

Een overzicht van de kernwoorden over het verkeer. Hier kunt u gemakkelijk kernwoorden en definities opzoeken die u nog niet kent.


Kricketune is a bipedal Pokémon with an insectoid appearance. Primarily red, there are three black, oval markings on its abdomen, a tan streak running down its neck to its belly, and a tan underside with a small, dark red marking above it. It has oval, gray eyes, and a dark red, round nose. Black feelers with curled tips extend from either side of its nose, similar in appearance to a mustache. The male's feelers are longer than a female's. On top of its head are two antennae with conical bases, spherical centers, and long, thin tips. Kricketune has two small feet and a pair of black wings. This Pokémon's arms are shaped similar to its antennae and are crossed over its chest when it cries. By rubbing its arms together, Kricketune can produce sounds and improvise melodies. It can also allow its cry to resonate in its belly. Kricketune's melodies vary greatly between individuals, and can be used to signal its emotions. Scientists have been observing the melodic patterns of Kricketune for studies. In one village, Kricketune are used in a contest based on the different sounds it makes. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Shinx is a quadrupedal, feline Pokémon resembling a lion cub or lynx kitten. Its front half is light blue, while the rear is black. There is a short tuft of fur on its head and smaller tufts on each cheek. The top tuft is smaller on the female Shinx. It has large, oval ears with yellow, star-shaped markings on the insides; yellow eyes; and a tiny, red nose. Whenever its mouth is open, small fangs can be seen in its upper jaw. A black marking encircles Shinx's neck like a collar, and there are yellow bands above its forepaws. The hind paws are black on the male Shinx and blue on the female. Spiked fur surrounds the base of its long tail, which is tipped with a yellow star shape. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Luxio is a feline, quadrupedal Pokémon resembling a young lynx or lion. Blue and black fur cover most of its body. Its ears, face, hind paws, and front half of its body are blue, while its hindquarters are black. Additionally, Luxio has a tufty black mane surrounding its face. The mane is longer on the male Luxio, while the blue coloration on the hind paws extends to the ankles on the female. The insides of its rounded ears are yellow, as are its eyes. There are two yellow rings around each front leg and a yellow, four-point star on the tip of its tail. When facing an opponent, Luxio extends its claws in preparation, which can unleash 1,000,000 volts of electricity. Even a slight scratch from these claws is enough to cause fainting. Besides for attacking, Luxio also uses its claws to communicate with others of its kind, by resting them on the others' forelegs and sending electrical pulses through them. Luxio live in small groups and are able to generate powerful electricity by gathering the group's tails together. Luxio are known to be kind enough to share the spoils from a hunt to its own kind. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Luxray is a quadrupedal Pokémon resembling a fully-grown lion. While its face, hind legs, torso, and the back of its front legs are blue, much of its body is covered with shaggy, black fur. The fur is longer around the shoulders and the base of the tail, and forms a mane on its head. The mane is larger on the male than on the female. It has yellow eyes with red sclerae, a blunt muzzle, and rounded ears with yellow insides. The eyes change to the color when when using its ability. There are three yellow half-rings on the back of each foreleg. Its long, thin tail is tipped with a yellow four-pointed star. Luxray has powerful eyesight that is capable of seeing through most objects, like X-ray vision. It uses this ability for hunting and keeping track of its offspring. However, this ability requires a lot of electricity to use. As a result, Luxray needs to sleep for long periods of time in order to store up more energy. Luxray live in packs, each having one male to lead them. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Budew is a bipedal, rosebud-like Pokémon. It is one of the shortest Grass-type Pokémon. Its face is yellow with small, slit-like eyes. It appears to be wearing a green bib and has triangular, stubby yellow feet. When the two vines that are on top of its head open up, a big spot can be seen on each. One vine has a blue spot, while the other has a red spot. It keeps its buds closed during the cold winter, but opens them again in the spring and releases pollen. The pollen it scatters induces harsh sneezing and runny noses. It lives near clean pools and ponds. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Roserade is a bipedal Pokémon with an appearance that incorporates features of roses and masquerade attire. It has hair made of white rose petals, and a leafy, green cape with a yellow, collar-like bangle on its neck. The cape pattern reaches toward the back of its head, in spiky, sepal-like extensions on the hair. A male will have a shorter cape than a female. It has a dark-green mask over its red, yellow-lidded eyes. The lower portion of its face is light green, and it holds a bouquet in each hand, with a red in its right hand and blue in its left. Its limbs and underside are light green. Its feet end with yellow tips. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Cranidos is a gray, dinosaur-like Pokémon resembling the Pachycephalosaurus. It has a hooked beak, red irises, and a hard, blue, dome-shaped head with four spikes on its back. It has stubby arms with three claws; despite the stubbiness, it can attack with them. The back half of its body has a large, spiky pattern of blue and it has a short tail. It has feet with three forward claws and one backward. Its main attacking prowess involves charging head-first into its opponents. When it lived in dense forests and jungles 100 million years ago, it would use headbutts to snap obstructing trees, down its prey, and combat other Pokémon like Aerodactyl. It notably lacks any intelligence. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Rampardos is a large, dark-gray, dinosaur-like Pokémon resembling a Pachycephalosaurus. It has a dome head, which obstructs its red eyes. It has blue stripes, one on its tail, and one on each of its knees and wrists. It has various spikes: one on each knee, two on the blue collar on its neck, two short ones on its nose, and four on its head. Two of these head spikes are bigger than the other two. Its strength lies within its fierce head-butting attacks. A charging Rampardos can knock down virtually anything with one hit. 100 million years ago, it lived in jungles, where it tore down jungle trees while catching prey. It enjoys barging into objects with its head to train its strength and reflexes. This resulted in its skull becoming harder than steel and a foot thick, which prevents it from fainting if it crashes into anything, even another charging Rampardos. In ancient times, people would dig up its well-developed skull fossil and use it as a helmet. However, because its skull became so thick, its brain also became even smaller than that of Cranidos, leading to theories that it went extinct because of its stupidity. Its fossils have been found near those of Bastiodon, suggesting that these two lived in the same habitat. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Shieldon is a small, yellow, ceratopsian-like reptilian Pokémon. It has white toes and a white bump on its back. Shieldon has a dark-gray elliptical face, with a prominent white brow and a white rim on its black snout. Its facial hide is extremely hard; however, it is vulnerable when attacked from behind. 100 million years ago, Shieldon lived in dense forests. It has a habit of polishing its face against tree trunks. It is speculated that few enemies would have considered challenging its armored face. It eats grass, tree roots, and Berries. Its fossils show no sign of damage to its face. Shieldon is described as having a mild-mannered nature and dislikes conflict. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Bastiodon is a Pokémon which appears to be a cross between a ceratopsian such as Zuniceratops and a bulldozer. Its dark gray, square head resembles a castle wall, complete with four cream-yellow, window-like spots with a black outline, three dark gray spikes on the top, and two larger gray spikes in the upper corners. Bastiodon's triangular nose extends from the middle of its shield-like head down over its lips and appears to be pierced by a gray, horizontal spike. Four spikes jut downward and four large, blunt tusks protrude upward from its dark gray lower jaw. Bastiodon's cream-yellow eyes are partially obscured by the nasal spike and spaced-out tusks. Its thick, cream-yellow body is further protected by a gray ridge and dark gray plates on its back, jagged growths on its legs, and a plated tail. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Burmy is a small, larval Pokémon with a black segmented body and a coiled antenna on top of its head. As seen in the anime, it can uncoil the antenna on its head and wrap it around its opponent. It has a beak-like mouth and yellow eyes. Burmy has six stubby legs: the first two pairs are black, while the back pair is yellow. There are also two white spots on its cheeks. However, Burmy's legs and cheek spots are only visible on a Burmy without a cloak. Burmy is normally covered by a cloak, with three known variants that consist of either twigs and leaves, sand and mud bound by its own silk, or dust and garbage resembling pink building insulation. It will not hesitate to collect nearby materials to construct a new cloak if the old one breaks or falls off. Even if it is born where there are no cocooning materials, it somehow always ends up with a cloak. The cloak protects it from the cold and will become thinner when the weather is hot. Remoraid is a natural predator of Burmy. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Wormadam is a black, bagworm-like Pokémon with a coat of plants, sand, or garbage resembling building insulation. It has oval eyes, a long pointed beak, and a long antenna with a coiled tip. The beak is tipped with varying colors depending on the coat. The coat forms a pair of arm-like structures near this Pokémon's head. The Plant Cloak form has several white flowers covering it and gives Wormadam a green-tipped beak and large leaves for arms. It will be dotted with reddish-brown rocks, and have chains of pebbles for arms and a brown tipped beak if it has the Sandy Cloak. When covered by the Trash Cloak, it has a pink-tipped beak and long, dark pink ribbons for arms. Wormadam that evolve on cold days are said to form thicker cloaks. It is a female-only species, with Mothim as its male counterpart. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Mothim is a moth-like Pokémon with two pairs of wings, one pair larger than the other is. The wings are primarily tan with an orange, oval marking on each. The tips of the wings split into small, orange squares; there are three on the larger pair and two on the smaller pair. Mothim spreads steel-colored scales whenever it flaps its wings. Mothim's head has orange semi-circular eyes with gray, orange-tipped antennae running along the edges before extending and widening at the top. Its body is black with a patch of orange on the underside and a gray stripe down its back. It also has four gray legs and a small black tail that splits into two squares. Mothim is a nomadic, nocturnal Pokémon that always remains on the move, searching for flower honey and nectar. It has often been seen traveling in fields and mountains. Despite its diet, Mothim is never seen near any flower gardens. This is because, instead of gathering honey on its own, Mothim raids the hives of Combee for honey. It is a male-only species, with Wormadam as its female counterpart. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Combee is a small, flying, insectoid Pokémon. Its body consists of three orange, hexagonal sections that resemble honeycomb cells, arranged with two hexagons on top and the remaining hexagon between and below them. Each hexagon has a round, yellow face with two black, oval eyes and a black, curved mouth. In the middle of their foreheads, the upper two faces each have a single whisker-thin, black antenna with black, oval tips approximately the size of their eyes. They also each have a translucent, rounded-triangle-shaped wing connected to an orange, domed joint on their sides. The backsides of the upper faces are yellow and rounded, as the sides of a sphere. The bottom face is the main thinker of the three, and it is also the only one to have a full, insectoid abdomen. This abdomen is yellow near the tip with a thick, black stripe close to its hexagonal frame. Female Combee have red, wedge-shaped spots on the foreheads of their lower faces, just below the point where all three faces meet; male Combee have no distinct markings in this area. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Vespiquen is a bee-like Pokémon with a typical insect-like, three-part body, i.e. divided into an abdomen, thorax, and head. It has a yellow- and black-striped abdomen, which flares out from a thin, waist-like protrusion under its thorax in a manner that resembles an elegant ballgown. Underneath the expansive abdomen are seven orange, honeycomb-like cells that serve as a nest for baby Combee; the centermost cell, however, surrounds what appears to be a slender, yellow, more insect-like abdomen, which is often obscured by the ‘gown’ part of its abdomen. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Pachirisu is a small, white squirrel-like Pokémon with a faint blueish tint and a light blue stripe starting from its forehead and goes all the way down to the tip of the tail. A female Pachirisu's blue stripe is shorter than a male's. A large white tooth grows out of its mouth. It has deep gray eyes and a yellow circle on each cheek. Its tail is almost twice as big as its body, with three spikes at the top of the curl, which it can use to shoot charges. Though its arms and legs are very short, it can run incredibly fast, enabling it to tire pursuing Pokémon out quickly. It has a great amount of electricity flowing within its body. If it builds up enough charge, it may shock other Pokémon. It is related to the Pikachu line. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Buizel is an orange Pokémon resembling a weasel and a sea otter. It has a yellow collar around its neck and two blue fins on its arms. Buizel has a cream-colored spot above each eye and two black parallel marks on its cheeks. The underside of its face and stomach are also cream-colored, as are the tips of its two tails. A male Buizel has two cream-colored spots on their back, while a female has only one. Buizel's yellow collar is a flotation sac that can be inflated when it inhales. By doing so, Buizel can keep its face above water to watch for prey movement or survey its surroundings. Conversely, it deflates this sac in order to dive. Its tails can spin to act as a propeller, allowing it to swim and slice through obstacles like seaweed. In the anime, it is also able to fly using its spinning tail. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Floatzel is an orange Pokémon resembling an anthropomorphic otter or weasel with longer arms than legs. It has four fingers on each hand and three toes on each foot. Its feet are small in comparison to the rest of the body. It has two pointed blue fins on its arms; two aligned, backward-swept, pointed fins on its head; and two tails, which can spin like a propeller in a similar way to its pre-evolution's. It has cream colorations on its forehead, eyelids, muzzle, belly, and the tips of its forelimbs and tails. It also has one cream, slightly protruding, oval-shaped spot on its back if it is female, and two of these spots if it is male. There is an orange teardrop shape near the bottom of its belly, and a pattern of two black triangles on the edges of its muzzle. It has small, sharp canine teeth, the top two of which can be seen when its mouth is closed. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Cherubi is a small, cherry-like Pokémon with a round, deep-pink body with two stubby feet. The body becomes redder when bathed in sunlight, which signals that it has stockpiled a lot of nutrients. It has beady eyes and a purple-red stripe running down part of its face. Cherubi has a short stem with two big, green leaves and a second, much smaller head growing out of it. This second head is vestigial in terms of function, but it contains nutrients that contribute to Cherubi's growth as its initial source of food. The second head is apparently edible and has a sweet taste, and several Pokémon such as Starly have been seen trying to pluck it off. When the second head begins to bloom and wilt, it means Cherubi is close to evolving. The second head detaches after Cherubi evolves, which become food for other creatures. Cherubi is attracted to honey. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Cherrim is a small Pokémon with two different forms, both of which are dependent on the weather. During normal weather conditions, Cherrim is in its Overcast Form. Two purple petals enclose its deep pink body. A short purple stem and a green leafy sepal sprout from the top of the petals. Its eyes appear to be near its short legs in this form. When there is strong sunlight, Cherrim is in its Sunshine Form. Pink petals similar to cherry blossoms surround its head and cover its chest. Several of the petals radiate outward from a yellow sphere on the back of its head. There is a small, triangular patch of green on its neck. Additionally, two berry-like orbs, resembling cherry-shaped hair ornaments, adorn its head. It has stubby limbs, with the arms being pink and the legs being yellow. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Shellos is a sea slug-like Pokémon whose appearance changes drastically depending on the sea it is found in. However, both forms have amorphous, slug-like bodies. Like real sea slugs, they have mantles covering the top halves of their bodies. Unlike real sea slugs, they have bulbous heads and four small feet rather than one large foot. Both forms also have black oval-shaped eyes, tiny noses, wide yellow lips, and yellow outlines around their eyes and mantles. In the West Sea form, the underside is white and the mantle is pink. The mantle has several small spike-like protrusions on it. On its head is a ring of pink fleshy knobs resembling the gills of a nudibranch. West Sea Shellos's appearance is theorized to have been influenced by warm ocean waters. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Gastrodon is a sea slug-like Pokémon. Much like its pre-evolved form, it has a slug-like body with a round head and a mantle covering the top half of its body. It has six stubby legs and three black eyes with white pupils. A yellow stripe runs along the edge of its mantle, through its lower two eyes, and around the back of its head. Like Shellos, Gastrodon has two forms based on the sea it lives in. In its West Sea form, it has a pair of large tentacles on its head that curve upward, as well as a smaller, straighter pair of tentacles on its neck. Its underside is pink, while its mantle is brown with three pink spots on each side. There are two lumps on its back, resembling the cerata on real-life sea slugs. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Ambipom is a purple, simian Pokémon with two tails, each with a large, rounded hand with three red-tipped fingers. The tails also have a cuff of a rounded frill on the wrists. The bases of Ambipom's tails also have a similar frill. It has round ears with red insides. Ambipom has an arrangement of a split hair sticking out from the top of its head. These strands of hair are longer on a female. It has a purple, triangular nose and wide eyes. Ambipom can leap from tree to tree with brilliant speed. To eat, it deftly shucks nuts with its two tails. As it has two hands on its tails, it rarely uses its arms. Ambipom works in large colonies in heavily wooded areas and makes rings by linking tails with another Ambipom, apparently in friendship. Ambipom has been seen giving rings even to humans sometimes. It also shows affection by using both of its tails to wrap and squeeze people. It lives along with its young, Aipom. It lives high in the treetops of tropical, temperate, and even boreal forests, using its tails for balance as it swings from branch to branch. In the Alola region, while searching for comfortable trees, Ambipom tend to get into territorial disputes with Passimian, in which they win half the time. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Drifloon is a Pokémon with a spherical, purple body. It has two stringy arms that have yellow, heart-shaped hands on the ends of them. At the base of its body is a frayed protrusion that resembles the tied end of a balloon. In the middle of its face is a yellow tape-like 'X' mark, which contains its small mouth in the very center. Located on either side of the 'X' are its small, black eyes. A white mass of fluff that resembles a cloud sits on top of Drifloon's head. Drifloon's body is filled with air, as well as the lost spirits of people and Pokémon. Its body expands as it collects more souls. If it explodes, the souls unleash with a screaming sound. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Drifblim is a Pokémon that has a large, spherical, purple body with the lower quarter of its body being a lighter purple. The colors are separated by a repeated semicircle pattern all around its body. On the top of its head is a puffy, white mass, which closely resembles a cloud. In the center of its body is a large yellow 'X' mark, and on either side just above the 'X' are its small, red eyes. On the lower portion of its body are four long, thin arms that extend diagonally in four different directions. Its arms are tipped with yellow and have three short points each. The bottom of its body narrows into a short, red extrusion that fans slightly outward. Drifblim's body contains souls, said to be burdened with regrets. These souls serve as fuel for Drifblim's gas. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Buneary is a small, bipedal, rabbit-like Pokémon with brown ears that can curl up. It has two types of fur covering its body: a light tan fleece that covers much of its lower body, feet, and the tips of its ears; and a smooth, chocolate colored pelt on the upper half of its body. It has a small, triangular pink nose; pink paw pads on the undersides of its feet; and small tan spots above its eyes. It has a small brown puff of a tail. Buneary almost always keeps one of its ears rolled up. Although Professor Laventon had hypothesized that this is done to protect its hearing, in actuality, Buneary rolls its ears so it can quickly unroll them and launch them as an attack. The attack is strong enough to hurt grown-ups and crush boulders, and increases in power as Buneary trains to use it. Buneary can also use this technique to jump really high, by slamming its ears towards the ground. Buneary's arms and legs are weaker by comparison. If Buneary senses danger, it perks up both ears; conversely, if Buneary rolls both of its ears in, it is a sign that it is unhealthy. On cold nights, Buneary sleeps with its head tucked into its fur. It lives in forests, though it can also be found on icy mountains. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Lopunny is a bipedal, rabbit-like Pokémon with a dark brown fur and a short, round tail. It has pink eyes with black markings on the inner edge, long tufts of cream-colored fur above its eyes, and a small, pink nose. Similar tufts of fluffy cream-colored fur cover its wrists, lower legs, and the ends of its long ears, which bend shortly above its head. Lopunny is very proud of these ears and never fails to groom them. If the ears are roughly handled, Lopunny will kick in retaliation. Lopunny's fur is warm and light, and Lopunny sheds it twice a year. Its winter coat is soft and fluffy, and filled with plenty of insulating air. This fur can be used to make warm mufflers and hats. Lopunny is a timid Pokémon that constantly monitors its surroundings, and will cloak its body with its ears or spring away when it senses danger. Despite this, it is capable of unleashing superdestructive kicks with its lithe legs. Lopunny's kicks are said to be similar to those of karate masters, which allows it to drive back foes with no issues. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Mismagius is a purple, ghost-like Pokémon. It has a round head with elaborate tufts resembling a witch's hat atop it. The tips of the tufts are paler than most of the body. It has a thin, red mouth that resembles the letter 'W.' Below its head, Mismagius has a short, thorax-like lump from which its body connects. Three elliptical red spheres surround the upper portion of Mismagius's body. There are extensions on the sides of its lower body with the foremost ones tattered compared to rear ones. This gives Mismagius the appearance of wearing some kind of cloak. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Honchkrow is a dark-blue avian Pokémon with plumage resembling a person dressed in formal attire, one that most resembles a mob boss. It has a large feather crest resembling a fedora hat that has spikes extending from the back. It has circular red eyes with white sclerae and dark blue eyelids. Its yellow beak is slightly curved, and its head is supported by a broad, short neck. Honchkrow has a white and prominent crest of feathers on its chest that bears resemblance to a beard or cravat. Its wings have red feathers on the inside. Honchkrow has black feet with four toes. The tail's base is a white, cylindrical stalk, on which there is a growth of red feathers on the end. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Glameow is a gray feline Pokémon with a slender physique. It has a crescent-shaped head with two white-tipped ears. It also has a white muzzle, a small black nose, pink eyelids, yellow eyes with blue irises, and two rows of thin whiskers. Its neck has a ruff-like fringe, and its legs have similar fringes. Its feet are tipped with white and have pink paw pads on the underside. It has a curled, spring-shaped tail and a white fluff at the tip of it. It has sharp claws and a powerful helical tail. Its eyes are also capable of using hypnotic powers. Glameow tends to be spiteful and fickle, having a tendency to hook its claws into the nose of its trainer if it's not fed. When it's happy and purring with affection, it demonstrates movements with its tail, like a dancing ribbon. As it has a domesticated quality, it tends to appear in urban areas. Glameow is rather popular amongst trainers due to its fickle nature. Glameow is also known to be a very strong and tricky opponent to face in battle, which occurs only if Glameow was provoked. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Purugly is a rotund gray and white feline Pokémon with a crescent-shaped head. Its ears are pointed and tipped purple. It has whiskers with a zigzag-like pattern at the end of them. The frilly portion of its spiraling tail is forked, but it usually keeps it clasped around its waist, which makes it appear less fat. Despite appearing very sluggish, Purugly will not be reluctant to attack if angered and can be quite fast. Purugly attempts to make itself look larger and more intimidating by cinching its waist with its forked tail. It barges into the nests of other Pokémon and frightens them off so Purugly can claim the nest as its own. It does this by glaring with its eyes ceaselessly. It can be found in both urban areas and heavily wooded forests. Despite its disrespectful and scary nature, Purugly is rather popular. The reason is due to its beautiful fur, more comfortable than even velveteen. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Chingling is a yellow, spherical Pokémon similar to a jingle bell. It has stubby arms and legs, as well as beady, black eyes. There are circular openings on both sides of its mouth. Inside its mouth is a red orb, which creates a ringing sound as the Pokémon moves. Additionally, the orb can be vibrated to create high frequency, long-lasting cries to deafen its opponents. The sounds produced can be too high for people to hear. Atop its body is ring-like growth with a striped rope through the middle. The rope is red-and-white with short tassels on the ends. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Stunky is a small, skunk-like Pokémon with dark-purple fur. Its face is large and rounded, with a narrow orange nose, orange-rimmed eyes, and two pairs of somewhat 'V'-shaped cream-colored whiskers on the sides of its face. It has two pointed ears that appear orange on the inside. A stripe of cream-colored fur runs along its back from the neck to the tail, with a small tuft protruding from the base of the neck. Its tail is raised high and ends with spiked hair pointed behind it. It has a cream-colored underbelly, and four short legs, that end in paws with three small, white claws. Stunky can spray a foul-smelling liquid from its rear in order to drive attackers away, which is able to reach up to 16 feet away. It prefers to aim for its target's face. The stench can be smelled from over a mile away, and will linger for around 24 hours. The stench can cause memory loss. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Skuntank is a medium-sized mammalian Pokémon that resembles a skunk with the face of a cat. It has purple, spiky fur with several tan stripes. The whiskers present on its pre-evolution have since vanished or have been replaced by furry purple tufts on the sides of Skuntank's face. Its legs are tan, and the tan coloration of its underside now forms a spiky pattern. Its nose is larger than its pre-evolution. Its massive tail with a cream colored stripe, sits on top of its back and head. Skuntank is known for its noxious fluid which smells dreadful. It can spray this fluid over 160 feet, and the longer it allows the liquid to ferment within its belly, the more powerful the smell. Unlike its pre-evolution and real-life skunks, Skuntank spray this from its tail tip, which can open, instead of its rear. The stench of Skuntank's fluid varies depending on its diet. Skuntank prefers to nest in large, prickly bushes in heavily wooded areas and digs holes in the ground to make its nest. While Skuntank can use its poisonous fluids to take down prey, ironically it cannot handle the smell of its own stench, abandoning potential defeated meals as a result. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Bronzor is a flat, circular, blue-green Pokémon. Six dark blue spheres bulge from its rim. It has two round, yellow eyes and a large nose-like sphere surrounded by four small circles in its center. A crest resembling an herb or branch is on its back. Bronzor's crest is said to possess a mysterious power and is held sacred. It was first seen in ancient tombs and timeworn places; objects resembling this Pokémon have been found in tombs as well. Scientists believe Bronzor used to be reflective and have unsuccessfully tried performing X-rays on its body. The pattern of Bronzor in Galar cannot be found in any of its culture, and the reason for why is unknown. There is lore on how polishing Bronzor will make its surface reflect the truth. However, it hates being polished. Bronzor uses an unknown energy to help it float around. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Bronzong is a large Pokémon resembling a blue-green bell with two arms coming out of its sides. It has a hollow body and a yoke attached at the top. Its face can be best described as being a 'Totem Pole' design; Bronzong has two round, red eyes with blue-green irises and a rectangular mouth with one visible row of square teeth. It also has several darker, rectangular markings on its body. When angered, Bronzong lets out a warning cry that rings out like the tolling of a bell. It can summon rain clouds, which earned it the nickname 'bringer of plentiful harvests' and led to some referring to it as a deity since ancient times. Bronzong's cry is also believed to have the power to open open a hole, leading to other worlds. Many scientists believe the Bronzong found in Galar originated from a different region after researching the pattern on its body. Some Bronzong can sleep up to 2,000 years, which lead to quite the media story, when one was discovered in a construction site. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Bonsly is a round, brown Pokémon with the top of its head resembling a club (♣). A rim goes around the middle of its body. There are three yellow spots on its face, two of which surround its eyes, which are small black dots. It has short legs and toeless feet. Bonsly also has a hole on its rear similar to the draining hole of a flowerpot. Bonsly is often mistaken for a Grass-type. It is a good mimic, making it often mistaken for a real bonsai tree, though it can easily stand out in a dry environment that lacks greenery. As its green spheres dry out, their dull luster increases. It can remain in the same spot for a long time. It also has a habit of crying, not because it is sad or needing attention, but rather it is due to excess moisture in its body. As it cries, it expels both sweat and tears from its eyes; Bonsly sweat tastes a little salty, while the tears are slightly bitter. It dies if it gets too damp with this moisture. This habit also gets enemies to let their guards down. It prefers dry areas, but it isn't uncommon to see one in a garden. As suggested by Brock's Bonsly, a very young Bonsly needs to be bottle-fed but can eat solid food when it matures. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)

Mime jr

Mime Jr. is a small, pink Pokémon with dark-blue legs and 'hat', which appears crooked and has a white ball on it. A red bump appears on its stomach and a typical red clown nose appears on its face. It has slender arms and small hands. Mime Jr. has a knack for imitating others, though is not very good at it; it can easily pick up emotions of those around it and imitate them. It has been known to mimic its foes in order to create distractions. Once the foe is confused, it will quickly escape. In Galar, Mime Jr. tends to idolize and imitate its final evolved form Mr. Rime, which are widely popular in the region for their talent in tap-dancing. By practicing their dance steps, they eventually evolve into a Galarian Mr. Mime. It likes places where many people gather, and has often been seen visiting marketplaces filled with people. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Happiny is a small Pokémon that is shaped like an egg. It has a soft, smooth, light pink body. On top of its head is a curly outgrowth that resembles a ponytail, with a dark pink band around the base. The appearance of this curly growth of hair often annoys Happiny. It has three round bumps on its forehead and two pink circles on its cheeks. There is a pouch around the lower half of its body. The pouch is red with a white stripe around the top. Happiny's pouch is rubbery and flexible, enabling the Happiny to put things into it with ease. As it cannot produce Eggs yet, it makes up for it by carrying something round and white in its pouch to imitate Chansey and Blissey, typically an Egg-shaped stone. Happiny highly treasures this stone. It may give this stone to people whom it likes, however, it can throw a tantrum and cry should the stone be taken from it or not returned to it. The object it decides to carry may be too large, stopping this Pokémon from moving. It has a habit of wandering around people's feet and causing them to stumble. Happiny enjoys playing with children, often playing a game of House with them. Happiny is shown to be extremely strong in the anime, as one has been seen lifting heavy things above its head. Happiny is a female-only species with no male counterpart. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Chatot is an avian Pokémon similar to a parakeet. Its head is black and resembles an eighth note, while its black tail resembles a metronome. Its plumage is brightly colored with blue wings, a yellow chest and feet, a green stomach, and a pink, hooked beak and eyelids. Additionally, there is a ruff of white feathers around its neck. This Pokémon's tongue is similar to a human's, allowing it to imitate human speech. Chatot is also able to mimic the cries of other Pokémon and uses this ability as a defense mechanism. Chatot uses the sounds it has learned and arranges them into its own melody, and flicks its tail to keep a rhythm. Chatot are even capable of understanding the meaning of the words they mimic, the older and more experienced they become. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)



Time for recess! Post a comment, ask a question or write a review. Feel free to let us know what you think!

Plaats een reactie

@Unknown - Aug 30

Плюс 3 9 8 8 8 7 6

@Unknown - Aug 30

Ивайло Иванов Иванов

@Unknown - Aug 29

Ivaylo ivanov ivanov

@Unknown - Aug 14

Vwb borden verkeersplein en rotonde slaat U hier de plank behoorlijk mis. Mag wel eens aangepast worden. Jammer.

1 0
@Unknown - May 30
@Unknown - May 21

Driving whit a tractor possible? What are the requirements? Can i drive whit a dutch T-licence?

@Unknown - Apr 29


@Unknown - Apr 09

hoi ik kan niet leren echt moeilijk hoor

2 -3
@Unknown - Oct 13

verzekering aanhangwagen verplicht of niet

1 0
@Unknown - Sep 28

Tot waar geldt een verkeersbord? In België is dat tot het volgende kruispunt, in Spanje lijkt het verder te reiken.

2 0
@Unknown - Aug 28

Waar kan ik het bord vinden, einde werk in uitvoering. Er staat dan een schuine streep er door.

@Unknown - Aug 28

Waar kan ik hetbord vinden, einde werk in uitvoering. Er staat dan een schuine streep er door.

@Unknown - Aug 27

Parkeertijden noorwegen?

@Unknown - Sep 07

بعضی سوالها طوری ترراهی شده ذهن مراجعین رامختل می کند.تااینکه معلومات را اضافه کند

1 0
@Unknown - Jun 20

Jammer dat er geen vragen zijn

@Unknown - Jun 20

Jammer dat er geen voorrangsregel zijn

@Unknown - Jan 11

Zie hieronder

@Unknown - Jan 11

Bij ons staat in het park een bord rond met een poepende hond erop is dat een verbodsbord of een opmerkings bord ? Ze laten de honden poepen en lopen gewoon lekker door kan dat zo maar ???

1 0
@Unknown - Dec 16


@Unknown - Dec 11

ik wil met kleine aanhanger zonder eigen kenteken naar de oekraine kan dat ,zonder probleem

@Unknown - Nov 06

Instructies onduidelijk, ben met verkeersbord tegen auto aangereden (geintje). Ik had wel wat aan de random test, truckje dat mij enorm hielp is een patroon ontdekken in de vorm en kleur van bord en en aangegeven symbool, dan kun je het juiste antwoord meestal wel raden,ook als je niet zeker bent.

@Unknown - Oct 20

Duik in weg

@Unknown - Sep 19

Best ok.

@Unknown - Jun 28

Top gepresenteerd!

@Unknown - May 06

ik vink het leuk

1 0
@Unknown - Apr 01

Kan ik in slovakaaks taal leren het is makkelijk

3 0
@Unknown - Feb 01

Oei ! Ik dacht hier de Thaise wegcode te vinden in het NL ? Blijkbaar mis ? Iemand een LINK waar ik dat wel kan vinden, Thaise wegcode met verkeersborden en info in het Nederlands? Mag altijd gestuurd worden ...

2 0
@Unknown - Nov 07

Vraag / antwoord op vraag 22 is niet juist.

1 0
Admin - Apr 24

Beste student! Op deze pagina proberen we u iets bij te leren over de verkeersregels. Laat ons weten wat u ervan vindt!

@Unknown - Jun 07

Lekker pik

1 0
@Unknown - Jun 04

Handige applicatie alleen er zijn zo veel niet op genomen in China jammer

