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Crescent Moon

Crescent Moon emoji is the picture of the 🌑 New Moon, which may be seen in the clear 🌃 Night sky during the first moon phase. This emoji may be used in the context of everything related to a night time — like 🚶 Walking under the moonlight or staying up late. To this, people who constitute themselves as the night persons often use this emoji in their posts as a symbol. Also, Crescent Moon is a recognized emblem of romance and mystery. On top of everything else, this emoji is the symbol of verified Snapchat account of the singer Ariana Grande. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)


The 🌀 Cyclone emoji has multiple meanings. It can be used to indicate a hurricane or 🌪 Tornado approaching, which you can send to warn others. Additionally, it can represent 🚬 smoking, as some bongs and 🚬 cigarette rolls are designed to mimic the shape of a Cyclone for better smoke dispersion. You can also use it to describe the chaos caused by something, like when children go wild with their toys. To show fear of an oncoming hurricane or tornado, pair it with the 😨 Fearful Face emoji. To represent smoking, pair it with the 🌬 Wind Face emoji. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Delivery Truck

The Delivery Truck emoji is the picture of a huge vehicle with a commodious trailer meant for carrying loads of cargo. In this sense, it is quite similar to the vehicle represented by 🚛 Articulated Lorry emoji the main difference is the size. It is used in the meanings related to transferring things from one place to another and in the context of means of transport in general. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Department Store

Department Store emoji is a picture of a large building where various products are sold. In this sense, it is much like 🏪 Convenience Store emoji, but this one is quite seldom open 24/7 and is characterized by far more extensive range of products. Therefore, this emoji may be used in its direct meaning in shopping. Also, it is sometimes confused with some other establishments. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Derelict House

Derelict House emoji is a picture of an abandoned residential 🏠 House, which looks like it is about to ruin soon. In most versions, it looks like 🏘 Houses emoji but in a dilapidated condition. This emoji is used in the meanings related to abandoned buildings and desolation (both directly and indirectly). Also, it may be used in the context of repair and remodeling. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)


Desert emoji is the picture of a sandy or rocky desolate landscape with a complete lack of 💦 Water. The only thing that grows there is a 🌵 Cactus. Unlike 🏝 Desert Island emoji, this one is never used in the context of rest and vacations — instead, it is used in the meanings that symbolize exhaustion, extreme hotness, lack of water, dehydration, and all things like that. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Desert Island

Desert Island emoji is a picture of a small, isolated island covered with sand. There is only one 🌴 Palm Tree growing on it. It is used in two main meanings. The first relates to vacations in exotic places, and the second is about loneliness and isolation. However, despite the similarity in the names, it has nothing in common with 🏜️ Desert emoji both in look and meaning. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)


Droplet emoji is the picture of one single Droplet of 💦 Water (or any other non-colored liquid) — it looks just like the part of 💦 Sweat Droplets emoji. It may be used in various meanings — from rain to leaking roof, from sweat to excitement. It often means tears, and in this meaning, it accompanies 😔 Sad posts and messages. And at last, it often means simple, clean water drinking — about a healthy lifestyle, for example. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Eight O’clock

The Eight O’clock emoji is simple as it is used to show the time. It indicates explicitly eight o’clock, but it does not specify if it is a.m or p.m, so it can be used morning or afternoon. You can show what time of day it is by using a 🌞 Sun With Face emoji or a 🌕 Full Moon emoji. Texters will most likely use the emoji to show that something is planned to happen at a particular time without having to type it out. Or it can be used to tell someone they have until that time to finish a task. Finally, you can use it with the ⏰ Alarm Clock emoji to express the need to be somewhere at the exact time. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)


The Eight-Thirty emoji is simple as it is used to show the time. It indicates explicitly eight-thirty, but it does not specify if it is a.m or p.m, so it can be used morning or afternoon. You can show what time of day it is by using a 🌞 Sun With Face emoji or a 🌕 Full Moon emoji. Texters will most likely use the emoji to show that something is planned to happen at a particular time without having to type it out. Or it can be used to tell someone they have until that time to finish a task. Finally, you can use it with the ⏰ Alarm Clock emoji to express the need to be somewhere at the exact time. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Eleven O’clock

The Eleven O’clock emoji is simple as it is used to show the time. It indicates explicitly eleven o’clock, but it does not specify if it is a.m or p.m, so it can be used morning or afternoon. You can show what time of day it is by using a 🌞 Sun With Face emoji or a 🌕 Full Moon emoji. Texters will most likely use the emoji to show that something is planned to happen at a particular time without having to type it out. Or it can be used to tell someone they have until that time to finish a task. Finally, you can use it with the ⏰ Alarm Clock emoji to express the need to be somewhere at the exact time. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)


The Eleven-Thirty emoji is simple as it is used to show the time. It indicates explicitly eleven-thirty, but it does not specify if it is a.m or p.m, so it can be used morning or afternoon. You can show what time of day it is by using a 🌞 Sun With Face emoji or a 🌕 Full Moon emoji. Texters will most likely use the emoji to show that something is planned to happen at a particular time without having to type it out. Or it can be used to tell someone they have until that time to finish a task. Finally, you can use it with the ⏰ Alarm Clock emoji to express the need to be somewhere at the exact time. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)


Factory emoji is a picture of a large industrial building with pipes, where some sort of product is manufactured. It may appear in its direct meaning, for example, together with professions emoji like 👨‍🏭 Man Factory Worker Emoji. Also, it may symbolize air pollution, environmental problems caused by industrialization, and the need for nature protection. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Ferris Wheel

Ferris Wheel emoji is the picture of an extremely high rotating wheel, which is typically found in different theme parks — in this sense, it may be used together with 🎠 Carousel Horse emoji. People ride this wheel to observe the beauty of the scenery from a great height. Unsurprisingly, it is most often used in its direct meaning in the context of theme parks, traveling, and weekends. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)


Ferry emoji is the picture of a 💦 Water means of transport that is typically used with the purpose to transfer passengers, cargo, and even means of surface transport like cars from one 🏦 Bank of the river or lake to another quickly and efficiently. Along with many other emojis, including, for example, 🛥️ Motor Boat emoji it is used in any context related to travelling by water. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)


Fire emoji is very popular and it is used in many different meanings, depending on the context — from its direct meaning (for example, to symbolize the campfire) to any strong emotion. It may mean excitement, ❤️ Love, hate, fierceness, energy, and almost anything else imaginable — even shame and failure. It is also a recognized symbol of sexual attractiveness, i.e. the synonym for hotness, passion, and desire. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Fire Engine

The Fire Engine emoji is a picture of a 🔥 Fire truck which is used by firefighters to get to the places where the fire started and distinguish it as quickly as possible. So unsurprisingly it is often used in this very context especially together with the respective profession-related emoji i.e. 👩 Woman or 👨‍🚒 Man Firefighter Emoji. It may also symbolize any urgent situation. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

First Quarter Moon

First Quarter Moon emoji is the picture of the moon divided directly into two parts — the dark one on the right and the light one on the left. It is a reversed version of 🌛 First Quarter Moon Face emoji — and they both are often used in the meanings not related to the moon phases — but to things like balance, dual nature of something, contrasts, the relativity of evil and good and some other exclusively symbolic meanings. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

First Quarter Moon Face

First Quarter Moon Face emoji is the picture of the 🌙 Crescent Moon with an anthropomorphic face looking somewhere to the left. Unlike its realistic analog represented by 🌓 First Quarter Moon emoji, this one is exclusively 🧚 Fairy tale-like. So no wonder that it is often used in the context of magic, dreaming, fairy tales, and legends. Sometimes it may be also used in the context of nighttime and nightlife in general. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Five O’clock

The Five O’clock emoji is simple as it is used to show the time. It indicates explicitly five o’clock, but it does not specify if it is a.m or p.m, so it can be used morning or afternoon. You can show what time of day it is by using a 🌞 Sun With Face emoji or a 🌕 Full Moon emoji. Texters will most likely use the emoji to show that something is planned to happen at a particular time without having to type it out. Or it can be used to tell someone they have until that time to finish a task. Finally, you can use it with the ⏰ Alarm Clock emoji to express the need to be somewhere at the exact time. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)


The Five-Thirty emoji is simple as it is used to show the time. It indicates explicitly five-thirty, but it does not specify if it is a.m or p.m, so it can be used morning or afternoon. You can show what time of day it is by using a 🌞 Sun With Face emoji or a 🌕 Full Moon emoji. Texters will most likely use the emoji to show that something is planned to happen at a particular time without having to type it out. Or it can be used to tell someone they have until that time to finish a task. Finally, you can use it with the ⏰ Alarm Clock emoji to express the need to be somewhere at the exact time. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Flying Saucer

The 🛸 Flying Saucer emoji is a fun and versatile emoji that can take on different meanings depending on the context. It represents an 👽 Alien spacecraft that many people claim to have seen. You can use it to show that you've spotted an alien 🚢 Ship with own 👀 Eyes. If you're a fan of cocktails, the Flying Saucer is also the name of an alcoholic drink made with Vodka and citrus served over 🍧 Shaved Ice. You can show off your love for this drink with a 🍸 Cocktail Glass emoji. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)


Fog emoji is the picture of the 🌧 Weather phenomenon, which is a low-lying ☁️ Cloud — and unlike the one represented by 🌪 Tornado emoji, it is harmless. As for meanings, the emoji may be used about the weather itself. However, it is also often used in smog in polluted areas and the meaning of smoke — produced by 🚬 Smoking cigarettes. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)


Foggy emoji is a picture of a city landscape (just like on 🌃 Night With Stars emoji and other ones with cities depicted) or the part of a bridge that looks like the Golden Gate Bridge (depending on the emoji provider) surrounded by heavy 🌫️ Fog. Also, HTC version is the schematic picture of 🌫️ Fog. This emoji symbolizes Foggy 🌧 Weather, smog and smoke, and cities in general. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)


Fountain emoji is a decorative piece of city architecture that works by pouring 💦 Water in the air or down in the basin. It may be found in picturesque city corners like parks or squares — and in some sense of style, it is close to the building shown by 🏛️ Classical Building emoji. But, unsurprisingly, it is mainly used in the context of city sceneries and streets. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Four O’clock

The Four O’clock emoji is simple as it is used to show the time. It indicates explicitly four o’clock, but it does not specify if it is a.m or p.m, so it can be used morning or afternoon. You can show what time of day it is by using a 🌞 Sun With Face emoji or a 🌕 Full Moon emoji. Texters will most likely use the emoji to show that something is planned to happen at a particular time without having to type it out. Or it can be used to tell someone they have until that time to finish a task. Finally, you can use it with the ⏰ Alarm Clock emoji to express the need to be somewhere at the exact time. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)


The Four-Thirty emoji is simple as it is used to show the time. It indicates explicitly four-thirty, but it does not specify if it is a.m or p.m, so it can be used morning or afternoon. You can show what time of day it is by using a 🌞 Sun With Face emoji or a 🌕 Full Moon emoji. Texters will most likely use the emoji to show that something is planned to happen at a particular time without having to type it out. Or it can be used to tell someone they have until that time to finish a task. Finally, you can use it with the ⏰ Alarm Clock emoji to express the need to be somewhere at the exact time. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Fuel Pump

The Fuel Pump emoji is a picture of the place where the drivers of different types of vehicles refuel them — these are typically the vehicles of the kind represented by 🚗 Automobile emoji but they may be also trucks or buses of any kind. Unsurprisingly it is almost always used in its direct meaning — i.e. as a symbol of filling stations in any context related to road traffic. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Full Moon

Full Moon emoji is the picture of the state of the Moon when the 🛰️ Satellite is fully visible from the 🌎 Earth. This moon phase is traditionally associated with magic events, some people believe that Full Moon influences behavior. So it is often used not only in its direct meaning related to the 🌃 Night but also in the meanings related to magic. Also, there is an anthropomorphic version of this emoji called 🌝 Full Moon Face emoji. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Full Moon Face

Full Moon Face emoji is the picture of the Earth 🛰️ Satellite with a human-like face — in the case of  Apple's version, this face is voluminous; in the case of emojidex, it is just creepy, and in the case of all other versions, its face is schematic. Surprisingly, it has not had that much in common with 🌕 Full Moon emoji. As for meanings, this emoji is used in contexts related to 🌃 Night, 🧚 Fairy tales, and it is also sometimes part of jokes. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Globe Showing Americas

Globe Showing America's emoji is an illustrative picture of our planet (American side) as it is seen from outer space. Several versions show the Earth on different sides, i.e., other continents. It has become a symbol of internationalization and global citizenship, and it is used mainly in this meaning on different social networks. It is also used as a symbol for 🗺️ Earth Day, which is celebrated on the 22nd of 🌺 April. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Globe Showing Asia-Australia

Globe Showing Asia-Australia emoji is a picture of our planet from outer space. It is a far more detailed version of 🌐 Globe With Meridians emoji — and it shows the continents of Asia and 🇦🇺 Australia leaving Europe and the Southern and Northern Americas on the hidden side. Just like all the other Globe emojis, this one is often used as a synonym for 🌎 Earth. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Globe Showing Europe-Africa

Globe Showing Europe-Africa emoji shows that part of our planet, where the continents of Europe and Africa are located. It is depicted in quite a realistic manner as it is seen from 👽 Space — not like in the case of the linear schematic 🌐 Globe With Meridians emoji. As for meanings, it is sometimes used in every context related to our planet, ecology, traveling, preserving nature, and even flying to space. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Globe With Meridians

Globe With Meridians emoji is the schematic image of our planet, drawn with the lines, typically used in 🌏📗 Geography — they are called meridians and parallels. It has nothing in common with more detailed pictures of the planet like 🌍 Globe Showing Europe-Africa emoji — that is why it is used not only in a relation to our planet, nature, geography, or 👽 Space — but also instead of the logo for various projects, or even instead of a ball. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Glowing Star

The Glowing Star emoji looks like a classic five-point star with the shining ✨ Sparks around it — this shape has nothing to do with ⛪️ Religions. It is often used to underline something great (like high-quality clothing or beautiful flowers or perfect look) or to praise someone else’s excellent work. Also, it is sometimes used in a sarcastic meaning, i.e. to point out that the user is not impressed by someone’s boasting. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)


Helicopter emoji is a picture of airspace transportation (in most cases, of red or yellow color) with a rotor, which can hover in one place, unlike the other types of this transport like, for example, the one represented by 🛩 Small Airplane emoji. Helicopters are used for different purposes — from military to personal transportation — and the emoji is used in its respective meanings. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

High Voltage

High Voltage emoji is the picture of a lightning bolt — it is part of 🌩 Cloud With Lightning emoji. Also, it is a recognized symbol of dangerous voltage and it is used as a ⚠️ Warning to stay away. Apart from danger, this emoji is used in many other meanings. For example, it may stand for power, magic, energy, strong emotions of any type — from ❤️ Love to 💢 Anger — and, of course, it may mean lightning bolt and electricity in its direct meaning. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

High-Speed Train

The High-Speed Train emoji is the picture of a modern type of railway transport that can gather an extremely high speed (along with its slightly different version represented by 🚅 Bullet Train emoji). It is used in the context of traveling and moving from place to place — as well as traveling to the cities where such a type of transport is available. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Hindu Temple

Hindu Temple emoji is an image of a Hindu Temple where human beings and the Hindu gods can come together. It is the newest addition to the other religious churches and temples available. This emoji may most likely be used by Hindus when talking about when they will be going to Temple. Pair it with the 🕉 Om emoji when talking about going to Temple to calm themselves down. Or use it with one of the other religious churches and temples, like the ⛪ Church emoji, when wanting to learn more about different religions. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)

Horizontal Traffic Light

Horizontal Traffic Light emoji is a picture of the road lights used to determine whether the transport can move further or must stop for a while to prevent accidents. It consists of three red, yellow, and green lights, which are situated from left to right — its more traditional and standard version is represented by 🚦 Vertical Traffic Light emoji. (Source: Emojis.wiki, Fair use)



Time for recess! Post a comment, ask a question or write a review. Feel free to let us know what you think!

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@Unknown - Oct 16


@Unknown - Oct 16


@Unknown - Oct 14

hurmmm sigmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ahh quiz

@Unknown - Oct 14

so ezzzzz

@Unknown - Oct 04

Quick n easy test. Thanks.

@Unknown - Oct 02

I received a 300$ ticket because I passed a police control of other cars/drivers on the right lane of a highway (the control was on the hard shoulder of the highway). Is it really true, that you have to change the lane in such cases? Thanks!

1 1
@Unknown - Oct 01

I am an American living in Italy. The Italian Drivers License theory test is the hardest test I have ever studied for and I am in my 70s have multiple degrees, multiple professional certifications. Have to take the Italian Drivers Theory test in Italian. No english. So many rules. More signs in small medieval Italian town I live in then in major US cities I have lived in. No Italian license no driving. No buying or renting a car. Test here was good, clean. Lots of tricky questions on many practice and real official tests. Thanks

1 0
@Unknown - Sep 30

Good SK

1 0
@Unknown - Sep 30


@Unknown - Sep 24


@Unknown - Sep 22


@Unknown - Sep 10

Damn that's good

@Unknown - Sep 05


@Unknown - Sep 03


@Unknown - Sep 03


@Unknown - Aug 21

i love this do like this game

@Unknown - Aug 15

Can I Drive now ?

2 0
@Unknown - Aug 10

Is BOOSHKA a word in russia

1 1
@Unknown - Aug 07

Okay thank

@Unknown - Aug 04

thanks very much

@Unknown - Aug 01


@Unknown - Aug 01

Does someone also get a server error when opening the exam?

@Unknown - Jul 24

thank you

@Unknown - Jul 21

Nicht so gut

@Unknown - Jul 03

Most problems are a result of higher than safe driving speeds. Please just slow down and be patient.

1 0
@Unknown - Jun 30

Question 121: Poor translation: Vehicles with polluted fluids prohibited Should be translated as: Vehicles with dangerous liquids prohibited

1 -2
@Unknown - Jun 30

Question 83: Poor translation: Vehicles with polluted fluids prohibited Should be translated as: Vehicles with dangerous liquids prohibited

@Unknown - Jun 26


@Unknown - Jun 23

Its good for foreigners and thanks

@Unknown - Jun 23


1 -1
@Unknown - Jun 21


@Unknown - Jun 11


@Unknown - Jun 09

Hi this Farooq Ashraf from Abu Dhabi

@Unknown - May 31

Want even more practice? Visit similar websites offering realistic practice driving knowledge tests. Visit us to see what sets our tests apart! https://dkttest.com/capital-territory/

@Unknown - May 30

Cool tool! And fun to check whether I remember the rules :) Two things I noticed: Warning for a crossroad side roads on the left and right. While technically that might be the correct translation, this sign tells you, that you are on the main road and have the right of way for the next crossroad and only the next crossroad. Usually (if no sign specifies otherwise) you have to give way to drivers coming from the right at every intersection, which can get a bit annoying in communal areas, so seeing this sign feels less like a warning and more like relief :). A Fahrradstraße is not a lane for cyclists but a street for cyclists, meaning the (whole!) street is intended predominantly for cyclists, who are then allowed to ride next to each other. Cars are allowed to drive there (unless another sign prohibits such), but have to adjust their speed to the cyclists. I believe they are not allowed to pass at all, even if the oncoming lane is empty.

@Unknown - May 20


@Unknown - May 11

Soon I will drive there, training needed

2 0
@Unknown - May 11

Good work

@Unknown - May 08


1 0
@Unknown - May 06

Thank you...

@Unknown - May 03

No shot! New dog breed?

1 1
@Unknown - May 03

if u need help visit this website https://traffic-rules.com/en/france/comments

@Unknown - May 02

l bozo i hatw u u r bannes from doing this alsoimjealusudontknowany1

@Unknown - May 02

do u mew?

4 -1
@Unknown - May 02

this website is a simpy website i love this its fat and im in my mums basement rn help sui u r a mothr fker

@Unknown - May 02

Hi i am such fat fan of this great gaming website. Im so hangry for the cause mate! Liking the simps eating on yall tho nott gonna lie to ya!

@Unknown - May 01

Im from nepal and how can i get my truck driving licence in romania

1 -4
@Unknown - May 01

The system is now changed and they use some type of tablet for the exam now. Do anyone have the questions which they ask in the tablet because the questions are different. I still didn’t pass my provisional driving knowledge test. It would be great if someone could help

@Unknown - Apr 30

Really helpfull

@Unknown - Apr 25

Very helpful

