
Conditions d'utilisation

Avec les conditions d'utilisation, nous tenons à vous préciser que nous ne sommes pas responsables des informations contenues sur ce site. Nous faisons tout ce qui est en notre pouvoir pour offrir la meilleure qualité possible, mais nous ne garantissons pas que vous passerez le test théorique officiel. Vous devez vous assurer que vous apprenez et comprenez les règles de circulation avec soin!


OGL v1.0

United Kingdom Open Government Licence version 1.0. Visit nationalarchives.gov.uk for more details about the license.

You are free:

  • Copy, publish, distribute and transmit the Information.
  • Adapt the Information.
  • Exploit the Information commercially for example, by combining it with other Information, or by including it in your own product or application.

You must, where you do any of the above:

  • Acknowledge the source of the Information by including any attribution statement specified by the Information Provider(s) and, where possible, provide a link to this licence.
  • Ensure that you do not use the Information in a way that suggests any official status or that the Information Provider endorses you or your use of the Information.
  • Ensure that you do not mislead others or misrepresent the Information or its source;
  • Ensure that your use of the Information does not breach the Data Protection Act 1998 or the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003.