

Un aperçu des mots-clés relatifs au trafic. Ici, vous pouvez facilement rechercher des mots-clés et des définitions que vous ne connaissez pas encore.

Volvo 900 Series

The Volvo 900 Series is a range of executive cars produced by the Swedish manufacturer Volvo Cars from 1990 to 1998. The 900 Series was introduced in 1990 to replace the 700 Series from which it derived. Prior to the end of its production, the 960 was renamed as the Volvo S90 (saloon) and Volvo V90 (estate), and the 940 was renamed 940 Classic, becoming the last rear-wheel-drive cars from Volvo. Visible differences between the 700 and the 900 Series included redesigned rear styling of the saloon models (late 700 estates and early 900 estates are visually identical). The 960 was introduced in 1991 along with a new family of modular engines, and then was substantially revised for the 1995 model year, improving the handling. The range was augmented by the new Volvo 850 in 1991. The last of the 900s was sold in 1998. Some 900 Series were built as chassis for ambulances and hearses after the main production run had been completed. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Volvo Amazon

The Volvo Amazon was a mid-sized car manufactured and marketed by Volvo Cars from 1956 to 1970 and introduced in the United States as the 122S at the 1959 New York International Auto Show. The Amazon shared the wheelbase, tall posture and high H-point seating of its predecessor, the PV444/544, and was offered in two-door sedan, four-door sedan, and five-door wagon body styles — all noted for their ponton styling. In 1959 Volvo became the world's first manufacturer to provide front seat belts as standard equipment — by providing them on all Amazon models, including the export models — and later becoming the first car featuring three-point seat belts as standard equipment. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Volvo Duett

The Volvo Duett is an automobile from Volvo that was in production from 1953 until 1969. The name Duett was intended to signify a car that could be used as a delivery vehicle during the week and as a comfortable sedan away from work. The Duett was produced in three body styles: an estate car (or station wagon), a panel van, and, in small numbers, a bare chassis with no body from the windshield rearward. While the Duett has been criticised as a regressive design by those who point out that the ladder-frame car was based on Volvo's first unibodied car; the use of a separate ladder chassis provided Volvo with an easy solution in their desire to produce a suitable commercial vehicle. The availability of the bare chassis also allowed Swedish coach builders such as Grip, Valbo and Nordbergs to build Duett-based pickup trucks, convertibles and specialised commercial vehicles. The versatility of the ladder-frame design also made the Duett a popular choice as a base for customised vehicles such as hot rods and EPA tractors. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Volvo P1800

The Volvo P1800 (pronounced eighteen-hundred) is a 2+2, front-engine, rear-drive sports car manufactured and marketed by Volvo Cars between 1961 and 1973. Originally a coupé (1961–1972), it was also offered in a shooting-brake configuration toward the end of its production (1972–1973). Styling was by Pelle Petterson under the tutelage of Pietro Frua when Frua's studio was a subsidiary of the Italian carrozzeria Ghia, and the mechanicals were derived from Volvo's Amazon/122 series. Marketed as a touring car rather than a sports car, the P1800 became widely known when driven by British actor Roger Moore in the television series The Saint, which aired from 1962 to 1969. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Volvo PV

The Volvo PV is a series of two-door, four-passenger car models — the PV444 and the PV544 — made by Volvo from 1947 to 1965. During World War II's early stages, Volvo decided that a new, smaller car that could deliver good fuel economy would assure the company's future. A raw materials shortage during the war drove home the point that an automobile should be smaller, and also complicated Volvo's ability to mass-produce the product. In 1944, when the car was finally introduced to a car-hungry public, response was very positive and orders poured in from the Swedish population. It was another three years though, until 1947, before series production began. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Volvo S40

The Volvo S40 is a series of compact and mid-size automobiles marketed and produced by the Swedish manufacturer Volvo Cars from 1995 to 2012, offered as a more mainstream alternative to the Volvo S60 to compete in a lower pricing bracket. The S40 was more or less positioned against premium-leaning small family cars like the Volkswagen Jetta as well as some mass-market large family cars. The first generation (1995–2004) was introduced in 1995 with the S40 (S from saloon) and V40 (V from versatility, estate) cars. The second generation (2004–2012) was released in 2004, and the estate variant's name changed to V50. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Volvo V70

The Volvo V70 is an executive car manufactured and marketed by Volvo Cars from 1996 to 2016 across three generations. The name V70 combines the letter V, standing for versatility, and 70, denoting relative platform size (i.e., a V70 is larger than a V40, but smaller than a V90). The first generation (1996–2000) debuted in November 1996. It was based on the P80 platform and was available with front and all-wheel drive (AWD), the latter marketed as the V70 AWD. In September 1997 a crossover version called the V70 XC or V70 Cross Country was introduced. The sedan model was called Volvo S70. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)

Yugo GV

The Yugo (pronounced [ˈjûɡo]), also marketed as the Zastava Koral (pronounced [ˈzâːstaʋa ˈkǒraːl], Serbian Cyrillic: Застава Корал) and Yugo Koral, is a subcompact hatchback formerly manufactured by Zastava Automobiles, at the time a Yugoslav corporation. Originally designed as a shortened variant of the Fiat 128, the first Yugo prototype was manufactured on 2 July 1977 and was supposedly gifted to President Tito. Series production officially started on 28 November 1980. The Zastava Koral IN, a facelifted model, was marketed until 11 November 2008, after which production of all Zastava cars ended. 794,428 Yugos were produced in total. The Yugo was marketed in the United States from 1985 to 1992 by Malcolm Bricklin, who asked Jerry Puchkoff to conceive of and produce what became the enormously successful market introduction and launch of the Yugo in 1985 with a total of 141,651 sold – peaking at 48,812 in 1987 and falling to 1,412 in 1992. Despite its moderate success, during its run in the United States and several other export markets it was subjected to much criticism over its design, safety, and reliability, though the car has also picked up a cult following. (Source: Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA)



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@Unknown - Jul 03

Les français faites attention, de base ce site est en flamand, et a été traduit en français par Google traduction, il se peut que vous ayez des questions très bizarre avec les vitesse minimale etc. Faites super attention ou alors allez directement sur un autre site pour apprendre votre permis de conduire

@Unknown - May 07

j'ai eu 50/50

@Unknown - Apr 05

Boonjoour Jeve Permi

@Unknown - Dec 13

très important

@Unknown - Nov 28


@Unknown - Jul 15

La traduction vers le français doit être revue !!!

@Unknown - Jul 05

aide énormément pour bien analyse

@Unknown - May 30

Tres intéressant , ça aide énormément pour bien analyser les questions et les réponses. Merci bcp

@Unknown - May 20

Termes pièges: "faits saillants" ?; "régulateur de vitesse": sur ma R4L?; "basse pression des pneus": idem sur ma R4L?; "tous les conducteurs doivent s'arrêter et quitter l'intersection": Quelle intersection?; "lumières tamisées" pour "feux de croisement"?

1 0
@Unknown - Mar 22

Carte du Permis de Conduire Classic AB Routiére Gillera Runner Dynamic Américaine

@Unknown - Mar 16

gay nig

@Unknown - Feb 02

très intéressant. merci .

@Unknown - Aug 08


@Unknown - Jul 26


@Unknown - Jun 29

Que je clique n'importe ou, j'ai des textes en flamand du genre "De door u aangevraagde pagina kon niet geladen worden Indien u deze url zelf ingetypt heeft, check of deze correct is Klik hier om naar de homepagina te gaan." Il n'y a pas moyen de le mettre en Francais, c'est de la discrimination !

1 0
@Unknown - Jun 22

C’est intéressant

@Unknown - Mar 18

La question sur la pente est pas claire, la pente est la descente tandis que pour une montée c'est une côte.

@Unknown - Mar 07

Bonjour ! C’est un peu difficile toutes ces règles. Contactez-nous si voulez obtenir un permis de conduire original en 2 jours seulement. Whatsapp: 33644696684 Snapchat: permis.conduire

2 0
@Unknown - Mar 07

C’est un peu difficile toutes ces règles. Contactez-nous si voulez obtenir un permis de conduire original en 2 jours seulement. Whatsapp: 33644696684 Snapchat: permis.conduire

@Unknown - Mar 07

très bien

@Unknown - Feb 16


@Unknown - Feb 15

tres bien

@Unknown - Jan 16

Je suis vraiment fatiguée j'ai n'arrivais même pas reçu mon code de la route j'ai besoin de Ed SVP merci d'avance

1 -1
@Unknown - Dec 08

bonjour à tous svp est ce que je peux compter sur ce site pour mon permis de la semaine prochaine . MERCI

@Unknown - Oct 15


@Unknown - Oct 11

Pas de vitesse minimale sur l'autoroute? Je suis étonné. Je pensais qu'il s'agissait de 70 km/hr.

4 1
@Unknown - Oct 07

C'est un peu dificir d'etudies de règles de lå circulation sur internet, ici en Sweden pas de livres en france alors comment nous devon faire?

@Unknown - Oct 01


1 0
@Unknown - Jul 24

j'ai eu 1/ fin de l'autoroute 2/ fin de l'autoroute 3/ x 4/ y je prends la réponse 1, on me dit que j'ai faux et que j'aurais dû choisir 2... "lumière tamisée" pour feux de croisement, traduction vraiment approximative... Bon en gros c'est juste un quizz panneaux, ça me permet de découvrir un peu, mais je reste sceptique sur la qualité du tout. Je remercie l'effort.

@Unknown - Jun 15

Hello, J'ai repassé le test après des années pour me tester, mais... 1) Les questions ne sont pas précises. 2) Certaines fautes sont à déplorer (p.ex "Vitesse minimale sur une autoroute => 70km/h. Réponse du site : "Aucune limitation minimale")

@Unknown - Jun 04


@Unknown - Apr 29

47/50 Bon site mais certain terme dans l'examen sont pas precis/ pas les meme que dans le vrai examen

@Unknown - Apr 06

Site attractif dans sa conception; cependant nécessite plus de sérieux et d'actualisation sur les questionnaires. Des formulations pas du tout correctes( dû certainement à une maivaise traduction en français. ce qui enduit en erreur l'apprenant qui est pourtant là pour plus de clarté et de précisions). Des réponses à des questions qui se contredise: exemple; la question sur quand on consomme plus de carburant, quelque part on te dit à basse vitesse, ailleurs à haute vitesse..on se fie à quoi dans ce cas? La liste étant exhautive.. Merci de reviser cette plateforme et y apporter les ajustements nécessaires car les gens payent pour apprendre sérieusement et non pas pour être plus embrouillés. Positivement!

@Unknown - Feb 10

46/50 super bon exercice et bon site Faut à la question: que indique ce panneau (autoroute) 2x la même réponse donc eu faut car j'ai selectionnée une des deux et pas la bonne et sur l'autoroute j'ai été vérifier, il est bien marquer 80km/h Mais sinon super bon site un grand merci ;-))

@Unknown - Dec 22

c'est des questions d'examen ?

@Unknown - Dec 19

tout n'est pas écrit en français... c'est normal ?

@Unknown - Nov 23

Comment faire pour passer mon permis de conduire ici??

1 0
@Unknown - Nov 11

pour moi qui doit passer mon permis de conduire j'ai fais un 46 sur 50 et des bonnes questions

1 0
@Unknown - Nov 04

Bonjour, il y a un jour ou deux j'ai croisé la route de chasseurs qui faisaient une battue... ils avaient mis des panneaux au bord de la route (style " battue en cours") Est ce que la vitesse autorisée entre ces panneaux est la vitesse "normale" de circulation ou est ce qu'il y a une vitesse d' "exception"..? ( j'étais a 70 Km/h sur une route a 90 Km/h et les chasseurs me faisaient des signes "genre je roulais trop vite"...) Merci de votre réponse. BAV.

@Unknown - Oct 14

site censé être gratuit...

1 0
@Unknown - Sep 28


@Unknown - Sep 23

nouveaux nom pour les feux : apres verification a vias connait pas saillants ou tamisé( nouvelle invention ou traduction erronée

@Unknown - Sep 23

question des feux tamisé ou saillant n existe pas: feux de croisements ou de route

1 0
@Unknown - Sep 05

bieb mais quelques erreur

@Unknown - Sep 05

beaucoup d'erreurs de traduction. question ne correspondent pas aux panneaux, autoroutes/routes ordinaire.

1 0
@Unknown - Sep 04

La question sur la vitesse minimal sur l'autoroute est fausse. Il indique la correct étant comme "Il n'y a pas vitesse minimal", alors que de savoir, et après vérificaiton, elle est en faite à 80KM/H

3 -1
@Unknown - Aug 26

la question 33 que de ce questionnaire était fausse pour ma part : elle déclare que le panneau C25 (selon le Feu Vert, 14 ème édition, 2019) est un panneau réglementant le stationnement, alors que selon l'ouvrage précité, il place une interdiction de passage pour les véhicules ou train de véhicules ayant une longueur supérieure à celle indiquée sur le panneau.

3 0
@Unknown - Aug 19

Super chouette

@Unknown - Aug 10

Beaucoup d'erreurs

@Unknown - Jul 27

il y a des erreurs deja sur l'autoroute la vitesse minimale est de 70km/h

