triangular patch on its chest. Hitmontop has short legs with white bands near the hands and feet. The feet are large, blue, and have a circular brown pad on the underside. It has a skinny brown tail that ends with a blue sphere with a spike on it. Its head is round and brown with flat, curved extensions on either side and a single spike on top. It has beady, black eyes, and spherical hands with no digits. Hitmontop is a male-only species with no female counterpart. Hitmontop moves more quickly by spinning on the spike on its head than it does by walking normally. Capable of spinning at high speeds, it may bore into the ground similar to a drill. While spinning, Hitmontop delivers smooth, graceful kicks. Prior to Generation VII, Triple Kick and Rolling Kick were its signature moves, and Hitmontop was the only known Pokémon capable of learning the move Triple Kick. As an urban species, it is often found in towns and cities. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Smoochum is a small, humanoid Pokémon that resembles a baby. It has a large head with blonde hair that reaches its shoulders and has large bangs. There are several tufts of hair sticking up on top of its head. Its skin is light purple with a cream-colored chest, arms, and feet. It has large, blue-green eyes and a pair of large, pink lips. These lips are sensitive enough that Smoochum uses them to identify and examine objects that it sees for the first time, and are kept moist by its daily application of tree sap. This help Smoochum determine if it likes the object or not. When walking, Smoochum rocks its head back and forth. Smoochum is known to be very curious. This Pokémon is very active and runs about, although it often falls. Being very conscious of its appearance, it will check its reflection when given the chance to make sure it is not dirty. It will bathe the instant its it find any dirt on its face. However, it doesn't mind if its body get dirty. Smoochum is found living in cities and cold caverns. Smoochum is a female-only species, with no male counterpart. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Elekid is a yellow, round-bodied Pokémon with black stripes. Elekid's arms are bulky in proportion to its body, and it has three claws instead of fingers. It has two stripes on its arms, which wrap all the way around. There are two horns on top of its head which resemble the prongs of a power plug, complete with holes in their sides. These horns glow bluish-white when Elekid is fully charged. Elekid has a black lightning bolt marking on its chest. Two rows of stripes are near the marking, with the pattern continuing around its lower back. Its legs are black, and its feet are rounded and toeless. Elekid tends to become restless and full-on rowdy when it hears the sound of thunderstorm coming, and likes to play out in the middle of thunderstorms. It can generate electricity by rotating its arms, but it tires easily and can only charge a small amount. Elekid cannot store the electricity it generates, so it prefers to break into the houses of humans in order to consume electricity from their electrical outlets. It lives in the grasslands. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Magby is a bipedal Pokémon that has a red body with a yellow, flame-shaped marking on its stomach and a black collar marking on its neck. Its head is covered with large lumps, and it has a rounded, yellow beak. There is a single spike on its back and it has a tapered tail. Its short arms have three clawed fingers, while its feet have only two clawed toes. Magby can breathe 1100 °F (600 °C) flames, and hot embers drip from its mouth. Its health can be determined by these flames; yellow flames show that a Magby is in good health, while flames mixed with a lot of smoke is symptomatic of fatigue, and flames dripping from its nose is a sign of a cold. Magby's volcanic habitat ensures its health. However, it can be seen living in towns. Magby is known to be rather small and timid. It leaks out flames when excited or surprised. It prefers to soak in the magma of volcano in order to recover from the day's fatigue. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Miltank is a bipedal, bovine Pokémon, which can only be female. Its body is mostly pink, with a yellow belly and black, angular markings along its back. A black hood-like marking surrounds its face with a pink, triangular mark on its forehead. There are two small horns on top of its head. It has large, blue eyes, a black nose, and a wide mouth, as well as long, black, floppy ears with yellow insides. Miltank has a yellow udder with four pink teats. All four of its limbs end in black, cloven hooves, and its long tail is tipped with a black sphere. In The Young Flame Strikes Back!, a smaller Miltank was shown without any horns or teats, implying that this is what young Miltank look like. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Blissey is a Pokémon that has a large, ovoid body with a pink upper body and white lower body. It has hair-like curls on either side of its head. White, wing-like tufts grow from its hips and shoulders, creating the impression of a dress. Its stubby arms and feet are pink and lack any digits. A small, pink pouch on its belly holds a single egg, which brings feelings of happiness and makes a person pleasant and caring if ingested. The egg can cause a person to start acting kindly to others and calm down even the most ferocious Pokémon. Eating a Blissey's egg is said to bring good fortune to those who have consumed it. Blissey's egg can fetch the highest price at markets. Blissey can use its fluffy fur to sense sadness and will rush to anyone feeling sad or ill and attempt to nurse them back to health. Blissey is said to be overflowing with love. Blissey is a female-only species with no male counterpart. An urban Pokémon, it is rarely seen in the wild. In Pokémon Legends: Arceus, if the player is injured, any nearby Blissey will come to help heal them, and then flee when they're fully healed. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Raikou is a quadrupedal, yellow, tiger-like Pokémon with black stripes and a white underside. It has a thin, light blue tail with sharp angles and a spark-shaped formation at the end. Most of its face consists of thick, white fur and shorter yellow fur around its red eyes. Raikou's muzzle is a light blue 'X' and it has a black faceplate with two bumps that cover its forehead, nose, and ears. Raikou has two long fangs that make its appearance similar to the saber-toothed cat. Its large claws each converge to form a single point and never retract. Extra fur hangs off its body in front of its thighs. Raikou has a mane across its back that resembles dull purple rain clouds and allows it to shoot bolts of lighting. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Entei is a massive, leonine, quadrupedal Pokémon with some mastiff qualities. It is covered in brown fur and a long, light gray cloud of smoke running along its entire back. It has gray plates on either side of the cloud and a plate beneath the cream belly fur on its chest. Entei has gray paws with brown pads and black cuff-like bands on its legs. Both front paws house three small, white retractable claws, which can be seen in battle or in Pokémon Camp. Its main faceplate is red and shaped like fins or a six-sided star. A gray plate, resembling a horseshoe mustache, covers its muzzle. It also has a yellow crest with three sloped points on its forehead and red eyes. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Suicune is a slim, quadrupedal, blue, mammalian Pokémon with white, diamond-shaped markings. Its face and underside are white as well. Suicune has a thick, purple mane that resembles the aurora borealis and two white, streamer-like tails that wave forward. It has a long, white snout. Suicune has a large, hexagonal, cerulean blue crest on its forehead with two prongs on either side of the base. It has red eyes, a small tuft of fur under its chin, and small paws with white paw pads. Suicune has the power to walk across water and purify dirty water with one touch. It travels across grasslands in search of water to purify by following the north wind. Northern winds always seem to blow stronger in its presence. In Pokémon Crystal, Suicune is said to be the closest of the Legendary beasts to Ho-Oh. It is also said to have a link to the Unown. In the anime, Suicune is heroic, serious, and calm during dangerous situations. Suicune is believed to be both the embodiment of the north winds and compassion of pure spring waters. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Larvitar is a small, green reptilian Pokémon with rocky skin. It has a blunt spike on top of its head, a short, rounded snout, and triangular, black markings below and on the upper corners of its red eyes. Red scales cover its diamond-shaped belly, and there are several small holes in its body. Its short arms lack fingers, while its feet have a single toenail each. It has a tail with a conical center surrounded by a ring of plate-like scales, causing it to resemble a tunnel-boring machine. Larvitar is born deep underground, far from its parent. It stays underground until it starts eating the soil. It grows by consuming soil and will enter its pupal stage upon eating an entire mountain's worth of earth. This pupal stage is an evolution called Pupitar. Larvitar usually lives in mountains, hills, and caves. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Pupitar is a Pokémon encased inside a thick grayish-blue shell, sporting a hardness that is comparable to bedrock. Its red eyes can be seen through two holes in the shell, and two more holes directly above resemble eyebrows. The upper portion of its body is covered by a mask-like plate with four large spikes on either side. Three additional spikes protrude from its forehead. While its arms and legs are developing inside the shell, Pupitar uses compressed gas to propel itself around and can generate enough force to knock down mountains. Becuase of this, Pupitar is said to have an outstanding, destructive power. Once fully developed, it evolves into Tyranitar. Pupitar lives and moves freely around harsh mountain ranges. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Tyranitar is a large, bipedal, dinosaurian Pokémon with a green, armor-like hide covering its body. It has two pairs of pointed teeth: one in the upper jaw and one in the lower. Several spikes of varying size protrude from the back of its head, neck, and shoulders. Both sides of its chest, the center of its back, and its knees have two triangular holes. There is a gray, diamond-shaped patch of scales covering its belly, and a smaller one on its back. It has three claws on its feet and hands. A ring of spikes surrounds the tip of its tail. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Lugia is a large Pokémon that resembles a dragon, a plesiosaur, and a bird. It is primarily silver-white, but it has blue undersides with slightly varying tones. It has a ridged mouth similar to a beak, although it has pointed teeth on its lower jaw. Its head has a point to the back, and Lugia's eyes have pointed blue or black spikes on them. Lugia has a long, slender neck and a smooth, streamlined body. Dark blue or black plate-like protrusions run down the length of its back, and there are two smaller, more pointed ones on the end of its tail. It can fold back these plates to increase its speed. Lugia is covered in many scales that protect it from attacks. It has large wings that resemble hands. Though it is gender unknown, a young Lugia has been observed, suggesting there is a breeding population. Lugia has been shown to be fiercely protective of its young. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Ho-Oh is an avian Pokémon resembling a phoenix and a peacock. Its feathers are predominantly gold and red, with yellow tail-feathers, a white underside, and green feathers at the tip of its wings. Ho-Oh has a green stripe on its neck, a yellow beak, black rings around its red eyes, and a feathered, yellow crest on its head. Ho-Oh's wings are prismatic, causing it to trail a rainbow behind it. It has darkly colored feet and legs with four toes and long talons. Ho-Oh is considered the guardian of the skies and has a mythical power to resurrect the dead. Prior to Generation VI, Ho-Oh was the only known Pokémon capable of learning the move Sacred Fire. It is said that when it flies its huge wings create bright, colorful rainbows. The rare few who bear witness to Ho-Oh are promised eternal happiness. Ho-Oh used to perch at the top of the various towers located across the Johto region: the Bell Tower until the Brass Tower was destroyed by fire and the Goldenrod Tower in ancient times. It now presumably flies through the world's skies in search of a Trainer with a pure heart. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Celebi is a green, fairy-like Pokémon. It has round toeless feet, three-fingered hands, and clear wings on its back. It has a round head that comes to a curved point. It has large baby-blue eyes with thick black rings around them, and a pair of green antennae with blue tips. Often found in forests, Celebi is a Mythical Pokémon, known in legend as the 'Voice of the Forest'. It is able to travel through time and exist simultaneously throughout time, and plant life flourishes wherever it has been. As seen in the anime, it is able to bring deceased Celebi back to life and restore plants to perfect health. Celebi also has the ability to heal wounds. It was shown in Pokémon Colosseum that Celebi has the power to instantly cause the Purification of any Shadow Pokémon and can be summoned at Relic Forest with the melody of a Time Flute. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)



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@Unknown - Sep 19

Мне вот интересно, вопросы на экзамене будут только по книге?

@Unknown - Sep 19

Очень рада что нашла ваш сайт. Благодарна что смогу учить правила и получить водительское удостоверение.

@Unknown - Aug 28

Что означает 300 ?

1 0
@Unknown - Aug 26

Я что то не понял, вопросы только про знаки?

@Unknown - Aug 07

Пробовал пройти много раз. Всегда появляется варианты где есть два одинаковых ответа даже по несколько раз. Иногда угадывал какой. Но если угадывал через несколько вопросов опять появлялось такая ситуация и опять нужно было гадать. Эту ошибку нужно исправить, о то она показывает на некомпетентность ваших программистов. На самом деле если бы не эти глупые ситуации отвечал бы сотни раз подряд правильно на все вопросы. Видимо специально устроена такая подлянка чтобы расстроить человека который пытается пройти этот тест. Пропадает желание общаться с этой компанией.

1 0
@Unknown - Jul 12


@Unknown - Jun 26

В вопросе #9 дважды повторяется один и тот же ответ. В первом случае о фиксируется как неправильный,во втором случае как правильный.

@Unknown - Jun 24

Есть у кого нибудь ссылка

@Unknown - Jun 24

Вопросы от экзаменатора на практических экзаменах

@Unknown - Jun 17

Урра я с дал и теперь могу пойти машину купить

@Unknown - Jun 07

хуйня не сдал по ним

@Unknown - Apr 27


@Unknown - Apr 13

знак "скрещивание оленей" - это что-то новенькое :о)

@Unknown - Apr 11

Большое спасибо. Было интересно. Водила машину 40 лет тому назад. Можно ли В 70 лет сдать на права,интересно.

@Unknown - Apr 05


@Unknown - Apr 01

Большое спасибо за тренажер! Для подготовки к экзамену очень даже подходит.

@Unknown - Mar 21

В 51 вопросе два одинаковых ответа. Нужно поменять.

@Unknown - Mar 14

Идея отличная! Но часто встречается неточный или неправильный перевод!

@Unknown - Feb 27


@Unknown - Feb 25


@Unknown - Feb 23


@Unknown - Feb 22

Merci pour le test, très utile

@Unknown - Feb 19

а как узнать сколько баллов

@Unknown - Feb 07

Спасибо . Очень полезная информация.

@Unknown - Jan 29

Спасибо, очень хорошая информация о знаках и тест интересный!

@Unknown - Jan 05

Вопросы одни и те же.

@Unknown - Dec 12

Этих вопросов на экзаменах в Японии нет, варианты билетов есть на сайтах японских автошкол там два ответа да или нет 10 вопросов, допускается 3 неправильных ответа

@Unknown - Dec 05

комент пользователя который прошол тест, тест дерьмо вопросы даже не близкие к реалистычным методом изключения прошол 3 раза на все 100% хотя в реальных условиях уже 2 раза не сдал

@Unknown - Dec 05

комент пользователя который прошол тест, тест дерьмо вопросы даже не близкие к реалистычным методом изключения прошол 3 раза на все 100% хотя в реальных условиях уже 2 раза не сдал

@Unknown - Dec 02

В тесте для вопроса "Что означает этот дорожный знак?" предлагаются два варианта ответа с одинаковым содержанием: "Предупреждение о сужении дороги слева." При этом один из них оценивается, как правильный, а второй - нет. Очевидно, один из этих вариантов должен был бы звучать: "Предупреждение о сужении дороги справа."

@Unknown - Nov 19

Что означает этот дорожный знак? Предупреждение о дороге с односторонним движением. Предупреждение о сужении дороги слева. Предупреждение о дороге с двусторонним движением. Предупреждение о сужении дороги слева. Второй и третий вариант одинаковые показывает ошибку, возможно во втором ответе должно быть написано слово «справа»

@Unknown - Sep 27

Перевод ДЕБИЛА!!!

1 4
@Unknown - Sep 23

Тест крутой! Перевод действительно путает...

@Unknown - Sep 03

Я бы сказал бы тест отличный но просто перевод так себе не много путает особено два ответа одинаковые, а оно говорит не правильно хоть оба ответа правильные и еще некоторый перевод просто смешной и не поймешь, какой правильный ответ. Просто на угад, почему так смысл ответа размытый. А так отлично.

1 1
@Unknown - Aug 26

Перевод дебильный!!! Неужели нельзя найти НАСТОЯЩЕГО РУССКОГО переводчика?

1 0
@Unknown - Aug 14

Переводчик решил пофантазировать на тему- скрещивания оленей, на самом деле предупреждение- будьте внимательны - ОЛЕНИ, их много в Канаде!

1 1
@Unknown - Aug 12

Спасибо за тесты, тренировка и проверка перед сдачей экзамена.

@Unknown - Aug 03

Здравствуйте! Возможно ли в Бельгии где-то здать на права на русском или украинском языках?

@Unknown - Aug 02


@Unknown - Jun 05

Есть ли ограничения в возрасте? Надо ли иметь права?

@Unknown - May 31

Тест хуйня так как такие дорожные знаки я не видел вот а сайт гавна взял и сам свои добавил всё

@Unknown - May 14


@Unknown - Apr 16

В пятом вопросе два раза написано сужение дороги слева, а нужно выбрать только один вариант - это описка или ловушка?

2 1
@Unknown - Apr 10

1. Предупреждение о сужении дороги слева. Два одинаковых ответа. 2. Парковка разрешева. При правильном ответе - защитывает ошибку.

@Unknown - Apr 03

Перевод ужасный на русском. Нет такого знака - скрещивание оленей

@Unknown - Mar 30

ошибки в вопросах

@Unknown - Mar 20

супер!!! благодарю

@Unknown - Mar 19

Предупреждение об опасности столкновения с дикими жив... а не скрещивании!

1 2
@Unknown - Mar 14


@Unknown - Feb 19

ееее беби шун дик ду

